Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 10:44 PM
its 29th feb 2008 a day in which every 4 years once. :D okay, i hurted my leg. & its swollen right now. :/ damn because of it i cant go ice skating. wth. now i cant even go out. cause its seriously damn swollen. i mean DAMN. i might look as if my leg is alright. but actually you see properly its damn swollen. but not pain leh. LOL. who cares gonna see a doctor tmr. :/ i hope it get well before the camp. of not, will miss this probably the last time of going to a camp. didnt go for guides today. went out of school to wait for cherilyn then walk back to the block opposite school. before that went bubbletea with sotong. & yeah she is damn high today. :D then later she went to meet her friend while i go find my cherilyn. waited for her. then went over to jeight to eateat & walkwalk. then went over to super nova. ver long never go there already. sat there then chat & play. XD okay then many things happened. then we went home after that :D shall end here then, bye people. :D
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
oh, i am blogging! & it isnt a weekend. haha, actually i came cause i was supposed to do my chemistry. but i just cant seem to find anything. i give up, like its so difficult? yeah, school isnt that bad after all. i mean seriously. if you mix around with those people. you will think that they are actually quite retarded, all thanks to geraint. and i thank god that i am not in 3 faith. all the people i dont really like in there. except charolette, she's damn cute luh. :D gonna have extra lessons during the holidays. & guess what we asked for it. i mean we went over to the teacher to tell her we went extra lessons. oh, we are so hardworking. nah, crap. its because i realised my grades have been dropping like nobody's business. if this world got no such thing as maths. my life would be alot fun-er. maths is my worry. i still dont her what romzee is talking. i mean, like seriously although he is a thousand time better than reggie lim i still dont quite get him. can i like sit beside cherilyn. thats the only place where i can concentrate cause its INFRONT. back to, he is a thousand times better than reggie lim.this shows that? REGGIE LIM IS DAMNDAMNDAMN lousy! i flunk my maths when i was sec 2 cause of him. why cant we have a good teacher for one year? mr ang or mr tan jee yan?they are like alot better. the rest of the teachers are good. i got a feeling chinese this year will be a C. cause he teach from chap 1-7 i all never listen. xD lol. okay. end here! bye! post pictures up soon!
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 9:59 PM
i realised i have been like posting every weekends. this shows that i am busy & hardworking. yesterday went for guides. i was almost late. yo, i took a cab there. xD then reach there ask people help me tie hair. then off we went to singapore indoor stadium! same old procedures EVERY YEAR. i went there for 3 years already. okay. it was boring! i mean seriously. we won 2 silvers! for both 1st coy & 2nd coy! ahaha. okay fine. then at 5 + the ceremony ended. everyone busy taking photos. the sec 3s that went took one. which is only the six of us. pathetic can? the rest didnt come. my laptop just dont seem to like my phone. i cant get them connected here. but i can get them connected at my brother's com. so wierd huh. so shall post the pictures up next time i post i HOPE. tmr will be going for the SZ badminton competiton. will be ushering & doing all the serving i guess? so tmr will be leaving class at 12.15. can skip maths!xD okay i shall end here then. post the pictures up the next post!:D bye people!:D
Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 10:16 PM
yeah alicia is finally updating her blog again. i realised this few days school wasnt as bad. cause half of the time its always laughing. alright. shall start with MONDAY! monday: supposed to go gym, but damn tired so we didnt go. yeah, & i forgot what we did. tuesday: tuesday's weather was OMG. i remember cause we were like having drill in the sun. i almost turn into a roasted pig. xD then before that i went to cherilyn's house. 45 minutes there seemed like 10 minutes. then later after guides went to meet cherilyn at the void deck opposite school, with sandy. she was supposed to run her 2.4 cause of shooting. then later instead she pei me walk across the road then she went back. -.- lol. but thanks ah!:D wednesday: went takopachi with geraint,joyce,louis,sandy,mehh. yeah, it was a treat from geraint. he suddenly so good wor. we at first were like geraint TAKOPACHI then he nod his head. LOL. thanks anyways!:DD & he paintedd his finger. damn funny can? its super retarded. i shall try get the pictures from joyce. thursday: we never slack! we went to the gym. cherilyn slacked NOT ME! she didnt run. tskkkkkkk. she walk. & i ran for 13 minutes non stop. the last time was 11. & the first time was 4. -.- hahahaha. so gyming does help! LOL. then went to the building muscle thing. & now my hand is aching. cherilyn! remember, dotdotthree is an A-U-N-T-I-E. not MY A-U-N-T-Y. lols. XD friday: guides day. woke up super early, 5.30 AM. then prepare chiong-ed out of the house. feeling super wierd. feeling damn BLUE. xD all the primary school kids were looking at me as if i am some alien. -.= then the "ceremony" begin. didnt fall out. just sat down. had a briefing for tmr. then went for pe. AHHHHH! i am so damn jealous. they were like playing soccer. i thought 2.4. means next week is 2.4 :/ then went for usual lessons. cherilyn went off at 10.30 making me look like a loner. but who cares. still got joyce they all mah. then after school was deciding whether want to pon anot. in the end, mdm teo help us make decision. she just suddenly ask us to go for the NYAA forum. so she drove four of us there. then when we reach there, guess what? no body. the person told us it starts at like 2.50? & the time then was 1.40 -.- LOL. then later the forum started. starting was okay. until the whatever her name was talked, i slept. later i wake up she still talking. -.- then later it finally end. we were supposed to take notes cause we are supposed to share it with the whole company. but we did something easier. dont need foolscap no need pen. just handphone. WE RECORDED THE WHOLE SESSION DOWN. then go home hear then summarise. we smaart right? since we cant catch up with what they were talking use a easier method lor. then after the forum we walked all the way to far east to eat KFC. cause no one knew what to eat so anything lor. then we were like laughing the whole meal. LOL. awwww, my cherilyn's in school. having camp. ): & no one's online to talk to me. nevermind. my eyes cant seem to open also. XD so i shall end here before my eye close. :DDDD bye people!
Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 3:26 PM
shall start with friday friday: school was okay. was complaining about hohoho. he only allow the sec threes to leave by one door. like wth! he wants it fast but only allow us to go through one door. then the hall make so many doors for what? make 4 can already. for each level.he let us anyhow go faster lor. =/ guides was fun, you can say that. had captain's ball first. we lost. who cares its just a game. then me & huiting had total defence silver badge. the rest poor thing. got to do drill. while me & huiting was sitting under the fan. xD but later we went down. drill was fun, but tiring. damn hot & we had to repeat it over a hundred times? then we were released at 6. went bubble tea. then bus-ed home. :D saturday: i didnt do anything cause i was at my grandma's place. today: was super tiring. used up all my brain cells already. had tution first. she went through physics with me cause tomorrow got test. after that i did my english assignment which used up most of my brain cells. then, book review. this was the best. cause it was the easiest. cause i got my own way of doing things. :D my book is damn... for children. who cares? lols. next up was dnt. we have to design something for people greater than 60. i did a shoe. its damn NOT REAL. i mean its very no one can do it stuff. i cant think of other things already luh. heck lah. cannot then too bad lor. next up will be chemistry & then situational writing. i dont feel like doing situational writing. cause, i dont know how to do. then the poa elearning thingy its not up yet. so heck luh. dont do. xD ohya, people go watch 原來我不帥 by lin junjie & li jiu zhe. its damn hilarous! okay i go do my chemistry already. BYE PEOPLE!:D
Thursday, February 14, 2008 @ 7:37 PM
its been a thousand years since i blogged. xD okay i shall start with new year! CNY day1,2,3&4: angbaos angbaos & angbaos! xD then yeah went visitng? thats all. monday: school was boring. after school went j8 eat then home sweet home. cause i cant remember so never update much. xD tuesday: supposed to go gym but no one go with me. ): so in the end went to eat with joyce they all. then i think went home again. wednesday: i stayed back & helped the council with stuffs for v day. then after that went home, then came out again to buy cards. :D i didnt get any presents sorry! today: its VALENTINE'S DAY! got presents from joyce sandy. & a treat from cherilyn, LOLLIPOPS! thanks darling. :D i think sandy's gift is cuute & joyce's gift is like WOW. how you do it? she make one okay. then after school went over to s-11 to eat. then walked back to school. thinking we could rest awhile, in the end when we reach sandy was already there. so we walked to j8 again. follow sandy buy her gift. then got nothing else to do so i walked home with joyce. okay, i dont feel like going guides tmr. cause i heard alsagolf is gonna give a speech for total defence. then, i think she will be going to VISIT guides. i am not even sure if i am in the energy con--- whatever badge course. wth! i dont have the paper. but ms teo say all sec 3s must go unless you go last year. okay, i shall go see guides blog. BYE PEOPLE! &&&&& HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 10:19 PM
HAPPY CHEENA NEW YEAR!:DDD yooooohooooo! haha super addicted with it. xD today went to school for like nothing? make dumplings. no pictures with me yet. the dumplings tasted okay. heh, lucky neh lie on bed. HAHA. cause kotaro say.. eat one: lie on bed. eat two: sit on toilet bowl. eat three: prepare go hospital. eat four: in hospital. eat five: BYEBYE! xD cause i heard that some guys do without washing hands! damn. LOL. leekuang ate 10. then xp say prepare go heaven. xD NO OFFENCE! then after school. went bubble tea. then went to watch movie. 27 dresses! its quite okay. :D then after that me & cherilyn went over to amk hub. shopped for cherilyn's top * pumps. guess what we found none. but i bought my baggg! :D cherilyn went j8 & buy a toppp. then we had to go home. so home sweet home! have to continue with x family soon! if not one year also cannot finish watching. sorry sandy! okay, bye people. :D
Sunday, February 03, 2008 @ 10:30 PM
yo. dont mind about the previous post. was just letting off stress & frustrations. xD today was fun. went to the arcade just to play. spent over 10 bucks there. played like alot of things. after that, went over to my grandmother's house. stayed there till dinner. then went to eat & home sweet home. i wanna find a BAGGGGGG. i saw one in zinc BUT its super ex. *sigh* see how 1st bah. bye people!
Saturday, February 02, 2008 @ 10:42 PM
there might be vulgarities in this post, cant stand it? scram. i am seriously strating to hate some people. dont bother asking. cause i dont feel like telling. who think think that they are super big. fuck. i dont know why i feel like scolding people. but i wont post it. but i really hate _____ now. i dont know why, but i was okay with her last time. whats wrong with those people outside. they must always be the one infront. when they contributed they must say it. its okay for me to sacrifice, but definetely not them. cause giving, thats what friends are for isnt it? yeah, i was too naive. FUCK. dont worry, its definetely not some of you. :D cause 98% of my friends are nice people.
Friday, February 01, 2008 @ 10:23 PM
hey! i shall skip the whole week. so, today.. had pe! this is the funnest pe i had ever had since day 1 of school. i had a great time laughing. & i realised actually our class people arent as bad as i thought. the girls are hillarious. as what joan says everyone of us have different pose when the ball comes. & its really true. xD i use to think joan is fierce actually she is friendly. my chemisty partner. :DDD then after laughing until stomach pain, the boys were kicking the ball like everywhere? lols. then had lessons as usual. got 25/30 for poa. yay! i am a smart kidddd. xD actually we were discussing. XD lols. after school, didnt go for guides. cause i didnt felt like going? so went to eat. then walkwalkwalk. go library. laugh like nobody's business. until the librarian came & scold. its just laughing? then after that walked home. :D bye people! i realised i have been hating more & more people now. but their attitude sucks, dont blame me. |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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