Sunday, September 30, 2007 @ 7:44 PM
okay i am studying!& i have to.lols.i studied quite alot liao lahh.the stupid art make me so stresss.yeahh.okay i know i am lame, because i got to end here!BYE! MUGGING!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 @ 9:45 PM
okay i dont know why i blogged.lols.i should be studying but i have been studying since 9.30 liao so should be okay bahh?lols. maths teacher superrr funny cos mr lim go reservist then ya lahh new ANGssssssss.haha.he damn funny lahh he like to ssssssss very long.lols.but today new one again.yeahh.ytd went to play with my brother friends, quite fun lahh.lols.until i fell not i ownself fall one is someone lor.pull my leg.& i am like climbing the damn slope.grrrr!!pain can?lols.then today went to do art.i never really do difficult.i am gonna die of stressness luhh!): okay wanna go liao.sorry for the short post!BYEBYE! somehow i feel that you have someone else.
Sunday, September 23, 2007 @ 8:57 PM
alrights today should be the last time i will be blogging until after eoys?great.i haven write notes for history & geog.& its like next week?ahhhhh!very stressed can?i dont know why, but this time eoy i am feeling super nervous & stressed.maybe because this year is streaming?cannot imagine when i am sec 4 & o levels is coming.i think i will die luhh.lols.i still haven read finish anne frank luhh.why must anne frank write her diary for so long?& cant she make it more interesting?it super boring?sometimes can read till sleep one luhh.hope eoy pass quickly.9 days!including saturday & sunday.9 days lehh.but actually its better because science is the only subject of the day, same for maths.if they put it together..i will die luhh. i cannot understand why must there be exams?okay.lols. sometimes i wonder why izzit likedat? so many questions are like floating inside my head.. why some people dont need to study but yet they still can pass?while we are like working so hard & when the results are out we just pass?or sometimes we fail. the wierdest thing is that when you meet their expectations that parents set for us.& yet they still think its not enough.they say words like: i know you can do better.& words like this.then they will compare.why XXX can do it you cant?they just dont seem to understand that XXX is XXX i am i. we are 2 totally different people.why cant they understand what we have been going through? & say encouraging words like: its okay, try harder the next time.when you do something well they dont see it.they only see those that you did not do well. sometimes i think that god is seriously tooo unfair:/when someone has brains they take it for granted.what is the world coming to?*sighs* i think if i continue you all will sleep so shall end here. bye! & sec 4s all the best for your Os. & the rest good luck for EOY!
Friday, September 21, 2007 @ 11:06 PM
okayy.sorry arhh i think i only can post today & tmr only.actually i cannot remember what happened the WHOLE week except today?lols.wait let me recall.i think of anything special 1st. THURSDAY! okay!i remembered!we went to xuewen's house ytd to watch secret!i thought i was gonna enjoy it.after awhile we were all HUHing lols.seriously we dont understand.i dont understand what 20 years in the future and all that stuff but the show infront damn SWEET!haha.yeapp after the show we went & joyce walked home while cherilyn is like a few blocks only lj & sandy take bus & mrt. today! morning AS USUAL, LESSONS WERE BORING.especially LTH'S!ahhhh!okayy then guides started at late luhh, then me chercher & xiaping went walking around the school & all that.finally 3!we went to toilet to change we spent more than 30 minutes in there luhh lols! & for the 1st time, my scarf looks presentable.haha.& i am promoted to patrol second.YAY?lols.i dont like my patrol leader YUCKS!transferred in one.-.- I DONT LIKE!haha.thats mean.yeahh.finally got one stripe.SHERMAINE JIAYOUS!haha.yeahh then had 'dinner' i shared with xp.lols.yeahh then i went to change afetr that meet chercher had PROPER dinner.& saw many retarded ppl.lols.funny luhh the one at pastamania.we were laughing like crazy mad women HAHA.then went to drink bubbletea then went home.PS:we saw many people wearing YELLOW! BYEBYE! I HATE EXAMS!like how i hate bitches...
Sunday, September 16, 2007 @ 10:05 PM
okayy EOY exam is killing me!its just in 2 weeks!i thought it was 3 at 1st until cherilyn tell me.ahhhh!i study abit only.i must start studying already.okayy, & tmr got test.i dont think i will have the time to update cos the time i got will be studying.after the exams , i will update frequently okayy? sorry for the short post & not so frequent update on my blog.looking forward to 9/10/07 cos its the last day of exams!i am thinking just toooo far.lols.
Friday, September 14, 2007 @ 10:53 PM
okayy i haven been updating for quite a time.NAH CHERILYN.updated!lols.sorry, couldnt use the com the whole week until firstly, post the pictures! the sher's house picture.HAHA so long now then post. here is the picture: ![]() me & joyce.(: ![]() AGAIN. ![]() me & sher.(: ![]() me & sandy ![]() 4 of us in pool. ![]() all of us!hehe! ![]() did i post this?i dont think so.i like this pic.(: okayy done.still got more but lay to post liao. okayy no for the week, i think maths & science exam is a such to pass? mr lim: he teaches WHAT IS PYTHAGROS?eheh!wth!as if the paper would ask you that.-.= miss tan: all she knows is COPY PASTE!her slide is like almost the whole book?i dont learn anything from her class.& she goes like bullet train.she teach like not teaching likedat.& she is pur second miss low!haha. see?how to pass?lols. then today had hair & attire check lots of ppl got caught BUT NOT ME!(:they are having checks like everyday?they damn free arhh?wth! haha . so sian.& eoy ARE KILLING ME!so many days. 7 days.excluding saturday sundays.-.= AHHHHH!3days i already cannot stand.must study. lols. okayy luhh then after school cos not feel that right so didnt go to went to eat & walk walk with cher cher!(: okayy luhh i shall end.if not i will BORE YOU WITH MY LONG LONG POST! BYEBYE!(:
Sunday, September 09, 2007 @ 9:01 PM
actually i wanted to post the pictures up one.BUT horr, i am not using my com to blog now so this com dont have the i will post the next post.SORRY! someone told me he heard a small boy singing this: 1 table,4 people lets play mahjong.(in the tune of the singapore song) is the one people one nation one singapore thingy.LOLS.funny luhh. so small already likedat.TSKK!lols. yeahh err, yeahh got nothing to post about lehh.>.< tmr's school reopen liao.haiix. means eoys are coming already.less than one month.heard that diary of anne frank gonna be quite difficult.hope i will pass bahh?lols.okayy end here then!byebye! :D i need your reply!>.<
Friday, September 07, 2007 @ 11:00 PM
okayy actually i intend to blog only when the pictures are with me but i think i blog now then post the pictures next time.going sher's house is funnnn!haha.i am in love with her swimming pool!haha.we do the slides finish then rush down to the gym but the swimming pool attracted us went up to sher's house & borrow FBT from her then go down play.we no swimsuit so go down with our like siao char bo lols.but seriously damn fun!haha.1st we started off with splashing water.then later tried to push sandy down but in the end we all say the whole body down into water.lols.& end result have to make ourself dry before going home.used hairdryer haha.but only dry have to stay in her room & eat maggie meeee!haha.yeahh then later go home lors.plan to go to her house again when her birthday comes.BUT i not sure can anot.if lj were with us that day i think we will play even HIGHER!haha.lols.shall post the pictures uip when sandy send to me.BYE!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 @ 11:39 PM
What'>">What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You? haha saw this so tried it out.not sure tru nots.just for fun lors.not like some ppl so BHB!lols.(dont ask me) okayy i took my report book so long already but yet to post about it. so here it is: english language: 51.5 C6(whew!) chinese:61B4 wth!i got A2 for my paper! mathematics:66.5 B3(even higher than chinese!) science:66.5 B3 same as maths geog:56 C5 history:73.5 A2 D&T:74.0 A2 ( 1 more mark to A1 damn it) ART:65 B3 (B3 only thats all i passed all my overalls whew! my attendance: 48/48 REMARKS! Alicia is a cheerful girl who is polite and well mannered(thankyouthankyou!) She is well like by her classmates( this one must ask them). class position.& the thank yous to friends for my birthday post got mistake! presents: must thank:lj,joyce,sandy,mehh,xp,shermaine.IF I AM NOT WRONG!sorry!i didnt know.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 @ 10:58 PM
okayy i got nothing to blog, so hmmm..i am also lazy to blog.& thursday gonna do anne frank. & phew~there goes my holidays!study study study.cant even go out for 1 day.ONLY THURSDAY!& guess what is only like go there study.but i have to get out of this boring place as soon as possible.if not i die of boredom.everyday facing the books & walls.WTH!i hate such life!can nov quickly come? okayy & we are not your gang you biatch! somethings i simply cant figure out. love such things can be wierd, tears start falling for no ryhmn or reason. so wierd,and yet i blindly walk into it.
Sunday, September 02, 2007 @ 4:41 PM
sorry something wrong with blog.will fix it soon!probably tonight.SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE.haha. |
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