Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ 7:54 PM
tmr is the dead line for my carnival coupons!damn it!if cannot sell finish must ownself buy i left 7 tickets each $5...means i have to pay..$35!ahhhhh! save me! i will not be blogging for the next few days?cos of exmas!ahhhh!EXAMS I HATE YOU!!!!! since you alr have her..denn i think i shld just give up..i know i have neberr let you know my feelings before..but why must you be with her?someone that i hated all my life & you are making me hate you tooo..iloveyou,ihateyou,idunno..
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 9:28 PM
(: SOMEONE SAID i shldn't blog about school everyday so here are some changes!okiie lets see ..something about school life..had HAIR CHECK TODAY!ohh goshh this means that?NO ANKLE SOCKS,NO SHORT SKIRTS,MUST TUCK IN,NO DROPPING HAIRS!omg~i hate such checks!*vomits*... after school went to make class t-shirt..denn yaa lahh total cost about 15 dollars EACH altogether + teacher is 42 ppl so 630 jing paid the deposit 1st its 100 dollars..we have to know the size by tmr!our PE t-shirt de size..shld i take 36 or 38?hahahaha!it consist of 3 colours..this price quite cheap liaox lahh..i like the bear bear!haha all thankks to geraint!haha THANKKS!alot of ppl likes e bear!except some..haha.. PICTURES!(finally you get to see a pic frm me..) ![]() drawn by SANDY & JOYCE ![]() hippo gave it to sotong(: ![]() i gave it to sotong(:
Sunday, April 22, 2007 @ 10:13 PM
i shall rewrite wat i wrote today..haha i deleted it!ahahaha..but i will also scold some one here.. FUCK OFF & stop following us!you thick skin freaks!we didn't invite you & you came in all without getting invited ohh gosh!i really can't stand it!following us like some..IRRITATING creatures!if you dunn stop..i have more to say!so simply FUCK OFF & dunn bother us..WE find it irritating having you following us everywhere!we had a bitch once denn now...ARGHHHH! i shall continue posting on THEM..until they stops!irritating!okiie i did the presentation alr!done(:!joyce introduce to me this show nobuta wo produce i have watched it before liaox..but denn only some parts..cos my cousin have the CD so 9 watch some parts only): neberr mindd i gonna borrow frm her cos joyce wann cos she watch without sound on her com so she wann borrow.. & i haven sign my camp form gonna ask my mother to sign now..cos i dunno if my fellow animals are going anot..joyce & hippo confirm going..left sandy & elsa..wonder if they are going anot hope they going..wish & pray!hahaha!okiie end here wanna go watch show liaox! Labels: happy
Friday, April 20, 2007 @ 8:28 PM
okiie.. we were planning for e surprise birthday party for school we were thinking of who do wat..blahh we made a plan. okiie here it jing & shermaine will go collect cake at arnd 1.45?while joyce got to celebrate another birthday party & i had to go for a short guides we planned that we 2 will go for watever we have to denn we will ask HIPPO & sandy to wait for us while Lijing & shermaine will go collect cake..denn later when we finish we called each other where to meet at 1st they said FOOD JUNCTION cos later need buy things so i ask them go e they said okiie..THE WORST!they said NO PLACE left centre i was like very wierd lehh celebrate in e i said lets go Bball court there e BBQ pit when we were about to call them THEY called us..denn they told us got place not alot of ppl will see so i said okiie denn go up is at e back but STILL will have lots of ppl looking so i sadi dunn wann..go e 1st place where i said so they say okiie..we hid e cake & walk at e fastest speed while cherilyn pei sandy so we went up dere denn we ask her to hold e knife & turn back. BEFORE i could open e whole box..HIPPO said okiie can turn denni was like NO!& sandy turn i was like okiie okiie can can we sang birthday song HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIIRTHDAY TO SANDY!denn we ask her to wish denn she wished we were like wat you wish for?izziit...haha..denn cut e cake..shermaine & HIPPO need train to be a HOUSEWIFE!hahahaha!shermiane is better at taking e cake denn HIPPO..really! eat finish still hungry so went to j8! at j8: cherilyn ask if is okiie if XY was dere so i said okiie lahh cos not 1st time going out together as in ME,XY HIPPO..haha so we meet denn shermaine horr e MOST NOT NORMAL!she laugh until choke but dunno wat she laughing she ran out..haiyohhhh like wats so funny?me & joyce were like normal keep playing denn li jing also..haha denn went toilet denn comics connection denn later me Xy HIPPO wanted to go library..denn e rest dunn they went home XW XP were dere tooo keep taking pics of us!arghhhhhh later they went away..denn me & HIPPO chatted cos XY was doing his stuff denn dere was a guy said..please lower your-your-your music please..dere must be -si-si-silence in e-e-e library..denn he look at a borad which says NO STUDYING & DISCUSSION denn me & HIPPO waas like *ahems*..denn later we laughed he look retarded & speak very bad.. when XY was done..he came denn i laughed for no reason denn XY purposely make me laugh BY laughing as i will laugh EASILY when ppl laugh & he laugh very funny!so after PURPOSELY he also like me become SOT laugh & laugh denn HIPPO felt irritated..denn after that he stopped left me laughing like some siao char bo!dunno why also wahh so long!happy reading?haha many things happen today so blogged longer..hope you dunn mind..(:
Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ 10:53 PM
okiie haha..UPDATE?yepp UPDATE!haha..i shall tell you my mood before twee-wion & after twee-tion. BEFORE: stressss!arghhhhh!cos couldn't finish TWO research that has to be handed in TMR.i was thinking shld i just slack?BUT when e thoughts of the marks flying away..i wa like..CANNOT!got marks de!so i do &do & do oh my tian its twee-tion!i haven do my second research!shit!by the time twee-tion over is 10!i have to sleep by 11?oh gosh! AFTER: chiong arhhhh!do & do & do..ohh gosh 10.45!still chionging!die lahh..if cannot finish how arhh?i tot to myself..i m so dead!10.52!yay!DONE!haha!able to sleep in peace now..whew!haha so after that i immediately BRIGHTEN up!haha!at last!everything is done!BUT i still have another research on geog haven done it was suppose to be passed up long ago..but my grp all slack lahh denn no 1 do i did denn tot overdue SO i DELETED!stupid me!now i have to RE-DO e whole BLOODY thing again!arghhhhh!neberr mindd i shall go & rest sunday denn i do again.. IN SCHOOL: sotong isn't here): so sian!but talk to her online!yay!hahaha..but i ws also rushing out my research so didn't talk sad neberr mindd tmr can see her liaox!haha she be coming to school tmr..okiie shall end.. CAMP CHRISTIN!wenda jiie will be going too(:..1 word for that yay-NESS!haha..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @ 8:41 PM
=] english period laughed till stomach pain!haha..he talk about many things denn we just kept laughing..too badd elsa wasn't dere ): denn later geog no 1 listen except me n afew got!see i so guai so SANDY! stop doubting my yong gong-ness!haha..(: denn science as boring although went to lab cos she chose e place for us..JOYCE wasn't with us lahh..):cos she said something which WASN'T rude & ms low said it was..-.=" denn music also nth denn HOME HOME HOME!but i didn;t go home went to long john to eat!!!YUM YUM!with HIPPO,xia ping & xue WEN.after eating denn we separated cos i need to go toilet while Xiaping & xue wen need we said BYE BYE n yaa after that went to NTUC cos HIPPO needs to buy sweets!i didn't buy cos no $$$$ ): at NTUC there saw them..they were buying ice-cream so rich!i also wann ):..denn at sell mag there saw them again -.="haha denn now its really HOME SWEET HOME!(:
Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
okiie lets talk about TODAY! ENGLISH: hmmmms,we were supposed to do e worksheet denn here comes 1 page types of books..hmmmms,denn brian koh said"daniel choose any number frm 30-5o..he choose 45!denn he said okiie denn now look at your worksheet lets say dictionary is Q1 denn he will pick a number denn e person will have to go find a dictionary in some place where he denn okiie autobiography!he said"okiie friday e 13th index number 13!"& luckily wee kim wee's autobipgraphy was at jun kang's hand he called 13 i stood up took it frm jun kang denn mr koh turned saw me with e book..he laughed & every1 laughed denn i return to my seat not even 10 sec!haha.. geography: as you know i hate geography!so nth much to say about it..all i can say is have test it was quite okiie got some dunno..yepp denn she started teaching denn every1 started talking..-..=" chapel: as usual got scolding..everytime also likedat..denn when it started i slept denn wake up when it ends..denn e flame dancers danced for us..their SYF item!it was okiie lahh..denn after that went to eat but didn't eat though denn went to change for guides.. guides: dunn wanna talk much about we had a booth letting ppl eatkimchi for free YET no one wanns e sight of it made me feel like vommiting lahh!yuckks!opppps =X.. shall end here denn!buiis ppl!
Thursday, April 12, 2007 @ 8:18 PM
okiie today was okiie.. PE: we were suppose to run 2.4 in e end 2.0 cos dharishini stand at wrong place..i run like siao lahh!sweating all over..denn mr lai let us buy drinks!wheee~but he said only can buy plain water h2o 100 plus so i bought h20!hehes.. english: err,as usual was laughing haha..denn he asked for 3 volunteers denn brandon karpak daniel volunteered it was to join e debate clinic..lucky they volunteered if not he just anyhow pic 3..phew!haha.. home econs: have test today was like a disater i sunddenly forgot wat to do!denn i asked elsa for help mrs wong saw & said"why is elsa helping aliciawith e bean sprout?"i was like -.=" i didn't even cook bean sprout!where got bean sprout to help?but she helped me with e garlic NOT bean sprout..haha denn did many things i was e slowest IN MY GROUP!cos i cooked e take longest time 1..haha..denn later she tried she say too many pepper it was iqa who helped me with e pepper..haha yaa so here i wanna thankk ELSA!& EQA!but not forgetting e poor shermaine that hurt her hand cos burnt!
Sunday, April 08, 2007 @ 10:12 PM
backed frm malaysia(penang) & cameron highlands..iziit likedat spell?should be..hahas!it was okiie but long bus journey sit till butt pain!took quite alot of photos but i dunno if i can post them up cos it isn't with me with cousin & uncle in their digital is either they put in disc or album..okiie sians..haha NO ONE IS ONLINE!i feel so bored probably should go sleep kinda tired although have been sleeping in bus BUT couldn't really sleep peacefully!cos keep shaking n turning n my head very pain!cos my neck tilt to 1 side denn later come up my head very pain..penang hotel is like so shoik!while cameron highlands e hotel isn't very good..cos toilet small room small no air con although dunn nid cos dere cold but at least have fan!NO HAIRDRYER!no BATHTUB they locked e refrigerator somemore..walked alot lazy to write in details probably next time when i have nth to do i will write e details down..(:
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 @ 8:38 PM
okiie today was okiie..went tpy after school bought e pacifier!wheeeee~denn went to walk walk denn went i was damn high..laughing non stop joyce neberr pei me siao!cos she was reading her comic..hmmms, sians currently talking to cherilyn!okiie end here!buiis buiis!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
okiie today was -.=" cos there is history..history=sian! LOL wats worse is..IT WAS RAINING!it makes me feel like sleeping EVEN more?gawds!denn it was maths..i dunn wann a new timetable!becos if new timetable comes means..GONNA CHANGE teacher!!!i dunn wann change teacher change to mrs low..okiie denn after school went to j8 with all my fellow animals!animals gathering!haha..denn we ate..soon sandy have to go for her shooting so she left 1st..denn later joyce need go for her netball so we went back together denn she went for her netball denn me n cherilyn went to locker hear music & chat!haha thats all for e day..& there's no tution today!yay!wheeeeeeeeeee~haha!okiie now its really thats all for e day..sucha a boring day!but laughed alot!haha..
Sunday, April 01, 2007 @ 4:51 PM
okiie changed my blog skin again(: haha cos i find e other 1 wierd..yaa..haha todat super high dunno why..wheeeeeee~ okiie wat shld i say today had tution at 9.30till 11 it was okiie cos he teached science & not maths cos whenever he teach maths dere will be 1 conclusion..there will be tonnes of HOMEWORK!haha now chatting with cheryl cherilyn xueyang..talking about bored!haiix okiie lahh end here..LAME-NESS IS LOVED! |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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