Sunday, September 17, 2006 @ 11:29 AM
hehes muz b long time nEber post liaox...tats y all e post is jiies de...jiie muz have said wat we did on fridae liaox sho i dun nid repeat..hehes...but reali had funn tat dae!!!laugh lyk siao...siti was e joker!!!hahax...e guanyang ppl lyk kip staring at us lyk wanna fight lyk tat lorx!!!den jia en kip scolding them...1t time was at e buble tea dereshe actually dun wan scold den den lata they laugh at us..den jia en scold f*** lahx...hehes sho shuang!!!den lata damien they alll cum i tiink they actually called ppl down bahx den lata damien cum they go liaox...HENG got damien delvin they all...hehes..exams cumin liaox sianzzzz...muz study cannott cum sho often to post liaox...maybe after exams will cum post bahx... lurfess yOuu.. +[aLiCiA]+ mEii... sho funn!!!!
Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ 2:28 PM
yesterdaee damn funn sehh playedd likke crazy at first me, meii, jacc andd siti went j8 denn when we cross derh roadd saw 1 grace ppl .. denn jacc play wib demm LOL !! we sho wet andd coldd siaa denn go macc cornerr sit downn andd rest awhile denn go j8 chase demm aroundd likke crazy denn separatedd liaoo denn camme keith andd gerald andd dunn wads his name jacc went tu chase gerald coz wan beat him chase until popular inside ii wann go helpp herr .. den keith blockk me pushh oso cannort push away .. he too strongg liaoo wadd do euu expect siaa .. its a guy denn finally caught up wib himm andd beat him likke crazy dey gort chou lehhs :DDD denn go basement buy things eat coz we sho damn hungry liaos saww demm derre .. jacc went tu snatch drinkks frm demm LOL !! sho farniee siaa denn ii forgort how we met jia en andd kailin liaoos we at macc cornerr play dere .. pluck derh leaves andd peel until small small took cigg butt denn throw on siti LOL .. denn derh whole gangg came out tu smokke at first nort used tu derh smell larhs .. budden afterr awhile okok liaos den derh macc untiee camme out ask us hu pull out derh leaves derhs .. euu thinkk we will saee mehhs denn she sae cannort pull liao .. we sae okok .. den she went off derh whole gang went tu arcade play orf course we play somemore .. den getingg siann liaos we oso go arcade .. but onli can stay outside coz no jacket tu go in .. den go borrow jacket frm ppl .. fadzli lend us .. but siti dare nort wear .. we force her tu wear den force her go in den gort another jacket frmm ppl we dunno inside jacc went in sho me andd meii were waitingg outside budden nort enough jacket liaos .. sho siti andd jacc camme out denn me, meii, jacc, siti, jia en andd kailin andd delvin go library .. sit downn dere tokk. we tok until sho noisy siaa den twoo librarians came andd told us off we sae sorry sorry niaa denn it was go homme timme .. whew~ sho tired .. by derh time ii get home ii cannort stand it liao ii go lie in derh bed watch tv .. but ii dozed off unitl daddir came tu wake me up LOL !! xDD examms comingg liaoos .. mush study sho ii thinkk dis feww daes ii nort postingg lerh bahhs see gort mood norts toodles~ huggsANDDkisses_shermaine-* 16.o9.o6
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @ 9:02 PM
todaee arrs .. hmm .. lemme thinkk ermms .. todaee as oer normal ii met up wibb jacc downstairrs miie blockk .. denn we wentt macc cornerr wait ferr demm denn we tokk dere .. until it was late .. likke 7.o5 likke dat denn we walkk tu school denn iin school nothingg much happenedd larhhs afterr school oso nothingg much happenedd LOL xDD todaee is aa siann dae afterall- HUGGSanddKISSES- shermaine_* 13.o9.o6
Sunday, September 10, 2006 @ 2:19 PM
1o.o9.o6 was aa tiringg yet funn daee yeahh it was totally :)) mee andd tingg wennt amandaa house playy para para playy until sweat siaa andd playy until ii rememberr derh stepps my gawdd siaa denn playy comm takke turnns larrhs tingg sho badd siaa .. dunn lemme takke derh control derhs makke mee sho tiredd .. budden iin derh endd she lemme takke derh control sho goodd horr she denn we wennt off scheldue - supposedd tu go central at 11 budden play until neberr go central straight awayy go cathay watchh showw almost gort lost .. budden neberr orf course course dere was aa street directorry denn we go dunno wad placce tu walkk walkk denn wantedd tu buyy eyeshadoww derhs budden nort enough moneyy sho too badd .. next timme mee andd tingg wann go buyy whenn gort moneyy dat timme denn we go cathay go buy tickets :DDD THE HOST RAWKKS !! :DDDD sho damn nice andd scary siaa budden still it was aa funn daee :DDD huggsANDDkisses-* ..
Thursday, September 07, 2006 @ 10:53 PM
camp backk from camp!!! camp back from camp quite long ago lahx...but didn't came here to blogg...hehes...e camp arhx...quite fun lorx but did not get to b in e same group as graduation ceremony oso i n jiie 4got to bring belt!!!haix...kena scolding lorx...later wore e SENIORS belt.during e night after dinner..we had nite walk...wheee!!!we walk 4 about 2 hrs bahx...den later my shoe lace went out!!!den lijuan kip stepping on my shoe lace later they ask me tie...2nd dae got games!!they played wif flour although it was fun but cos we sweat den all e flour on our heads bcame dough!!!omg~disgustingggg!!!!hahax later ms teo let me jac n jiie go bath sho shuang!!!every1 sho dirty except me jac jiie..later outdoor cooking den i was ask to cut tat stupid branch those thick thick 1 summore...actually li juan was oso ask to cut den later she dissapear!!!den i had to do all e work!!while she go handle e food...den daphne came to take over...lucky if not i sure tired until die!!!ya our food i tiink taste e best!!whee!!!3rd dae we had to do area group n jiies group had to wash e toilets!!!but it was e easiest...hahax okiie gtg buai buaix^_^! lurfess yOuu.. +[aLiCiA]+ meii..
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @ 2:21 PM
BACKK :DDDD finally backk fromm derh campp lerhs whew~ sho tiredd siaa .. andd ii jush foundd out dat sho longg neberr blogg lerhs LOL xDD almost forgort derh logginn passwordd siaa budden orf courrse cann rememberr rites todaee ish sho siann siaa. ii neberr go out lehhs legg itchyy tu walkk out orf housse mann lets see whetherr tomorroww deyy cann norts denn ii cann go out lerhhs YAYY !! goodness mee .. ii sortta likke holidaees courrse gort nno school buddenn ii kindaa hate itt courrse stayy at homme whenn mumm dunn alloww mee go outt SIANN !!! andd derh sammn musicc keepps repeatingg itselff overr andd overr againn !! .x ] [ wibb loadds orf lovesANDmisses_shermaiinne-* |
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