Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 12:49 PM
goodbye blogger k, the long awaited post. haha. k, joking. ;D RELINK PLEASE! from now on, all my post would be there. so yeah, RELINK. bye folks. ps: this blog would not be deleted! :D Labels: new link
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @ 2:10 AM
good news k, i think i'm exaggerating in my title. not much of a good news, just that.. I've just created my wordpress account, & is able to use it soon! i think i get it already.but still, some things i havent found out yet. but i'm not abandoning blogger. i'd still leave it as it is. & maybe someday when i still dont get wordpess then i'll come back here. its like a "back up" thing. haha. & if wordpress is going well for me, i'll treat this site some memories storage thing. haha. k, bye! hopefully, the next time i came back here is to post my new link here. :D
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 @ 12:22 AM
REMINISCENCE anyways, i found more peektures in the Suncheon Maeson Middle School's website. thanks joyce! peektures up first. ![]() lol, i dont know why. but from this peekture, it seems like lijing & cherilyn havent met for ages & they finally met. & got so excited. hahaha. their super friendly principle who offered to help jing hold her luggage. haha. the picture says it all. ![]() i swear i didnt know. lol, so do joyce. I REMEMBER HER! daschund hotdogs or something. lol, their school's english cher. like wow. JIM JILL BANG! that ice place thingy! i think the towel DAMN COOL OKAY, dont laugh. lol, some game thingy. i forgot how to play already. xD TELL ME! omg, i freaking miss korea! :/ i want to fly back you know. or, turn back time. right, & joyce will say:" ya lah! i want to go there & see wondergirls. sohee~ *ignores her totally* teehee, yeah. for more peektures: all the peektures with most of us inside, all already posted. :D bye.
Sunday, December 07, 2008 @ 7:11 PM
hola people! anyways, i might be changing to wordpress someday. wait till, i have the time. heard that twilight isnt that nice in movies. people say the book is way better. to think i wanna watch it. nevermind, shall borrow the book. anyone? xD anyways, i've got a video! the title says "trains in china". but they dont seem to be speaking in mandarin. okay, i think its quite exaggerating huh. but still, i think its quite funny. :D its like squeezing them in like how you just push your books/clothes into you cupboard. imagine singapore's MRT also likedat. hahaha.
Saturday, December 06, 2008 @ 1:37 AM
just some random video hola people! :D i think this video is uber funny! watch it watch it! people without facebook. probably dont know whats it about. okay, i'm out of here. bye.
Friday, December 05, 2008 @ 12:12 AM
bad news yes, i can predict that next year is gonna be soooo "fun". like seriously. not only is my co-form teacher Mrs Tay OL. MISS ALSOGOTH(however you spell her name) is coming back for guides. MIGHT be a good news, MIGHT be a bad news. good news is, the company wont have the chance to be oh-so-slack. bad news is, i think i'm gonna have a hard time. :/ & also its the most stressful year among my 3/4 years in KCP. okay, lets hope things wont go so bad. right enough of all those bad things. went out today again, with that retarded woman. met up with her at Dhoby Guat. then headed towards Bugis. then it started to rain like cats & dogs. xD but we still continue with our plans to.. omg, we pactically missed this big sign over here. & walked one whole big round. because the sign was 1 sided luh. & our backs happen to face the board. -.- how i wish 1 of the shop was my house. damn cool please. then went out of here towards town. yes, i think fareast is a curse. i wasnt feeling well again. -.- but anyways, i'm better now! ;D okay, guess its time i start on my holiday assignment. hope i wont get tempted by the computer so often. xD bye. ps: i wanna cut my hairrrr. but i dont know what to cut. xD
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 @ 11:45 PM
3 musketeers dug out some photos again. :D yes thats me, my brother & my cousin. :D come to think about it, the games we used to play are so freaking retarded! we kinda invented games, like crocodile. i bet you dont know whats that! lol, & i wont say either. make a guess! we make full use of everything around us. especially the hula hoop! haha, its been use so many times. first time, we used it as a steering wheel. which everyone could think of right? then we used it as a net. then we shoot pillows into it. those small ones though. the last one, i bet you cant even think of it! we imitated doreamon. the hula hoop has became an equipment. which when you go through it, you'll be invisible. then when you put things on it, everything becomes invisible. you know we can play those silly games for i dont know how long. & have super lots of fun! :D then we would play police & thief. its not those type we play now. its more of those role play kind. we would grab the cards then stand & walk around. alright, enough of all this childhood crap. bye. |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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