Wednesday, October 31, 2007 @ 2:42 PM
okay have not been blogging:D ytd went out to play pool:D actually is quite fun alright. i wanna go again but must have member I DONT HAVE!lols nehmind.HAHA. then after that went to watch the seeker.quite nice can you believe i paid only 5.50 for the tickets haha.damn cheap.& there altogether not even 20 people.lols. but there the toilet is *pukes*. dont wanna talk about it. now is the chalet problem only 4 people can stay over!wth is this?stupid sia. alrights i dont even know whether i can go now chances are.. 40% yes 60 % no. haisss...i wanna go!damn it.its just a chalet not as if i going to die there or something?dangerous is the word you would always say.haisss. typical parents. the BBQ incident teach me a lesson not to have too high hope on parents cos they will only shatter now i am not really having too high hopes. alrights! enough already.
Friday, October 26, 2007 @ 10:02 PM
a great day:D goodbye twopeace. okay today was great:D although its the last day, but memories are forever.2 years of time being together wont be guys rock my sec 1& 2 life!those things we have gone through together; both thick & thin.I WILL NEVER FORGET! i shall organise more outings & we shall meet up often! say THATS GREAT!HAHA. go up to class blog often! & check out the gathering dates & all. I seiously miss twopeace! can we go back?): i used to think that our class isnt that good after all but now i think that you guys rock. we wont be going into the same class & thats of course, but hope we still keep in touch!:D now i shall let the pictures do the talking:D ![]() us:D no xuewen so we protest! ![]() YAY!:D ![]() the girls & THAMTHAM & MR LIM! ![]() some of the guys! ![]() HAHA!:D ![]() ohh this is candid!:D ![]() us & mr lai!:D ![]() MR CHEN! ![]() MS low junior TAN!:D ![]() ms foo & ms TAN!:D ![]() AGAIN!:D ![]() ME & ELSA!:D i will miss you ): ![]() SOTONG!:D miss you too! ![]() O.0 HAHAHA!:D ![]() huh?you call me?LOLS! CHERYL sorry for this XDDDD ![]() THE PEACE-IANS! say we rock!:D LOVE YOU GUYS! this was done in lj house after school:D ![]() guess who?SANDY! the tofu girl. ![]() thanks sandy.LOL we really went crazy in lj's house we were laughing like mad woman!hahaha.only joyce never kinda wierd hor?cos she sore throat.LOLS.nope we didnt take photos COS we were busy laughing! we played cheat/bluff at lj's house it was super hilarious?HAHAHA.sandy said nine 9s HAHA & it was super funny. then later she said 4 9s then from her hand a 9 came out & were laughing like mad.. got more that we laughed about but this two was the funniest.HAHA.i wanna go lj house during the holidays!& lj lets laugh like mad again!:D i miss two peace o7 ): those memories will never be forgotten, you guys are great. now its the time where are gonna bid goodbye. goodbye my friends! we shall leave with a WIDE smile :DDDD
Thursday, October 25, 2007 @ 3:22 PM
let me show you my FUGLY results. all this is overall only arh. english:C5 chinese:A2 maths: C5 science:B4 geography:C6 history:B4 D&T: A2 home economics: B3 ART:B3 the subject combination & stuffs are giving a headache!grr, wanna take this but need one more mark.wanna take that but scared cannot cope.HOW?planning to take HMt but my father say difficult made me consider again.AHHH!grr, how i wish dont need to choose.why cant they just continue with like how we used to be?like when we were sec 1 & 2 all take.. okay i go stress again:D byebye! should i take AMATHS?!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @ 10:55 PM
okay. i am feeling damn stress cos of the subject combination stuff.all maths fault i need ONE more mark to get 60 so that i can get AMATHS & double science.): AHHHH!damn stress, but still today was quite fun.OLD PEOPLE ARE CUTE!:D okay i shall not elaborate no mood.shall end here.BYE.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 9:29 PM
okay, today went to make muffins!for the old people in the old folks home.hope they wont get pooisoned.lols.was quite fun. especially the singing part LIM LI JING was trying to open her eyes LOL!funny luh.okay want to know more go lj's blog damn lazy to elaborate. haha LIJING THANK ME!i help you increase your views leh.HAHAHA! okay hope tmr will be fine?with report books & in the old folks home.damn worried for the report book.AHHHHH!cannot take DOUBLE SCIENCE cannot take A maths.cannot take this cannot take that i am a GONER!really wanna drop out of school lah so stress & everything.GRRR!get me out of here.i think gonna be more stress when sec 3 & 4.O LEVELS OMG!LOL, i think i better dont think too far or i will get more stress.HAHA yeah anyways,to the sec 4s good luck for your Os!
Sunday, October 21, 2007 @ 9:24 PM
i am so damn addicted to 黑糖瑪奇朵 the show. i have finished watching already. & now i am addicted to the song 苦茶 is damn nice! haha okay enough already. 1 week & we all be separated, how i wish we can all be in the same class next year.): *sighs* shall blog tmr again?not confirmed arh. cause i still wanna watch hana yori dango 2.i feel so addicted to shows.AHHHH! haha . 苦茶 lyrics: 微微笑的看你越是认真就越让人心疼 街头那盏路灯仿佛在笑我愚笨 没什么能做但我比谁都真诚 泡一杯苦茶陪伴你到夜深 你知不知道你总有一种很可爱的独特 让我充满勇气抵抗冬天的寒冷 怎样做才会完美像个男人 喝一杯苦茶温暖你的体温 不用等你开口先说我爱你在 那之前想对你说我愿意 你不必问你也不必等 这一刻就值得爱到永恒 我该如何让你明白我爱你 在那之后你点头说我愿意 想照顾你想守护着你 这一刻只想把你抱紧 你知不知道你也有一种很可爱的天真 大男孩的口吻魅力加到一百分 怎样做才会完美像个男人 喝一杯苦茶温暖你的体温 虽然永远太不可能 少了你的完整 两个对的人奇迹就能发生 这一刻只想把你 抱紧 END damn nice!:D done byebye!
Saturday, October 20, 2007 @ 1:01 AM
finally okay finally this damn skin is better:D give comments okay?so that i can improve.BUT dont say picture toooo big.cos cannot change.HAHA alrights, today. today had english for 1st period watch diray of anne frank actually not very boring.reading the book is more boring?LOL!she should have let us watch before the exams?okay then went for maths, everybody was damn sian cause he say will have extra lessons during the holidays.BUT, exams over already lah.>.< then went for chapel.had a band called alive came to give a 'concert' the 1st song was damn loud?after that better already.then after that went to find senior then off we went to j8. wanted to eat at pizza hut BUT no space. then went to food court . also no in the end, we went to buy food to the top of the 8 there to eat lors:D yeapp then many things happen.ka la bi ka la bu.HAHAHA!i know you all dont understand nehmind.its not for you to understand anyways.. i know truth hurts but if you continue to dragggg it will hurt more.
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @ 8:31 PM
got back my cheena marks not very happy but stiil glad that i passed? cheena- paper 1:50/70 paper 2: 54/70 the teacher says i got A2 for assignments & everything.but haven add the end of year marks. she was lenient with the paper like , i mean the marking. the paper was damn difficult?not damn QUITE difficult. okay enough of exams, LOL if not all the 50s will be coming into my mind again. yeapps today checcked through our last paper cheena. then had recess at 9.30? thenthen had form teachers period, we were asked to think of what to do for the CIP at the home for the elderly. haha, i forgot who suggested mahjong with them? yeapp then went to the hall, our class was the LAST to reach. Everytime also likedat used to liao. yeapp the show was kinda boring i almost slept. then in the end was chatting with CHERILYN! we were talking about ______ . yeapp then yeah lah. STOP BEING SO BITCHY!:/ what isnt yours wont be your & never gonna be yours. stupid bitch! >.<
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 @ 10:30 PM
okay results are mostly back except cheena. geog,history,maths-50/100 english overall(w/o assignments duh!)-55.8/100 science- 64 HALF!/100 seriosuly i did badly for end of results are like shit.cheena is expected to drop. everything is going in the wrong way?arghhhh!i hate my results.likedat of results take what combination?cannot take A maths, history geog like shit just borderline pass.cant take double science, only can take combined i wish there isnt sucha thing called EXAMS?grrr! but maths was seriosuly a miracle?when i looked through the paper tonsssss of carelesss mistakes, & yet i still can pass?i only improved on english, science,goeg.cheena not sure.see?geog 50 & i improved?HAHA.cos the last time i got a 32/100. got improve can le got pass can le:D am i lucky or unlucky?okay enough crapping!what has been done can be undone?(correct?) today was boring.TOTALLY! how can they put 4 periods of LTH's class in a day?so bloody boring.for lit cos we checked our scripts during the enlisg period soooo we watch bridge to teriabithia(dont know how to spell) it was a TOTAL BORE!omg!i almost fell asleep i cannot sleep cos I CANT FIND A SUITABLE POSITION?hahaha.i read the book i watch the show before & hence i was total bored & my damn earpiece/phone just cant seem to work?! damnit!& now i am like so bored?no one is talking to me, got nothing to do, staring at the com?arghhhhhhhhh!thinking of my stupid results!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 9:35 PM
alrights, monday went out with cherilyn went shopping at MALINA SQUARE!thenthenthen, went RAFFLES CIY SHOPPING CENTRE THERE DAMN SIAN!so trained to...TOWN!FAREAST!but met xy in orchard then went together then went home. today: BACK TO SCHOOL!LOL!got back those damn results.& i did something i think no one can do it.probably can but very rare!i got 505050!haha so i am a PRO!:D 50 for maths, for hostory & geography.i dont like!can give me a 606060?LOL!damn sian so dman hard all i get is a 50?! wth! i hate results man it makes you go nervoous & sad:/ & i realised HUNTING FOR JOB IS DIFFICULT! the conversation for one company me:hello are you looking for (promoters,staffs etc.)? him:yess,how old are you? me:err 14? him:oh sorry too yooung BYEBYE!*hangs up* hello cant you be more polite?! then lots of funny stuffs. lazy to elaborate:D tmr shall be a good good day?i hope so? *curling hair is AHGUA!:D* It's my life And it's now or never 'Cause I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive (It's my life) My heart is like an open highway
Sunday, October 14, 2007 @ 10:31 PM
okay my blog is damn messy.BE PATIENT i dont know why so big give me more time.i blog idiot :D yeapp & i am becoming a rotten pig!!!damn it.TMR I MUST GO OUT!:D END HERE TMR POST AGAIN!
Thursday, October 11, 2007 @ 12:19 PM
okay, i know there is something wrong with the picture ABOVE.i will change it soon.wait awhile okay?LOLS.BE PATIENT.dont bother about it first.THANKS SANDY!she help me with it luh :D finish prodai & the ending is -.- haha damn stupid luh.okayokay.but got yamapi so still worth watching cos some parts still quite funny.alrights end here!BYE!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 @ 11:20 PM
okay i am on my 1st blogskin my own one okay?but i cant figure out the codes and all so ask sandy to help & she helped!:D thanks alot!i have been trying to figure out the whole afternoon & my stomach just wont give me rest.ARGGGHHHH!the whole afternoon my stomach hurts like MAD!thanks to that spoiled my day.okay.i go finish up all my shows.the first PRODAI!woots!prodai here i come! :D should i ?should i not?
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 @ 8:28 PM
okay finally this damn day arrived.the day in which i am free of stress & exams.FINALLY!\ maths paper today was a total disater cos i dont know how to alot of questions. oh well, what can i do? good luck, alicia. alrights enough of exams cos it will only cause me to be more stress.LOL! okay i dont know what the heck am i talking.probably too HIGH? haha. today after school went to j8 cos some ppl cannot go further then there.yeah, then went to watch nanny's diaries. inside cinema.again i am the one sitting with my dear cherilyn who always talk at the wrong time. there was this touching part i almost cried then suddenly my dear cherilyn she said: eh!the dog so cute.i look at her & smiled. gracia heard it too.LOL!so touching then she the dog so yeah then after that those that can stay in j8 went home so the rest went to town FAREAST!walk around.bought my clips & the two small meimei were so excited with the rubber band.right melissa?she tied it wrongly so funny luh.we went to eat ramen i ate ebi ramen.the rest eat alot luh.i drank kiwi soda.(: after that wanted to trained to AMK hub BUTBUTBUT some had to go cos it was already 6.45?yeah then actually lj,me,joyce,cherilyn wanted to go by ourselfs.BUT lj mama called then she had to we all went home. STRESS-FREE!(: i want an answer:/
Friday, October 05, 2007 @ 11:43 AM
okay i shall update!:) cause today is alrights monday: Literature: overall okay.anne frank=goner. i wrote 9 lines for a 10 mark question & its all crap. tuesday: cheena:tian xie han zhi = goner also i think i only got 3 out of 5 or 2 out of 5 correct behind still okay but still no A1 wednesday: geog:pretty easy.but tiring write until hand almost break.haha thursday: english:wrote crap for compo.might not pass. compre was still okay. today: history: pretty easy except map.overall okay but geog easier. alright the papers for the week now i scared science & maths.AHHHH!but i am not studying yet.slack awhile. haha. 2papers 4days and i will be free. 091007 its a sunny yellow banana day |
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