Friday, August 31, 2007 @ 11:10 PM
today was teachers day & kcp family was supposed to PICNIC at bishan park but in the end is in school.also not bad lahh.better.haha.yeapp went to class & play game & 'picnic'.played wacko & true or dare.quite fun lahh.i today super high can?i also dont know why.haha.woooohooooo!HIGH HIGH HIGH.overhigh already.haha.when you become high you can influence ppl to be high first cherilyn not high one.then later she start siao-ing with me liao.HAHAAHAHA!okayy shall post pictures.PICTURES: ![]() so candid. ![]() me & eqaaa. ![]() joyce & li jing. ![]() half the class? ![]() purple haired.(: ![]() sandy me joyce elsa. ![]() matthew.ask him smile he dont want. ![]() later cheryl gave him biscuit & he smiled! ![]() joyce so emo!haha. DONE!tata! can you just turn & smile?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @ 5:34 PM
hey!been long since i updated?izzit?haha.hmmm,there's nothing to blog about lehh.let me thiink....hmm,err,just now went to find shoe lace but 1 for 1.50.then we have to buy for whole class.BUT!we not enough money cos they only gave us 3 person 1.95 cos dont know who say ice lemon tee got sell 3 for 1.95 one.then so in the end not buying.yeapp.its for friday lahh teachers day!gonna shop for presents tmr.gonna buy 3 presents only if i am not wrong.haha.not giving some lahh.i counted maybe only buying for 3-4 teachers.yeapp gonna shop with cherilyn & maybe the two other AHS.haha.okayy thats lame. the ah family: ah ng-cia;aliCIA me luhh :D ah lee-lyn;cheriLYN:D ah lee-joy;JOYce:D ah chua-dy;sanDY:D ah nur-qa;eQA:D ah yeo-ty;krisTY:D ah ng-sa;elSA:D ah soh-maine;sherMAINE :D the ah family! i dont know why i cant reply tags on tagboard so i shall reply it here. tag replies: cherilyn<3:yeahh> sandy<3:wah so useful wor.but i am more useful cos pigs body parts are all edible(if i am not wrong).As for the head, it can be hung on people's door.
Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 11:48 PM
okayy its been days seen i have post.this week was -.-.because of the damn results.i failed 2 subjects english(oh great...)& geography.i am so dead.haha.yeahh. LJ I AM UPDATING ALREADY.haha. had guides then had enrolment i was supposed to lead my new recruit,jane.but lucky the sec 3 come & take over.lols.yeahh this is the 1st time i stand there so long doing nothing.stand for like 45 minutes?i dont think its so long.haha probably 30 leg pain like siao.yeapp then had a 'party' then dismissed.went to bubble tea & slack with huiting,wenda,amanda,shermaine,joanna?yeahh.then amanda was like playing with the dog.pretty cute though.then a small boy came & amanda was playing with him & he fell like over 5 times?haha.yeapp then went home bored. ALICIA IS A HAPPY KID! cos the stone buried deep has beed removed.
Friday, August 17, 2007 @ 10:29 PM
i cant believe that i actually managed to pass my maths.i thought i would fail badly.phew!a great relieved to know that i i am only concern of my ENGLISH!stupid lth dont wanna give back results do what debate wth.& i got an A2 for chinese.& i am not happy about it cos i just need 1 mark to get A1!actually half a mark.ehhh half mark lehh!wth!forget went to lj's house to watch the helen the baby fox or something likedat.then watched music & lyrics.& i am suddenly so in love with way back into love.
Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 5:26 PM
exams are finally over yay?haha.maths was so screwed.the rest was JUST okayy.i thought that science was quite easy but cherilyn says its difficult.dont know.some thinks its easy while some thinks its difficult. yesterday: so ytd was the last day of common test!yay!so i went to watch rush hour 3 with joyce,sandy,cherilyn,lj,charolette,melissa,gracia,sher,kristy, shuying,xiaping,xuewen did i miss out anyone?the show is like super nice?funny luhh!our whole row of girls laughed the loudest especially cherilyn.haha.while behind ppl is like laugh awhile only.i think its worth watching luhh.haha.yeahh then after the movie went to playground play alot alot of games.later xw's brother came.xuan yu aka xy.then play for quite long then decided to go eat.cos we haven had our lunch but only me & cher eat so we ate at pastamania while the rest went to buy things later they came to find us.then sit for awhile marcus & sherlyn came.then they dont know where to go so we went to the bubbletea there i was utterly tired,i think i am sick luhh,so i decided to go home anyways.but before that i walk with cherilyn at j8 then i went home. today: had pe which was-__________-.we only played one game then that damn bloody siren started to ring & we had to go into the concourse.sain.then during that time we play pesi cola(however its spelled) then later they want to play something i forgot what so didnt play.then was MT we didnt get back our results.tmr will get back le.then D&T then CME the class was super noisy during CME luhh.haha.everyone so high cos stress is finally over. i think tmr will get back maths,english,chinese & except for chinese the other 2 is the one i have no confidence in at all.:/ okayy end here!tata! i have only 3 words to tell you;iloveyou
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 @ 12:09 PM
okayy great.i screwed my maths.:/ totally screwed.damn!i cannot afford to screw english too.or i really goona be screwed.geog was okayy so was history.anne frank was.-.= they said based on earlier text i thought was the extract!damn!good luck for my results. i got some kinda sure fail the feeling.i think i will fail my overall.HOW?damn ass luhh!especially maths.hope tmr's science will be fine & chinese i have to strike an A1.*wishes & prays* gtg study liao.byebye! i cant believe that i am gonna fail yet i am sitting infront of the com posting this post.:/
Friday, August 10, 2007 @ 3:34 PM
okayy i am super bored now. gonna cut my hair will be going out soon before i go out i think i should post 1st.yeapp?seriously i got nothing to post now i will only post the pictures we took in lj's house.sorry only got 2 cause the rest are candid.HAHA.& i only have this bear with it more pictures will come up soon. pictures!:D ![]() retarded-ness ![]() HAHAHA!i love her lotsss.but dont think wrong lahhs.
@ 1:02 AM
hapyy birthday singapore & me alrights today,i am officially fourteen.& i have to tell myself,alicia,you are fourteen already so stop being immature!but i cant haha!cos thats me!(: okayy firstly i need to thank the ppl i need to thank. to wish me happy birthday in MSN,friendster,SMS,call... A BIG THANK YOU TO: uncles and aunties(:,sandy(she wish me three times)so sweet of her,joyce,lj,cousin(vanessa),brother,amanda(primary school)weiting(primaryschool),yvonne,shuying,eqa,wenda,eliza,cheryl,debra,pritheetha, clarissa,jiemin. PRESENTS: xiaping & shuying.(if i am not wrong?) COMPANY!: my one & only dearest hippo cherilyn!(she brought laughter to me!) cherilyn!i LOVE YOU!(:thanks for pei-ing me & treating me.(: tell me if there are mistakes.or if i miss out your names. alrights now for the company of cherilyn to see 'fireworks'. 1stly:met her at around 4.30. walk to j8..30 minutes.HAHA.trained to orchard,fareast,walkwalkwalk.we werent that HIGH yet.then trained to city many ppl that they sealed city hall way!damnit.dont know how to walk to marina sq.sp we shoped at raffles place look for cherilyn's belt.then walkwalkwalk.look for presents,cards...then decided that raffles city was we decided that no matter how we must go walked to we walk a long way!haha.finally we saw MARINA SQ!1st thing bought her belt.secondly go to toilet.ALAMAK!so many ppl.neh mind go corner wear belt.suddenly.OUCH!cherilyn hurted her finger by banging the caouldnt stop laughing.then decided to walk the time was already 7 i think.then we went to walk walkwalk.7.45. alicia:lets go see fireworks now? cher:okayy! reaches the door to esplanade. ohh great!we cant even go we decided to PIG!we ate!i oreder a bread chicken something.& green with envy,while cherilyn,fish & chips & rootbeer float.& we ordered an icecream,which we later then take.halfway while eating.alot of ppl came in.i was thinking:good lahh!fireworks finish already luhh then now all come & eat.we lehh!cannot even see a shit! then we eat finish our main course.wahhh super full we decided to digest first.after digesting we called the waiter, cherilyn:err can we have our ice..*she walks away* thinking that she know we sit there like idiots.10 mins... ehhh where's our ice cream?later 5 minutes later, asks again:can we have our ice cream? waiter:okayy i go check. waited for the ice cream & TADA! here comes our LONG AWAITED ice cream.wooohoooo!here is where we became HIGH! firstly..the icecream below got fire to melt the chocolate.before it can even burn for 5 mins.with hippos one wind the whole fire went off.i was sitting there laughing like a mad women but cherilyn didnt know what she did but she knows the fire was gone.later i told her,then after a while we eat finish nothing better to do,cherilyn came & try to do her art.the table beside us was looking.then she couldnt even write properly lahhs.TSKTSKTSK.suddenly her phone vibrated!she put the spoon down & takes up her phone,suddenly the spoon dropped on the floor!while me again laughing none stop like a retard.then i picked up the spoon.there was chocolate design on the floor.then, the second time her phone vibrated while she was doing her 'art' she put on the plate her hand or something hitted the spoon.& for a human normal's reaction you would try to catch cherilyn tried to catch it!ohhh & it landed on her hand!& guess what?she catch the head of the spoon!the other table was looking while i was covering my head laughing!then cherilyn opens her hand.A CHOCOLATE HAND!hahaha!her whole hand was full of chocolate.& all i was doing was laughing.if you seen what actually happen you would laugh also.& then she cleaned her hand & we asked for bill & we on the way to city hall MRT.there were guards that asked us to use the other way to go to the we went. & in the end we were climbing the stairs while those lucky ones are using the escalator. in the mrt..3 foreigners were staring at us.we felt disturbed & so we didnt look at them.& cherilyn called her father come & fetch they also fetch me home.THANKS cherilyn & cherilyn's father! haha i bet thats a long story.if you read finish good for you,if not,try to read finish or you wouldnt get the laughing point.haha shall end here then!byebye! alicia is a happy happy kid!& help me choose A or B? Labels: happy fun laughing swensens
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 @ 10:36 PM
today's national day celebration was -.=.some video thingy the video was okayy lahh.but its damn bloody short.haha.and after that went to cherilyn house wait for her to change & do her stuffs.ANDAND.then went to food court to eat then later go arcade then me & cherilyn left to the toilet.&go buy sweets.(: then off to lijing's house.saw jonathan ask him some questions.HAHA.and its been quite some time since i talk to him liaox.yeapp.then when we at lj's house,her house got 2 dogs,one is a chi huahua.the other is a bloody BIG dog.HAHA.keep barking.then we went to their family room to study.we were all damn quiet for the 1st hour.but later we started playing.EXCEPT,lj.she so damn hardworking siaaa.lols.then me & cherilyn took pictures.shall post them the next time.yeahh her house is super niceeee!i want to stay there!then later got & cherilyn share one sit them we started crapping & bickering.& all sandy do was HUH.LOLS.yeahh then later we left.sandy,joyce,shermaine,and cherilyn bused to j8.while i,bused back home.(:HAHA. okayy shall end here.TATA!(: all you have to know is; i am still here waiting.
Sunday, August 05, 2007 @ 10:03 PM
hey people back!& you know what?common test is just next week & yet i haven even to study tmr.): means..i wont be using com for the next 2 days.means no blogging no posting so this will be my last post for the next 2 days.yeapp?haha.will start posting after my exams or so?yeahh today went for my nephew's 1st month.he is so damn cuteeeee!HAHA.alrights.i end here with another lyrics again. I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, myself and I We got some straightening out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket. i will wait;no matter how long it takes
Friday, August 03, 2007 @ 9:10 PM
okayy i dont know what to blog about.i shall blog about today then we went to Bishan Home,the people there are scary luhh!but they are friendly bunch of ppl nothing to be scared of.HAHA.yeahh.then came back to school the rest was playing games while we went to canteen to slack.yeahh.then HOME SWEET HOME.but i went to 'eat' with cherilyn.i was super retarded then.yeahh then yeahh .haha i dont know what the heck i talking.but anyways no one reads my post so yeahh.ahahaha! end it with this lyrics: When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missing you When you're gone The face I came to know is missing too When you're gone All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day And make it OK I miss you i willl wait for you; no mater how long it takes |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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3truth08 Alyssa Ashvini Brandon Bryan Clarissa charolette cheryl Chinteck Daniel Iqa Elaine Eliza Guides Glenda Geraint Gracia Huiting Jacqueline Jane Joyce Jocelyn Joey Jonathan Junhao Kailin Karpak Kong Zhen Liangyu Li Jing Li Juan Louis Melissa.Z Nico.C Nicole Roy Sandy Shermaine.S Shermaine.C Shuying Sihui Social Studies Buddy Stella Vicki Wenda Weiting.C Xiaping Xuewen Yizhen Yvonne credits you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down. skin by: Jane |