Friday, June 29, 2007 @ 10:20 PM
camp alrights i came back from camp.was actually quite fun.if only they had campfire.): day 1: briefing about camp.then went to dorms & changed yeahh then we had all the rock climbing & stuffs while i think the 1st few groups had their hike.went to 1st station ZIPLINE/FLYING FOX.i regretted saying i wanna go & try.cos when i went up.OH MY GOSH!so damn high!i was shivering lahh.then later after that it was supposed to be my turn. instructor:sorry your session is over. me:YAY!whew~ charolette:huh~sian.. trhen we slowly walked down.scary siaa!after that..CRC i was forced to do): so reluctuant lahh!i tried the 2 wood then have to walk without ANYTHING TO HOLD.1st was charolette.thenb i think melissa louis junhao THEN ME!after junhao walk finish.OH SHIT OH SHIT. check safety measures & stuffs. ME:climbing. INSTRUCTOR:climb on. ME:*thinking*OH SHIT damn it damn it. yeahh walked up ppl down there was going PURPLE.then i believe i can fly.i almost laughed.then all sorts of things came out.after that rock climbing.i climb till 5 box niaa.): LOUSY SIAA. day 2: someone set their alarm at 5!everyone woke up lahh.5 lehh!we should assemble at 6.50?wake up so early for what? the end woke up at 6.went to prepare & off we go.did the teamwork & stuffs things then yeahh shall not elaborate.then it was OUR turn to hike.damn tiring & pissed off!couldn't be in peace lahh.cos of some ppl.yeahh hon seng fell although i didn't see him falling but they all say very funny he got his 'tong kat'yet still fall.then was sweating like hell.was supposed to have night hike but THEY SAID IT RAIN.& made us like wait for 2 hours plus?should have let us go bathe.but its alright lahh.lols.they me & cherilyn was talking then suddenly xw & xp came.then we talk together.yeahh until someone scolded us & we talk like so soft lahh. day 3: had area cleaning we clean dorm & did stuffs.yeahh then later was time to say sad.i miss jean.lols.she is damn good compared to all the other instructor.we took a photo together.well did reflection & stuffs & they said cheer for us damn cutee.lols.then went up the bus & slept .yeahh then off we go!comfy life is back but i miss camp):. ![]() group 12 girls & instrutor jean.she damn cute siaa.miss her): lols.i sound like some lesbian I AM STRAIGHT!lols. shall end here tata ppl! I MISS CAMP!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @ 6:30 PM
i am feeling so damn tired.*yawns*...& tmr got camp.i scared of heights!arghhhhhhhh!& i now really don't feel like i not go?sians.i haven packed anything.3d2n camp.i don't feel like going although alot of ppl say its fun.BUT i am scared of heights!it won't be fun to me.): alrights. today i was almost late i reach school at 7.25 & teachers were there RUNRUNRUN!when i am not even late.but i run.-.= yeahh & then a long boring day arrives & past.after school went to j8 eat.& KISIAO.i was so bloody high?lols.& we saw junkang like over 5 times?& we keep on saying HI.lols.okok. RANDOM pictures.:D ![]() my favourite snack!when i was young.but still like it(: alrights wateva so RANDOM.lols. BYEBYE!be back in 2-3 days!see ya!& don't miss me(: lols .
Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 10:35 PM
TMR!... alrights holiday ends in another 2 hours?yeahh.& i am gonna miss it.really not looking forward for the school.but looking forward to the november holidays(: & i really hope that camp will come quickly & end quickly.arghhhhhhh!i hate it! i did my chinese assignment left science lucky tmr no science can tmr then do(: & school reopens means... NO more of waking at 11. NO more sleeping late. NO more com-ing everyday. LOTS of homeworks & stress coming up. &&&&to see those faces.ARGHHHH! wanna go back to see friends but not some.but after seeing them i don't wanna go back anymore. SAD!i want my holidays!
Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 8:03 PM
alrights i am so BORED can?arghhhh! shall blog about today.was supposed to go for gg carnival in the end we started shopping & watching movie.we watch nancy drew was those mystery type then yeahh nice nice.lols wanted to watch men in white in the end DON'T HAVE!so LUCKY right?grrr.then went to walk walk walk don't know wanna walk where so anyhow walk yeahh.then walk till 6.20 likedat then me & joyce trained back to bishan while sandy stopped at novena.yepps then walked home.& i had a stomach ache!pain pain.lols & i didn't eat lunch & dinner!omg!i am still full.LOLS.okok.i haven done a single shit of homework & school is reopening in like 2 more days?boohoo!>:( alrights tata people! BORED!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007 @ 2:28 PM
survey... i don't always take surveys but now i am really BORED! 001. real name :alicia(: 002. nickname:pig.meshell): 003. single or taken : single(: 004. zodiac sign : leo(: 005. male or female : female :D 006. elementary : KCPPS 007. high : KCPSS 008. college : none. 009. eye color : black? 010. hair color : black? 011. long or short hair : long(: 012. shoe size :7/8 013. asthma? : nope 014. are you health freak : nope! 015. height : dunno. 164?i think. 016. do you have a crush on someone: shhhh.=X 017. do you like yourself: yes,DUHH! 018. piercings : nope 019. tattoos : NEVER! x) 020. righty or lefty: righty 022. first surgery : when i was young. 023. first piercing : none. 024. first best friend: alot:D 025. first movie : forget liaox 26. First sport you joined : forget. 027. first pet : fish. LOL! 028. first vacation :malaysia 029. first concert: school's? 030. first crush : shhhhh=X 049. eating : nothing 050. drinking : nothing 052. i'm about : to rot in front of my com 053. listening to :黑白配 055. waiting for :the november/december holidays(: 057. wearing : clothes? YOUR FUTURE : 058. want kids? : dunno.but i know its PAIN! 059. want to get married? : yeah? 060. careers in mind? : dunno. WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX? : 068. lips or eyes? : both? 069. hugs or kisses : err.. 070. shorter or taller : taller, duh. 072. romantic or spontaneous: uh..dunno. 073. sensitive or loud: depends? HAVE YOU EVER : 074. kissed a stranger : nope 075. lost glasses/contact: nope 076. ran away from home : nope 077. broken any bones : nope? 078. broken someone's heart : not sure. 079. been arrested : nope 080. cried when someone died : uh..yeaps. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 081. yourself: YES. 082. miracles : Yeah:D 083. love at first sight : dunno 084. heaven : not sure 085. santa claus : maybe 086. fairies : maybe 087. angels : maybe ANSWER TRUTHFULLY : 097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now?Yes! my darlings. 098. Is Superman really better than Batman?I dunno. maybe? yeahh done((: tata!
Sunday, June 17, 2007 @ 11:29 PM
friday: went out with darlingg cherilyn then we went to AMK hub bought the thing i wanted.(:then didn't know where to go so we go see the map then decided to go esplanade so we took to raffles place saw marcus.-.= then i was like ehhh look like marcus so i kept looking then he turned ohhh its marcus.lols.i am WOLS.then yeahh..then before going to esplanade we decided to go suntec so went in walk walk.then yeahh.came out decided to go marina walk walk.then walk walk walk.until sain liaox go esplanade yeahh walk walk then saw rainbow! ![]() 1st shot!(:nice nice. ![]() 2nd shot.actually got 2 rainbow but the other 1 cannot see properly. okiie.then walk walk the walk all the way back to mrt.went to city hall mrt station alot of ppl lahh!we cannot go in so we trained to raffles place.then trained back to bishan(hope you understand what i mean.)yepps then went to jeight drank bubble tea(: bought sweets(:.yepps then i bused home while cherilyn walked home.yepps thats all for friday(: saturday: not much went to grandma hse(: today: accident downstairse my house.yeahh went down to see see look look.yeahh then all that then came back did tution homework fromk 2.30 to 5.yeahh still haven do finish.):thats all bahh?yeahh saw that bitch at jeight too!stupid bitch fuck off will you? love hurts
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 @ 2:43 PM
okiie nothing much to post.friday going out with friday going out with joyce sandy.lols.saturday going to that guides carnival.haiis then after that school reopen.):sians.27-29 is the sec 2 i kinda don't feel like going.arghhhhhh!shall i not go?JKIN!if i don't go joyce & cherilyn sure kill me de. okiie there doesn't seem much to post my feelings are gone.
Sunday, June 10, 2007 @ 12:37 AM
okiie today went for campfire at BPS denn this is the most FUN campfire can?cos the scouts beside us was damn funny can?they keep joking.& we always cooperate lahh.hahaha.after that went to eat with sher wenda & amanda.yeahh we ate & talked.yeahh.i think thats all for today.. Labels: fun
Monday, June 04, 2007 @ 1:50 PM
tmr's the camp & i really really don't wanna go lahh!arghhhhh!lols.4D3N camp!kinda long.*sighs*.& ms alsagoth is there.she is damn strict with attire.i wonder if can wear ankle socks for the camp nots?must ask wenda.okiie & i am so dead cos i don't have a whistle(guides whistle) & the song book.i went to the guides HQ to see then NEBERR OPEN!& tmr's is the camp i MUSt have it.i need to borrow liaox.anyone care to lend me?lols. i shall go around asking.sians.after the guides camp is the sec 2 camp.& I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT but NOT THE GUIDES CAMP.why arhh?maybe cos of the teacher?& the things we do there?okok. lols. hmmms,i will have to post AGAIN when i come back from camp & after the guides camp on the 9th i got the bishan park campfire.I THINK IT WILL BE FUN.will it?haha.hope so.okiie shall end my post here. wish me luck for tmr's camp. GOOD LUCK ALICIA!: D ki siao.haha.don't mind me.lols. & i have given up on you. |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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