Thursday, May 31, 2007 @ 10:07 PM
DO MY TEST yeahh ppl do my test!(: just created it out of sian.TMR GOING OUT WITH CHERILYN.our date.hahaha.go shopping!i wanna buy lots & lots of accesories!they rawk my world!hahaha. my library book is overdue-d ahhhh!got to go library tmr before going shopping.):waste time!time is precious when shopping comes.ahahaha.yeahh after this time i think until week 3/4 denn can go out again cos of my time schedule!grrrrrr!how i wish no camp christin!i don't feel like going!seriously.ahhhhh!everytime camp comes..i would ALWAYS be excited but FOR ONCE i am not & rather i HATE it!rawr! I DON'T WANNA GO! got so many camps coming.the camp cristin,sec 2 camp...ahhhhh! i think i have to work during the nov/dec holidays.someone if got good job must tell me okiies?((: but i HAVE to do it during the morning. shall end here.CAMP CHRISTIN)))): i think it will be worser denn schools GUIDES camp.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @ 1:34 PM
saw this on sandy's blog so i tried it out & here's my result. ![]() i think i am smarter denn her right?HAHAHAHA!i won't sandy!okiies this is so lame. i shall end here!byes!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @ 9:01 PM
ahhhhh!omg~i just got my schedule(however it is spelled).& guess what?i shall let you see. friday(1st june):tution(7pm-8.30pm) Monday(4th june):tution(10.30am-12.00pm) Tuesday-friday(5th june-8th june):guides camp Monday(11th june):tution(10.30-12.00pm) Tuesday(12th june):tution(7pm-8.30pm) Thursday(14th june):tution(7.00pm - 8.30pm) Monday(18th june):tution (10.30am-12.oopm) Tuesday(19th june):tution(7pm-8.30pm) Thursay(21st june):tution(7.00pm-8.30pm) Monday(25th june):HOLIDAYS ARE OVER!wth! you know why i OMG right?arghhhhh!what does this means?no work=no $$$ i wanna work.i can work lahh UNLESS it is most of the time in the morning.DRATS!means i can only go out mostly on wednesdays,fridays,saturdays & sundays.& i am all tight up with TUTIONS!tution tution tution. HOPE i can find a job which has flexible time. WISH ME LUCK.& i dunn wanna go for the guides camp.ITS guides TRAINING camp.fuck fuck fuck! whose life sucks mine or yours? Labels: tution tution tution
Monday, May 28, 2007 @ 9:32 PM
went to watch BTT with cherilyn at PS.ermms,overall the movie was okiie.some parts funny some parts a little touching i didn't cry so it isn't that touching to make me cry.hahahaha.ermms,after the movie went shop shop around there very 5 we trained back to bishan denn we went j8 shop for her earrings.haiix in the end dunn have.denn we went to buy bubble tea & headed HOME!((: she tmr still going out with queen everyday shop shop shop hahahha. yeahh ermms,not feeling quite well maybe too tired feel like vomitting.this feeling sucks?hahaha.okiies.not in the right mind.lets see hmmms,tmr will definetely be a boring day.cos i will be ROTTING at home.GOOD LUCK TO ME WITH MY ROTTING sandy asked me if i would accept a NIGHT TO MORNING JOB. to sandy>>>is NIGHT to MORNING OR MORNING to NIGHT? hahaha where got job night to morning de?or maybe is just i dunno.
Sunday, May 27, 2007 @ 10:05 PM
alrights tmr going out!wheeee~with cherilyn to watch BTT.((:only her.cos joyce got netball training while sandy later ask her go watch she sleep.hahaha.okiie lets christin's coming so sian now i dunn feel like going.arghhhh!ohh yaa & ppl i am alright now.((: okiies.i am looking for jobs now but i dunno how to tried to but cannot so i may ask ppl help me find((: cherilyn also wanna work joyce also.wish to work with them.((: alrights shall end here to SANDY: PURPLE IS MINE!not lahh its everyone de.
Friday, May 25, 2007 @ 10:56 PM
okiies joyce complained that MY words are too LIGHT so here this 1 can?((: i have something to post FINALLY! LIFE SUCKS!no freedom!why do others have while me?like a bird stuck in a cage & got caught for flying out?i THINK i am old enough?yeahh.dunn need like so protective as if i was a 9 year old kid?even 9 year old kid have more freedom denn me.SAD!!!arghhhh. & just cause of this you said you were going to wake me up in the middle of the night just to explain what happen?dunn worry i won't give you the trouble.i won't sleep till you come back & i will be prepared to no go out on sunday.GOD!ahhhhhhh!if i could change my life i would!!!you just dunn can be protective but NOT too protective! a good example of me is a BIRD!maybe some birds are free lahh but not birds WHICH are stuck in the cage?& is only allowed to be out for a month?(holidays)somemore today is the LAST day of school.& i thought means FREEDOM is nearing BUT yet...AHHHH whatever forget it!i am prepared.prepared for the worst i shall post whats going to happen tonight tmr. todays amazing race tired!my arms pain legs pain butt pain everywhere pain!is all in esplanade that area lahh but horr from BISHAN to ESPLANADE how long?we took 56 all the way to marina sq.& when i came down my only feeling was..the aVOMMITING feeling.but it was cos of the bus distaance.wenda experienced it too. okiie i shall end my post now.WISH ME LUCK... GOOD LUCK ALICIA!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2007 @ 9:03 PM
i failed incline pull up DAMN IT!just incline pull up!i hate incline pull up!sucks lahh.i passed standing broad jump.that time actual 1 i got 133 now?146!!!wheeee~hahaha.i passed standing broad jump but fail 1 means fail all.means i failed!fail = PEL gone.forget it i think i am going to quit it also.)= what is done is done nothing can change the fact..i have to quit means i have to quit.forget it i will get over it soon.although i dunn really feel like quiting it lahhs.but no choice.& i m not fit to be it.yeahh.?haha okiies. i m feeling damn tired today.damn.i sleep in home econs & CME class.i actually dunn wanna sleep de lorx.but horr cannot lahh eyes cannot open.okiie lahh i think i should end here.((:
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 @ 8:28 PM
okiies.nothing to post AGAIN.((:but i shall just post for the sick of posting((: i cannot let my blog die you know?hahaha.okiies emoness is starting to fade from hope to all of you too.okiies.lets see. tmr need to do retest!fuck!i failed by ABIT.i did 2 incline pull up((: i know very lan but horr i from primary school jiu start to fail that & i failed standing broad jump by 2-3cm.AHHHHH!all by ABIT okiies,got back report book.was okiie.WHEW! English:B4 Maths:B3 Science:B3 chinese:B3 geography:D7(the subject that i failed.) History:A2(for the 1st time.) Art:B3 overall mark:5o6.6/800 percentage:63.3% the most interesting.. COMMENTS:Alicia is a lively girl with a ready smile=D.she is a helpful girl(really mehh?)who are well liked by her friends(true?) alright thats all.((:for results. ermms, AHHHHH i must pass!i hope so sian lahh everytime need do retest de.=/ okiies shall end my POST here.bye people! Labels: sians
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 @ 10:17 PM
yeahh.just a quick post before i sleep.there's actually nothing to post lahh.but there's also nothing to do.tmr is meet the parents session.going school with mum.ermms, and will reach school kinda early?before 7.15.-.-.okiie thats my post short & nice.haha as if.but i really nothing to post le.& emoness is driving me crazy. just wished that you were beside me whenever i needed you.but you weren't.& hence i have given up.but i need time.hope i will be backto normal soon.just laughing on the outside crying inside.
Sunday, May 20, 2007 @ 7:51 PM
okiies actually i got nothing to post.. yepps holidays are coming camps are coming & shopping is coming((: holidays ain't holidays.cos got so many things to do..haha i also dunno what i saying. PROJECTS,camps,endless tution, & i am not happy at all. i dunno what happen to me also feeling so restless & confused. hmmms,emo-ness is coming back.for dunno what reason there's nothing i could do.feeling so stress & confused. ahhhhhhhhh!i hate such feelings. Labels: stressed emoness
Friday, May 18, 2007 @ 8:40 PM
yay! i passed 2.4!wooots~ went for PEL talk..denn later cos i failed my 2.4 lena chng wanted to kick those that failed 2.4 out..denn mr lai say if retest still fail denn cannot liaox..&&&& I PASSED!!!now i know being PELs are difficult..must organise for cca..levels?& i cannot think of any COMPETITION/GAMES..& jac didn't go today!denn if she dunn wanna be PEL denn i 1 person how handle? yeahh now for 2.4..i got the timing of 17.18.. i know its LAN!but at least i passed?& guess wat?1st time in history..I PASSED MY 2.4 for more than 1 min!!!!!!hahahaha!i always just nice wann((: i am dead tired now but i dunn wanna sleep..:( yepps after 2.4 & PEL meeting went to eat with cherilyn & after that wwent to library denn went home..while waiting for bus siti & jia en came they were damn funny alrights?HAHAHA!me & cherilyn were laughing..& siti's damn cute!hahaha the way she jokes the way she do everything.. imfeelingtiredsotiredthatidunnwannacarryonmy1sidedlove&afterallthiswhileyoustillthinkthatsheisgreat.
Thursday, May 17, 2007 @ 8:46 PM
finially i felt like posting my results which suck! ENGLISH:28/50 MATHS:27/50 SCIENCE:27/50 CHINESE:75/100(A1!!!):D GEOGRAPHY:20/50(dunn expect too much from me only 6 passes!) HISTORY:27/50 ART:B3(for the very 1st time!last year i got F9):D i think i like the no. 27?so many 27.. i told my mummy all my results i am such a guai kia!:D some ppl did not lahh! my mother still said:HUH!?all just passed?i was like..ermms,at least better denn last year right? LAST YEAR i got 3 F9s!i got F9 for art,geography,history.but that was like last overall got 501/1000!hahaha heng siaa!for last year! hope can pass lorx this year.. SURPRISINGLY!i failed 1 subject only!: DDDDDDDD had PE played 'VOLLEY BALL' which consist of only throwing & catching of ball cos lots of us didn't know how to play.yepps..shall not go into much details.((: as for class tee..LUCKY the guys accepted PINK if not i will die..BUT seriously it isn't our fault!but still have to say sorry!especially marcus..really really sorry.i didn't know things would become you have 2 PINK class tee.. SANDY COULD READ MY SUPER SMALL WORDS!ahhhhhhh!hope she doesn't say?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 @ 9:55 PM
today is the worst day man! firstly: class tee shirt!ohh became PINK again!we DID told the guy to change to blue but wat?when we reach dere..OMG!he gave us a packet of PINK SHIRT!we werelike ehhh i tot we changed to BLUE?why izzit still pink?denn the guy said..ohhh you ordered pink what..didn't you?denn we were like yeahh!BUT we changed it to BLUE!denn he showed us the see here wrote PINK what?denn we were like Ohh My goshhh!so we called the guy that we ordered from in e end its another person saying they DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE CHANGES!i was like FUCK!!!!!what the hell!we did told them!denn now i remembered another NOVENA SQUARE STAFF did say LIGHT BLUE TO ME WHEN I CALLED THEM!denn now???damn!seriously I DUNNO WHAT TO DO NOW!if they dunn wanna take its their problem lahh..i dunn care anymore! secondly: dunn ask me anything about this!dunn understand?denn forget it((: someone msged me & said help her do something at 5..i didn't reply cos i was still in class..denn JUST NOT LONG ago..that person asked me if i got do that something for her..i said neberr..BEFORE I COULD EXPLAIN..she said FUCK YOU!& denn she went offline!she didn't hear me explain!i wasn't even at home when it was 5?denn she just scolded me as if i didn't wanted to help her do it!i feel so..being treated in the wrong way?its not that i DUNN WANNA help you is I CANNOT! i hate my life someone bring me away from this torturing world!will you?everyone just treated me like shit. 2nd month..2nd month 2nd month 2nd month! of course not EVERYONE. except my friends!((: seriously i had neberr been so wrongly accused before.
Sunday, May 13, 2007 @ 7:38 PM
sandy can't login into her blogger..i think blogger is going abit mad already?i think soon i also cannot liaox):!yupps.. actually i got nothing to blog luhh!hahas..& I AM GETTING LAZY TO BLOG((: shall blog if i have things to blog..((: maybe i should just give up..should i?maybe thats the only choice i have. probably you are happy with her?i have nothing to say already do i?what more could i say? Labels: bored
Friday, May 11, 2007 @ 9:51 PM
i heard from many that there's something wrong with if there's anything wrong with my post i m so sorry! we went to bishan park!wheeeeee~haha went to cycle & blading haha..we taught cherilyn how to cycle & she still we gave up & went to playground!tot of playing swing but the swing below got 1 puddle of water..BUT we went to play still haha so shermaine damn pro lahh she keep dropping her slipper into the puddle of water denn ownself kick it out..i neberr drop it in but my whole foot went in instead..denn i dunno why they wunn kick the water 1 lehh?only i will..they only drop their slipper in..haha..cherilyn was the only1 that didn't played swing BUT i neberr wanna play see-saw with her..she make until the person at the back going to fly off lahh! okiie nth to post..
Wednesday, May 09, 2007 @ 3:45 PM
done with 2.4 & i m so dead!cos i failed!damn it!today's distance is like further..and i failed by 11 seconds!i know cherilyn failed by 3 seconds..thats worse!hais..need go for re-test!sucks lahh..i almost vomit after the run & i run like shit & i failed!arghhhhhhhh!i will retake with cherilyn.. other denn that i thing nth really happen..i was darn tired!i came home watch television & i just fell asleep lahh!hahahas..& DERE"S CME TMR!!!!!!!eeeeeeeeeeeeyer!hahahas..& the class t-shirt is ready to collect & we haven got the money..we most likely will collect it next monday but i ain't that sure whether i can go with them anot..i think most likely able novena long does it take to reach dere by MRT? Labels: tired
Sunday, May 06, 2007 @ 11:32 AM
okiie that post was a wrong 1 sorry guys!it was for the class blogg.. now shall post for MY blog!hahahaha!actually nth to post de lahh.. TODAY(7/5): okiie..hmmms, MT paper..infront DAMN easy!behind KANASAI!hahahas..i dunn really understand the comprehension passage..but i did all okiie?haha.. denn now at home talking to joyce online..planning whether wanna go gym or where..HOW!?!?!! i wanna go gym!can train for the upcoming 2.4 km run & PFT + can jian fei!!!!hahaha!but joyce feel like going & also dunn feel like going..-.= dunno her lehh.. AT LAST!CAN BREAK FREEEEEEEE!!!! you treated her so good but wat did she do?flirt with other guys..& you are so foolish still standing by her side!she a bitch alrite?maybe she is different infront of you!& in fact lots of ppl hate her she isn't popular!yeah?give up is 2 words for you..
Friday, May 04, 2007 @ 10:45 PM
has been 8 days since i post..hmmms,a long time..all because of EXAMS!arghhhh.. last guides meeting: only a few guides we did mother's day craft making..i made wrongly but at least now i know wats wrong!hahaha.. ![]() wat i did during guides. ![]() saw this frog or toad?before changing. ![]() i think this was on monday.joyce is shocked!haha EXAMS!: it practically sucks!lets see maths left blanks for 3 questions altogether 7 marks.7 lehh!sure fail de..denn history i suddenly forgot all!damn it!arghhhhhhhh!next day..things were better..ENGLISH!the only subject which is probably the easiest among the papers.. TODAY!okiie science & isn't as easy as i think it quite difficult!hope can pass..GEOG!MCQ was okiie..MAPWORK!which i didn't know a single thing!& section C..some are easy some are difficult.. LEFT 1 PAPER!wheeeeeeeeeee~& we can have a short break..but will have to continue to study & pay attention if not year end sure die de.. went to j8 with my mommy..went to esprit to change the jeans..shall not go into details..alrite denn..yaa went to look for my slipper cos it broke!in the middle of my way buying lunch!omg~kailin saw!arghhhhh!denn i saw this slipper at BHG denn we ask the salesperson have X size?wihout looking he said:"nope."i was like wahh!denn later i told my mommy without looking he know have anot lehh so good arhh his memory?lols.. and you are neberr cute!you just act!whoever likes her i dunn care i know that I HATE YOU..& thats enough!i dunno why the hell did i be friends with you in the beginning?fuck!ACT CUTE! averse tooken frm this 'cute' nerd! my name is just sounds like a keen wormi act cute!? you must be joking...i dont act im just naturally cute (: honestly speaking..ITS DISGUSTING! |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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