Wednesday, August 30, 2006 @ 7:26 PM
CAMP!!! tmr got guides camp...3D2N camp...sho sianz juz right after teachers dae celebration as in not right lahz skool ends at 11 den 3p.m den camp...going back primary up wif frenz n visit teacher...den go home change n wadeva den go back skool...sianz...jiie oso going but we different group...haix...okiie end here buai buai^_^!!!wum b posting 4 tat 3 daes!!!hope i can enjoy myselF... [mEii] aLiCiA... lurBB yOuu!!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ 11:23 PM
fridae sho paiseh siaa...all jiie's n jac's fault!!!jiie push me up to e escalator den jac acted as if she oso wanted to cum up den she push jiie up wif her oso den later she run awae!!!left me n jiie den jiie manage to escape bcos she not veri lehx???sho high up!!!!how i cum down???make me sho paiseh...i actually got try to cum down but cannot!!!hmmmm!!!den all e guys were up dere looking at me wif those face..den i took e other escalator down..i wanted to beat jac n jiie but i onli man age to beat jac bcos jiie ran awae!!!!i kip chasing her but later i went back..didn't get to beat her!!!okiie lahx...buai buai^_^...she get it frm me on mondae!!!
Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 10:22 PM
todae miie darlinggs sho good siaa. ii gort guides but dey dun habb sho deyy wait ferr mee outside derh classroom .. wait until dunno wadd timme denn go super nova deh slides sho siann derhs. budden we went outside tu do roll call but lucky chew yee neber askk us standd underr derh sunn denn finally cann go backk lerhhs ii called meii .. she neber anns denn ii call jacq deyy at super nova .. sho i ggo down dere findd demm sho scaredd ii get lost siaa. budden orf course neberr rites denn we stayy dere awhile den go j8 go buy drinkks denn saw joshua dey all andd ii realisedd dat keith dyed his hairr LOL xD denn deyy at j8 derh open derre askk jacq go up she dun wann .. sho pushh herr go up buddenn she quicklyy runn downn den ii oso runn downn derh escalatorr alicia stuckk down dere cannort comme down coz she too farr up lerhs. damn pai seh siaa. denn joshua dey all gibb herr dat kindaa look sho farniee siaa. denn mee andd jacq down beloww laughingg ourr headds off sho farniee lorr. wahahahars xD -lurbbe euu_*shermaine
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 @ 11:21 PM
HAPPY SWEET 14 (: HAPPY BURFDAE STEPHH !!(: todae verry tiredd siaa .. we walkked aroundd orchardd roadd frmm onne endd tu anotherr endd. wwe went cineileisurre tu eat .. denn go walkk aroundd. denn saww diss shopp .. derh baggs quite nicce larhhs. but nerhs .. derh shopp assistantt was likke SHITT !! at first we went in derh shopp .. g see derh baggs .. denn askk each otherr whetherr nice nortts. denn lina neber bringg enough moneyy marrs. sho she sae tmr denn she comme backkk denn buyy. wadd derh hell lorr .. derh assistant sae FCUK! CHEE BAI! i was likke .. wad derh hell. we oso neber do anithing siaa. denn she keep staringg andd staringg as we walk away. ii stare back at herr. denn she go tell her fwenn in derh opposite shopp. ii sho damn pissed off lorr. its nort like we nort going tu buy like dat rite. we dunn carre herr .. we go takke neos .. derh results were quite nice larhhs. denn we walked past derh shopp. den derh fcuking assistant point at us tu herr fwenn. i was like - i gort do anothing tu u mehhs. bu shuang arr. fcuking chee bai. denn we walk andd walkk den go missha. den all steph derh pwesents all get frm dere. linn bought blusher ferr herr. ii bought eyelash curler. herr sis bought lipgloss ferr herr. damn cool siaa. we walked past dat shopp againn. we stare at herr .. she stare backk. she actually diao us lorr. chee bai siaa she. thinkk orf it i fuming like mad already. humphh!! _lurbbe euu_*shermaine-
@ 9:01 PM
todae...hmm...nothing much happen actually...p.e took height n weight...i have grown taller!!!YEAH!!!i oso lose 1kg...but dun cum here askin m e wats my weight i wun sae de...cos no matter wat i tiink i m fat!!!let me lose more den i tell yOuu...den later his...e teacher came in late lorx...den we waited sho long!!!but after tat is recess sho we dun mind waiting=D!!!hahax...she teacher 15 mins den recess le...den i didn't eat recess...sho went to class earlier...den i saw jiie...i trick her!!!cos my class got another shermaine they were both dere sho i called'shermaine'den jiie sae...huh???den i was lyk i not calling yOuu...hahax...sho pai seh!!!in front of her frenz summore...gtg buai buai meii... +[aLiCiA]+ lurbb yOuu
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @ 9:08 PM
yesterdae was aa sadd daee hmm .. yesterdae mee andd *** tokk onn msnn .. we tokk bout relationshipp probs. we tokk until wanna cry lerh lorrs. sho hartt beakingg derhs. tokked bout it todae iin class oso. ii think she nearly cried. herr eyes all redd lerhhs. ii oso toldd tingg .. sho sho good siaa. lemme torture herr tu makke mee happy. dat's wadd fwenns arre ferr riites. lurbbe euu tingg !! x) todaee shoutt ferr meii. shhe neber hearr againn. siann .. ggo nearer denn cann hearr. kekekes .. she busy tokingg tu herr fwenns. sho oso cannort blame herr. siann .. havenn eat yet. SHO HUNGRY !! iim definetely gonna eatt noww. buh byyes~ -lurbbe euu_*shermaine-
Monday, August 21, 2006 @ 6:37 PM
boringg dae todaee ish a damnn boringg dae. rushh likke siaoo ferr derh home econns thingg .. she neber evenn see anythingg. wadd derh hell lorr. makke mee sleep sho late siaa. andd poor tingg .. todaee jacqq neberr comme denn shhe habb tu ddo by herself. but mrs teo gort helpp herr ddo somme thinggs larhhs. shho nort too badd lorrs. todaee makke wadd samosa .. okok lookingg andd okok taste larrhs. nort verry fantasticc oso siaa. andd sho pai sehh onne lorr. gort sho mani classes pass by derh homme ecconns class. denn mee andd tingg try tu hidde but gort nno wherre tu hidde. wearingg derh apronn somemorre. todaee ii didntt see miie strikingg boyy. too badd .. but tingg gort see herr pancakke face. LOL xD sho funnie namme siaa. todaee frmm first level shout tu secondd level tu meii. but she neber hearr. denn ii thinkk herr bro heard bahhs. coz ii waitingg outsidde chinesse class. herr brro sitingg sho near derh windoww oso. but shhe didnt hearr. neberr mindd .. shhe wentt tu staircasse. hahaharrs. siann siaa. sho tiredd .. haizz .. ggo watchh tv lerhs. toodless~ -lurbbe euu_*shermaine-
Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 8:59 PM
todae...sho sianz...although e tution postpone but still i feel sho sian...afternoon i online den cos i put offline den jiie tot i not online sho neber tok to me...she oso busy doing her KE LIAN...artt sux lorx...draw draw draw niA...n my drawing sux lyk hell!!! jiie so KE LIAN kenA scratch by hui tingg...haix...such a boring dae...all i do is stare at e com tiinking of wat i should do...waiting 4 msg too...its juz simply a boring dae... lurfes...[meii] +[aLiCiA]+
@ 6:58 PM
scratchhes yesterdaee ggo outt wibb hui tingg cann diie derh lehhs. scrathh andd scratchh whereverr wwe ggo. hahars .. luckyy noww gortt nno morre lerhhs. ibb nortt ii kill herr tmr murningg. kekekes^^ todaee sho siann siia .. no wherre tuu ggo .. jushh stayy at homme. haizz .. facce derhh computerr dunno howw manni hourrs untill miie eyes painn cozz dere ish simply nothingg tuu do lerhhs. ohh yarr .. ibb euu arre seeingg diss arr briann .. returnn mee wadd euu owwe mee larhhs .. iim goingg brokke lerh euu noee. dunn returnn mee .. see wadd euu get whenn euu comme findd mee arrs. slapp euu andd scratchh euu arrs. kekekes^^ shitt .. havenn ddo homme econns project yett. damn .. -lurbbe euu_*shermaine-
Friday, August 18, 2006 @ 10:01 PM
-^^dotts .. anotherr tiringg dayy ii guess. andd yet anotherr funn dayy. guides todaee quitee okkayy larrhs. nort boringg yett nort too funn. todaee sweatt likke crazy. playy captains' ball inn derh hott sunn. sho hott siaa. sure gort ggo darkkerr derhhs. denn we ggo j8 walkk walkk. boughht LOLLIPOPPS !! yummii yumm yumm. starr shappedd derhs .. gortt alort orf colouringg. sho whenn wwe eat dat timme gort colourr oon ourr teeth andd tonguee. jacc gort derh most orf all. kekekes^^ sho funni. she saww herselff iin derh mirror den sae FCUK sho loudd siaa. those dat neber hearr ish deaff derhhs. hahars^^ ii ggo eatt dinnerr lerhhs. tooddless~ -lurbbe euu_*shermaine-
Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 9:13 PM
... haix....soooo sianz....history project...ya as my jiie sae i was juz slackin n enjoying e air-con in e com lab...but i gortt help find 1 norhs...i juz find abit den slack le...kekekes^_^...but u cannot blame me mahz...i dun lyk history...but i hate geograhy more...harhars... thanK my jiie 4 makin such a nice blogg....thx...dun be sad jiie...if u wan we can buy each person a,yOuu n jac???but tat u have to wait till i save money 1st harhars....okiie nth better to write...feel free to tag ourr blogg...BUT...rubbish is not allowed!!! mEii xxXX+[aLiCiA]+xxXX ...lurfes my jiie....
@ 5:46 PM
anotherr tirringg dayy whew~ tiringg dayy todae. ii oso dunno whyy siiaa. sho fasterr comme backk restt. todaee ishh oso anotherr siann dae ferr mee. meii hadd tu do history projectt at school todae. sho poor thingg. butt she slackk niaa. kekekes^^. likke mee. hearr gort projectt ii faintt lerhhs. hahars. miie house downnstairrs damnn noisyy siia. drillingg herre andd derre. likke shitt likke datt norhhs. andd ii lostt miie ringgs !! boohoohoos. changingg dat timme dropp outt derh. andd ii didnt even noee until ii wann playy wibb itt dat timee. sho sadd .. datt twoo wass miie most precious ringgs siia. too badd .. ii thinkk tmr ii go backk findd oso noo morre lerhhs. boohoohoos** siann siia. neberr mindd .. ggo watchh tv. denn nort siann lerhhs. tooddless xD -lurbbe euu__*shermaine-
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 @ 10:08 PM
yeaHHH yippy...finally can have a blogg...wif last found a nice name 4 e blogg!!!is not i tiink of my sherr jiie.... lurfes +[LiCiA]+
@ 9:30 PM
YIPPIE !! finally gort ourr ownn blogg. YIPPIE !! findd until ii go crazy derhs. sweatingg like crazy sumore jush tu thinkk derh namme orf derh blogg. kekekes^^ -lurbbes euu_*shermaine |
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