Thursday, November 29, 2007 @ 9:47 PM
i wanna go watch tevee soon. but decided that i wanna blog before watching tevee. i did my litespeed today! say i am a good girl!:D i might be selling the answers!XD joking lahhs. haha. i have the answers with me, beg me for it! XD lols. no lah KINDLY ask me for it! i may give it to you. alrights, i go watch tevee already. might be blogging again later! bye people!:D later!(:
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 10:40 PM
day out with girls!:D went out today, went to ps to watch enchanted. the show is great!:D joyce acted in it, hor lee MOUSE MOUSE! lols, yups the show is worth watching. althought we went in late. met up with lijing & joyce first, cause lee mouse mouse wanted tako pachi. i didnt eat, only lee mouse mouse & li jing ate. they ate bacon & CHEESE. XD then sandy came, she ate. then xiaping & mel came. so we headed off for ps!:D trained down to dhoby guat. the show started at 1.20. but we reach ps at 1.30 so we went to buy tickets, lucky we were still able to go for the show. went in just find random places to sit. cause some people took our sits. then after the show ended, headed to comics connection. lee mouse mouse bought her stuffs. the decided to train down to kovan,liijing's kovan, we took a bus to her house. at her house, we watch another show! we watched, i pronounced you chuck & larry. the show was okay. some parts quite funny. then we played till 8 likedat, we shared a cab to j8. then from there me & joyce walk home :D so here i am blogging! i feel super tired. slept at 3 last night, & woke up at 10.45 today. its isnt enough for me lah. lols. but i wanna watch tevee cause i missed today's ylbfb. lols. so i will be offline at about 12.30? cause before that the show i also wanna watch, yesss you can say i am addicted to my teveee. what can i do? its the holidays! i haven do my assignments! to: joyce,lijing,sandy,cherilyn etc.. if you all going to do the assignments can like tell me? thanks ah!:D & thank you cherilyn for cheating me. ONLY SHE KNOWS. thanks ah. -.- okay bye people!:D
@ 1:45 AM
i am seriously feeling so bored. there's nothing to do & i dont feel sleepy. ahhhhhhh! all my darlings are like asleep ): except me. lets see what i did. i played stupid games on miniclip, talked on msn, looking through blogs, go into facebook, & friendster, then i decided to blog. so, what more is there for me to do? LOLS. alrights, tomorrow i am going out! yay! rejoice. i have been at home like so many freaking days. its not because i dont want to go out, is i am not allowed to go out so often. how pathetic!thats why i wanna find job, likedat i can be busy & not so bored. & stil got money take. unfortunately, you can say I AM TOO YOUNG TO WORK. i mean yes there are some places that are willing to hire a 14 year old student, BUT its all taken. how great! haha. now all i can do is stay at home & rot everyday. look at my daily routine! ;wake up ;watch some random shows. ;have lunch!XD apparently i wake up super late. ;watch barney & dora the explorer!XD yeah, see how bored i can get. ; sit there & rot. ;bathe ;prepare to go grandmother's house ;have dinner ;come home ;watch teveeee ;use com from 9-2 XD ;sleep so if you are onlineeee talk to me! i am super bored one. i can entertain you!XD so if you are feeling sad. just tell me hey, i am ):, can already! i know what to do.XD okay enough crapping for now, i think its time for me to sleep already cause its 2 already XD sometimes i sleep at 3! so just talk to me yeah? haha, this post is like trying to ask people to cure my boredom. bye humans, i hope its humans reading. alrights bye! &&&&& enchanted HERE I COME!:DDDDD goodnight! loves, alicia the PIG!:DDDDDD
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 1:45 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIJING!:D today is my apple's birthday! (: so sad, next year we will not be in the same class. but dont worry, i will wish you happy birthday next year also!:D alrights, i am waiting for my show to start!:D i gonna watch repeat, then the spop so long 2 hours. make my ylbfb also later. lols. currently talking to joyce. cause other then her no one is talking to me. :D LOL. thanks ah for entertaining me with jolin songs XD i think jolin songs are great!:D especially her new album, the songs are unique :D i like i like XD so is 想太多 by 李玖哲 . lots of nice songs now. & i am falling in love with all of them!:D alrights bye people wanna go watch teveeee already!:D 是我想太多我也这样说 why isit that whenever i wanna talk to you, you will always be gone. ):
Saturday, November 24, 2007 @ 1:33 AM
yay! finally i have the pictures with me! :D but be ready cause we took 60 over pictures!:D i will not be posting some pictures cause its PRIVATE! enjoy! ![]() on the way! waiting for MRT :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() our things!:D ![]() in the mrt!:D ![]() one part of the chalet!(btw, our chalet is super small) ![]() playing snap!:D (slow sotong!) ![]() another angle ![]() another angle ![]() O.o no comment! ![]() ![]() tsk!timo!XD ![]() O.o! haha. hello cherilyn! ![]() on the way to rental shop XD ![]() front view!:D ![]() :D ![]() the BBQ pit, its damn smal. the rest of the pictures are in random orders! ![]() bbqing!;D ![]() kinda blur! ![]() butter-ing!lols ![]() fooooood!:D ![]() O.o! no comment. ![]() :D! ![]() FOOOOOOD!:D ah hungry hungry! okay i shall skip all the BBQ-ing pictures already!:D i did mention that we went for a walk right? yessss the pictures!:D ![]() backview!:D ![]() group picture number 1! ![]() we didnt like the lights on number 1. :D ![]() holding hands!:D the rest is when they were stayong over!:D ![]() ![]() i heard this was their forfeit!XD ![]() ![]() ![]() the rest had 4 while she had 3 . HAHA ![]() ![]() ![]() okay thats all for the pictures! i took a long time uploading it! okay this post is long enough. shall post again some other day! bye people!:D
Friday, November 23, 2007 @ 12:07 AM
YAY! i am blogging! cause i am seriously damn bored. there's nothing in the internet for me to do. oh, i just realised that i haven started on my holiday homework. great, i dont feel like thinking or doing anything. how? the moment i see my lit textbook for next year i feel like fainting. its 300 over pages. anybody wanna tell me answers for the homework? =X i seriously dont feel like doing!-.- *sighs!* i am so bloody bored. can like someone entertain me?! only cherilyn's talking to me on MSN. holidays are good but i just realised that its boring too. too bad i cant get a job. *sighs* & i am so bloody broke. okay i dont have anything to blog. so, i shalkl end here. bye people!:D
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 11:12 PM
i changed skin! why? cause i like this one & didnt really like the other one. that simple! cause i realised when you think simple life will not be so stressed! :D learn from me people. haha. alrights i still didnt get the pictures. once i get it i will post it! :D &&&& my shoulder hurts! ): i think it will be alright tomorrow. hope so. & sandy does not know how to shake the w910i phone!LOL! okay, alicia thats retarded. BUT i am a retard! :D bye people! post tomorrow!:D
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 @ 11:57 PM
just came back from BBQ, didnt stay for the chalet. i almost couldnt go today. phew! cause actually my father say no. then i thought he said no to staying over. then today i going then he:WHERE YOU GOING? me saying INNOCENTLY:BBQ LOR he: i thought i said you cant go. me: i thought you say can?! he: i said cannot-.- me: really?!(started to panic already) he:aiyah go lah go lah. just dont come back too late. me:PHEW! okay! :D rush out before he changes his mind.. then after that: met up with joyce,gabriel, lijing & shermaine. we went to NTUC to but food for BBQ & all the plates & stuff. then soon cherilyn came.. after that me & cherilyn went to look for her slippers.. off we went to take MRT to city hall first then later change MRT to pasir ris. we were super noisy on our way there, we were singing songs & laughing like nobody's business.then went to pasir ris MRT there saw timo & sherlyn thenn marcus they all. we couldnt find where the hell the shuttle bus is.. so in the end we took 358 we stopped at the wrong stop & it was like raining so heavily & to walk back is a super long way, so we took a cab! i share cab with cherilyn,timo,sherlyn. inside there also quite funny. they were talking about PIGS! how can they insult me by comparing pigs with a tub of FATS?! for goodness sake, she is a gorilla. PIGS ARE CUTE OKAY! then sandy waited for us like so long then we went into the chalet. it was super small. reach there we played "snap" sandy lost! haha. then wanted to cycle but then we forgot EZ link cards & our chalet is like so FARRRRRRR! so we went back & decided that we shall start BBQ-ing cause alot of people like started already! then we took like 30 minutes or so to start the fire & we BBQ-ed until 8+ then mel came so we go walk walk. thinking that there was beach . it was like damn dark. we cant see a single thing. actually very fun lah. especially when U-TURNING! only those that went understands. then went back to chalet, watched tevee. then it was already 10 then around 10 + took sandy's mother car to j8, then cherilyn's father car to my house. thanks ah!:D sandy's mother is like super good. dont understand why sandy keep argue-ing with her. inside the car we tio ject, probably me only. cause sandy mother ask sandy to buckle seat belt then i thought we also need then i go buckle then later her mother say behind no need. then so ject lah. LOL. okay fine. its kinda boring seeing this post. cause there isnt pictures yet. post pictures when i get it from lijing!cause she is still staying there.
Sunday, November 18, 2007 @ 4:16 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERILYN! :D my big zero's birthday today! couldnt go out with her cause its a sunday & i cant go out on sundays. yay she's finally fourteen! :D okay anyways i am rotting at home. i wanna go for chalet!hope i can? lols i haven ask. cause i got feeling cannot stay over. ): haissss. alrights i am lazy to blog anyways bye people!:D
Thursday, November 15, 2007 @ 10:42 PM
okay i will blog tuesday until today :D hmm, start with today then :D today! went to school to meet the rest at 1. sit there & chit chat & everything. then left at 2. then later, me, lj, joyce went to takopachi(?) to eat. sandy went for her piano. then after that we went home lor. went home to bathe then went over to my grandmother's house. sat there for awhile as we waited for my cousin friend then, off we went to watch game plan! :D the show is GREAT! must i did not regret watching it :D yeapps then ate dinner then home sweet home :D yesterday! practically stayed at home the whole day except that i went to buy lunch. :D tuesday! went out with cherilyn as mentioned in the previous post. first we head over to far east to find the crumpler bag. then cannot find so went over to wisma to find presents. then err, walked until leg pain only buy 1. -.- then trained down to toa payoh to buy my FBTs unfortunately only bought 1, she also buy one :D then bused back to bishan then bused to thomson to eat icekimo!i like the place there felt so comfortable. yeap as mentioned in the previous post we ordered banana split each person one. :D then the person thought we cant eat finish .. BLAHBLAHBLAH. dont wanna bore you with it then we bused home. :D okay shall end my post here!:D bye people!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 12:30 AM
went out with cherilyn today!:D walked till leg pain luh.lols find her presents & bags. bought my FBTs & off we went to icekimo! the person thought we cant finish a banana split individually. ahaha, she was like you sure?! then cherilyn err, can lah can lah.LOL. in the end, we finished :D that was my dinner :D then we bus-ed home, cherilyn alighted first before me. then i went home alone ): haha but still had fun today!:D although leggg pain. haha we walked like everywhere haha. :D okay i am seriously so sickk of waiting. striking a conversation with you is like hello! thats all. ): stupid idiot! idioot idiot idiot! haha :D okay luh off to watch teveee already! :D try to blog more tmr about today!:D
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 @ 1:02 AM
so damn dead lahs. i forgot to check the damn guides blog so i didnt go for the campfire training whichwas reminded by teo that i am supposed to go. the last time she saw me, she said: alicia your attendance has been very irregular. what happen? & remember you have to go for the campfire training during the holidays me:when? mdm teo: check the blog that time i check dont have lah then i totally forgot about it =X at most next year be more guai & go for all meetings lor. :D i try to lah. i rather not be promoted luh. *pouts* heck already lah. tmr going out with cherilyn!:D yay! lols. i dont know what to say already.. great haha. i haven been rotting this few days. lol okay luh i end here. :D BYE earthlings!:D i just cant seem to forget you,you idiot. ):
Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 12:34 AM
hello! quite long since i blogged?alot of people come back from their trips.all they said was fun!lols make me feel like going. ): haha.but nevermind, i am feeling so bored & the only person i am talking to is sandy! haha. i stopped her from playing maple & talk to me. haha & she really never play. hais, really bored. can entertain me?LOL. YAY-NESS! lijing is back!wohooo!:D haha. sotongs are slow.LOL.tee-ass-kay! ahhhhhh! bored to tears. i think i am born to be yeah so true. endless scoldings,naggings..& they said it was for my OWN GOOD! kena accused for something you never did, HOW "GREAT"huh! i hate to be there & here.& everywhere.sometimes i wonder.. why am i here? they always think they are right just because they are older? you old so what? i still have my pride, i can always go into facts with you & i can make sure you have nothing to say, but i didnt because you are OLDER mah. & if you are able to see( i dont think so), I WASNT IN THE WRONG! alright i vented my anger here. my blog is for me to vent anger mah so nehmind lah hor. SORRY READERS! i know you dont understand. & probably you dont have to? lols alrights! bye!:DDD i feel so much better! the more you deny the worser i feel ):
Thursday, November 08, 2007 @ 11:08 PM
I AM FEELING SO DAMN BLOODY HIGH! wooohoooo! even though something has happen. i hope i am this high not because i am escaping everything. yeap i think this post might be kinda dont mind! alrights was talking to cherilyn then i said: lets push everything aside & be high. cher: i am not high. me: O.o me: cherilyn low & alicia high! then our convo continues i also told her this. how cool would it be if someone's surname is called HIGH? imgaine the scene in school where alicia high misbehaves.. mr whatever: alicia high! stop misbehaving! alicia high; nananipoopoo!XD mr whatever: i shall call your father, MR HIGH , to come over! hahahaha!the scene sure damn funny.(to me?) lols. omggg i got the sandy sickness & i cant help but keep laughing, omgomgomg!hahahahahaha. how i wish i could be likedat everyday? even my mother thinks i am mad laughing at the com. probably i am mad?HAHAHAHAHA. yeah, everything seems alright. so let it be, nothing happened:D & DONT BE KPOs & ASK WHY. if i wanna tell you eventually i will tell you. :D okay, ALICIA IS RETARDED!:D & byebye! hear the cracking of my heart & that is how hurt i feel.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 @ 10:25 PM
okay i miss out something. ytd when i was on the bus on my way home, there was this guy he kiao-ing his leg then when i pass by him his slippers drop then i think he shake too vigorous already,the whole scene damn funny i was like laughing behind. okay alicia you are lame! alrights got nothing to post anyways. so just randomly think of something to post.haha :D
Monday, November 05, 2007 @ 10:44 PM
alrights FINALLY! i am out of this house!yay! haha. okay alot of problems with the chalet thingy! PEOPLE got problem just msg me okay?haha. yeapps today went out just to find ms LEE's CRUMPLER bag. + its limited edition somemore. lols in the end?neh buy!HAHA cos cannot find lah we went to.. raffles crumpler store neh have then over to paragon crumpler store also neh have,how great. so we headed towards novena to find job! job hunting we went into the store to ask BUTBUT all full time= permant staff. so NO THANKS then another one 14? too YOUNG sorry.GRRRRR.hahaha.then so we went home lor. yeapp then on the bus we met someone we dont wanna see. cherilyn knows who.yeap then went home (: anyways is a great day cos no need to stay at home & face 4 walls!:D alrights now i dont feel well..GREAT. ): yeap cos of ms zee's complain that my tagboard is wierd i did something & now can?HAHA i find it too small.lols. okay lah end here! byebye!:D ps: i have fallen in love with red! Labels: day out with cherilyn :D
Sunday, November 04, 2007 @ 4:06 PM
bored someone is asking me to update.thank her for, here i am UPDATING! now everyone *rejoice!* cos i am finally updating. i seriously have nothing to blog about. oh great, i have NOTHING to blog about!haha.yeah i am going crazy cause i am here sitting in front of the com like an idiot(i know i am) thinking of what to blog. i am sad *sobssobs*! why am i sad? cos i am bored. why am i bored? cos i got nothing to do! why do i have nothing to do? cause there isnt anything for me to do! yay!i blog one paragraph of words!wohooo!haha. okay i am seriously going crazy!but heh heh i won already cause i will be going out tmr! yay! lols. i miss those times in school, where we can make fun or teachers!then i wont be so bored now.): i miss those times when we gossip about someone. i miss those times where go out & play after school. i miss those times where we cam whore!in library,playground etc.. i miss those times where we acted retard-ly (?) i miss almost everytime in school. ): & sandy miss wearing the uniform TUCKED IN! woah so guai wor lols. haha thats what she said. & last but not least i miss every single one of you! * sobs sobs* nehmind i will be looking forward to the chalet! YAY! *rejoice* i probably will be super high?! so dont mind me on that day! alright thank you people for coming to my blog to see me crap! but i love crapping!:D & listen to me being emo, high, mad whatever!:D okay shall end here! byebye! looking forward to tmr!:D Labels: i am going crazy
Thursday, November 01, 2007 @ 11:41 PM
okay i am getting so bored:/ haven been going out this few days.probably next week?i see first i am facing this damn com thinking of what to post but nothing seems to come into my mind. so i think i leave it likedat first. i think i shall take it as a no? |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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