Sunday, March 30, 2008 @ 4:04 PM
i feeeel bored. :/ i have got nothing to blog about & i wanna go out. -.- okay nevermind. dont bother. ciaos~ SORRY FOR THE SUPER SHORT POST!
Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 10:49 PM
today's weather is omg, horrible. the whole day is like sweating. after chapel rush over to the concourse. & i didnt eat lunch, you see i so goood. :D then waited a thousand years for them to get ready. then finally the piano guy came. couldnt hear a single thing. then next was the dance. its like they will zhaogen(?). their dance teacher is.. okay nevermind. then after was the long awaited tnKKB. yes, i was told that they started it with a joke. -.- a super lame one. i just asked lj what is the joke. LOL. then they started singing. from my angle. roy looks like he is super hungry & wanna eat the mic. xDlj seems the pro-est. then melissa seems the blurest, roy seems super nervous. & geraint gave the i am so bored face. karpak, NO COMMENTS! but overall not bad! just that the equipment suck like hell. the mic so damn bloody soft & yeah. then rush off to change. came back the whole thing ended! went for guides. sec 3s had to do the module,sewing. have to learn how to sew button & the button hole. obvious we took super slow to learn & okay nevermind shall not mention it here.gonna ask tang to sign my book! i realised i already completed alot, just that i never sign. I ROCK! :D then had to do drill. because NPCC people teach our cls THEIR way & we have to learn THEIR WAY. last time we used to be 123 then now because of them we have to do the 132. make us damn confuse.don understand nevermind. sec 3s & 4s do drill together. & obviously sec 3s had to be timer. no one wanted to do. so the sec4s complained. like if ask for sec 4 they will do likedat. -.- its always those normal people who will do it lah. then went to jeight to eat. we gossiped. about those stuck up sec 2s. irritating. they are like glued to the cls. some of them lah. not all. pissed me off lah!whats the problem with them. BOOTLICKERS. ewwwww. ciaos~ BYE!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 8:03 PM
HEEE HA! xD okay fine. today past super fast, i bet tmr's gonna pass super slow. gonna have DNT test tmr & i bet i am gonna fail. cause nothing goes into my brain. ohya! did i mention that my new maths teacher is OMG? he is superrrrr gay! & he watches PORN. & he do the gay action. *flinks head* when he dont have fringe. xD LOL. yes, & i hate MR HAW SB! although he is a little better than FATTY lim. yes, i still hate him. i want mr romzeeee! ohya talking about fatty lim. i remembered something. he was walking behind me then i wanted to tell sandy that he was behind. then i thought he already walked away so i say. me: sandy, just now fatty lim behind. * turns back, OPPPPPS!* sandy & lijing started laughing like mad. & obviously i also. seriously i didnt know he was behind. who cares lah. wanted to buy addicting sweets again. xD but this time no more already. awwww, so sad. i want! if anyone saw help me buy okay? xD then HOME SWEET HOME. :D ciaos~
Monday, March 24, 2008 @ 9:53 PM
last post before i go off to bed. LOL super tired. okay. poa is killing all my brain cells. mrs tang is damn -.- cause she gave us one day before the due date! WTH! others have like 1 week. irritating. i am not doing it already. i also havent do lit. today was super high but D&T was boring. damn boring. cause we had 3 periods of theory. 3 periods lah. then went to jeight. :D then bought the addicting sweet. xD then home sweet home. okay then.i go sleep already! ciaos~
Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ 8:47 PM
2nd post for the day. super bored. watching s-pop. kinda bored cause like i dont know most of the people. LOL. who cares i am still gonna watch. since there is like nothing to do in the com. :D just finished my physics 10 year series. you must be thinking. wah now then do finish right? LOL. cause i bought the wrong, wait not me, is my tution teacher she thought i pure student. she must be joking lah, i dont look like i am pure student lah. -.- studied for physics tmr. i am such a good girl lah! *claps* but nothing seems to go into my damn head. :/ bet i am gonna fail for tmr's test. gonna study for it again tmr before the test. so dont doubt that i am a goooood girl :D ciaos ~ bye people! *watch tevee. :D*
@ 11:31 AM
i wanna go out again! :D i mean seriously. xD but toooo bad there's no day for me to go out again. lets seee. saturdays lj & sandy cannot. sunday joyceee cannot. weekdays, dont think so. sigh. anyways i am fine. dont worry! i will forget bad things after a few days!:D i am supose to have tution but she didnt come. goood for me! :D cause.. there's spongebob now! ciaos~ i wanna go watch spongebob already! bye people!:D
Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 11:30 PM
went out with joyce, lj, sandy today :D & obviously i had lot of fun. met up with them at j8 first. sandy was the last xD lucky i not last. LOL. only they understand. then didnt know where to go. so someone suggested vivo. cant remember who. its been ages since i went there. then walked round. didnt find any shirt, joyce wanted to buy. so we went to sushi tei to eat. lj ordered & we just ate. i mean we share? xD i like the beef i think? damn nice lah! & i am missing the ice balls. :/ lol. okay i am wierd. then after eating we went to bugis! they found their collar shirt. then they wanted to buy the tee shirt. so waited for them to choose. the aunty was damn friendly. she scare me. xD i like this type of shopkeeper. rather then those fierce looking ones. :D next time buy from there. xD if i have the time? or if i think its not that far. :D then for the first time joyce is buying a SKIRT! it looks okay lah. she bought a belt too. & lj & sandy didnt even know she bought a belt. then decided to go home so joyce called her father, & he came to fetch us. :D while calling they were saying my hair got some chaoda. :/ how to get rid ah? xD then sandy got white hair. xD lao le. haha. then on the way back to bishan we were like playing. xD then followed joyce to rent her disc. yuan lai wo bu shuai. she good lah! watch disc i watch online. :D its buffering for a thousand years. thats why i came to blog. xD here are the pictures for today!:D ![]() no comments. :D ![]() ohyes, i am a wierdo. ![]() no comments :D ![]() no comments too XD ![]() hmmmmm. ![]() lj's phone ![]() joyce phone. yeah, didnt take picture anymore already. since my phone was battery-lesss. xD all this were taken by them :D ciaos~ byepeople!:D idontlikegoingtomygrandmahouse,icansensetheirbiaseness&ofcourseidontlike.imeaninfrontofmetheyarelikepraisingmycousins&brother.thentheywouldstartsayingme. likehowtheycomplainmetomyparents.theycomplainedthatigohomelateeverydaythisweek.likehello?! onlyfridayiwaslate.therestofthedaysiwentwithmybrother.theysaymebutnotmybrother.whichleadedtoparentsscoldings.obviouslyihadto speakupformyself!itoldthemiwentwithmybrother.thenanotherthingwastheysaydontletmegofriendshousetoomuchtheysaywhatlaterisguyhow?wtf,hello?itlj!wth,whatstheproblemwiththem?nothappythensaylah!complaincomplaincomplain.fuck. even parents dont understand me!then i dont know what parents are for anymore. :/
Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 10:49 PM
released at 12.30. went to the booth to confirm everything. then off we went to eat carrot cake. :D ages since i ate there the carrot cake. then eat le go over to lj's house to play :D first thing we did was.. take off our shoes. xD hahaha. okay first thing was to on the com & see people's blog. xD then played card game, SNAP! sandy obviously was the last for the first round. forfeit was to kiss lijing. CHEEKS. xD they didnt kiss.i haven upload the picture. next time. then later the second round we played cheat. joyce was the winner since she didnt cheat. wahwahwah. xD then sandy. then me & lijing, we didnt play finish. cause two person is like. i have 3 six mean you have 1 six lah! -.- then back to snap. this time sandy passed her slowness disease to me. i was the last. -.- i didnt get punish for the dont know what reason.xD then we started doing random stuffs? xD we hid unser her blanket & talked. then later sandy say we look like the youtube thingy. i forgot the title. its super funny its just britney spears! xD the way HE CRY makes us LAUGH. okay fine. then watch americans are NOT stupid. they are not stupid, they are plain DUMB. see it for yourself. then started doing random stuffs again! & i realised lijing's bed can sleep 3 people. its a super single. :D then later home sweet home. ciaos~ bye people!:D i dont fucking give a damn.:/
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
update update! lols. damn sian lah. tonnnnns of homeworks. i feel super sleepy lah. i wanna sleeeeeeep. xD holidays, can you please come back? ): i seriously got nothing to say cause my mind is totally blank. nevermind shall post again next time! :D bye people!:D i am gonna forget the past & look ahead to the future. YAY! clap clap good choice :DDDD
Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 11:23 PM
today's weather is damn freaking cold. now not that bad. tmr's outing cancelled THANKS TO YOU RAIN! i hate rainy days. rain rain go away come again another day RETARDS LIKE US WANNA PLAY!xD i guess tmr will be work work & more work? sian. ): but saturday going out with cherilyn!:D then schoold reopening. damn sian lah. :/ lessons again. butbut i guess it wont be so boring after all. heard that our emaths teacher MAYBE going to change. change to some mr how? i hope he isnt like reggie lim. or else. i can say goodbye to maths already. ohya, tell me what am i supposed to do for DNT someone. :D i cant really remember. if you know tell me in details thanks! :D
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 10:43 PM
finally free from guides! :D i mean no more going back to school for guides during the holidays. BUUUUUUTTTTT, my holidays are like so occupied. see ah: lots of homework not done -physics workbook -physics 10 year series -DNT -english (sharepoint) -social studies( sharepoint) OMGGGG. i left 4 days to do finish allll. wth. ss is omggggggg. i hate source based. i mean not hate but i dont like the picture she gave. i dont know what to write. -.- then friday class gathering for 2 peace 07 :D, actually not really?those closer ones.. saturday dragged out by cherilyn. xD sunday tution in the morning. so obviously i am left with tmr & sunday afternoon. & friday night? i hope. arghhhhhhh. KILLLL MEEEEE! JOKING! later tmr someone comes up to my door with a knife i die. xD i wanna watch like alot of shows. LEAP YEARS! step up 2. L change the world, isit still showing? Ah long pte ltd. i know i am super slow. 2 faces of my girlfriend. LOL. and i haven finish the drama where i forgot where i watch until. :/ remedial today was. -.- he let us off early. no, infact is we kinda ownself dismiss ourselves. xD 12.30 went back to guides. -.- complete the small little gadget. my neck damn ache lah. the gadget so smalllll. my hand so big. but in the end we finish it. :D mdm teo drove us to guides house. submitted then left for jeight. for lunch at 4 -.- LOL. then walk around then bus-ed home. since it was raining like nobody's business. i hope it doesnt rain on friday & saturday!* wishes & prays* okay i wanna go watch my drama. ciaos~ bye people!:D
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 10:47 PM
didnt go for guides today. because, i was sick. great. i think it was because of the rain. i have been caught in the rain these few days. plus, during camp. & i think guides is abit crazy. i mean, i have been asked to go for guides on monday,tuesday & now wednesday. fuck lah. ITS THE HOLIDAYS! lol. i want time to go out, to rest. & i havent do all the freaking homework given. i cant even remember what homework we have. xD someone, update me! there's emaths remedial tmr. wish i can go tmr. if not i will not be able to catch up if i didnt go. before that i have guides AGAIN! madness. i dont have the mood to blog. ciaos~
Sunday, March 09, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
CAMPSICK arghhhhh, i hate myself. everytime when it was camp i wished i could go home. now that i am home, i weish to go back camp. serious, this happen to me every year! i miss the trainers ! william, the super paiseh one. i mean he gets so embarassed. LOL. he very small boy. the girls understand.he also talks about his experience to the guys. xD jeremy, the retarded & fun one. he got us bonded. & he plays with us. he dont seem his age. he seems like just a few years older. both of them are the most good looking trainers i guess? cannot be ian right? xD okay i was just joking. i miss every single thing about the camp the tent that we sleep in . the shivering cold days, and we still continue our activities. the cheers we had. the retarded games we play on the third day. the ATTACKS we used to scream about. & of course the retarded trainers we have. ): LOL. & i cant seem to adapt. the ants in malaysia are like two times bigger than the ones we have in singapore.i wanna go back in time! ): still trying to get the contacts of jeremy & william. jeremy hasnt accepted the friendster friend request. so no chance to ask. ): then if we get their contacts/MSN. can have APACHE gathering. how cool. :D alrights, the pictures arent up yet. i swear i will post them up once i get it. :D for now, byebye!:D I MISS CAMP!):
Friday, March 07, 2008 @ 10:28 PM
back from camp! i am back from camp! missed me right! :D shall start with day 01! day o1: report to school. got to know our group name! APACHEEEE! trainers are jeremy & weilin!:D board the bus to yong peng for a break. then off to campsite. had lunch with all the flys. APACHE & EINOOK. if i am not wrong were sitting together. while the rest were like in the shelter without flys. GREAT. :/ then went to pitched the tent & put bags into it. :D while we were pitching it rained the guys went back but not the girls. then when the guys went. we had ice breakers. only 14 girls. :D obviously we were bullied, we were asked to leave. so went over to the hut.played all sorts of games. those the light bounces type. those games that must observe one. xD then the guys came. then went back to the MPH. they gave us time to play in the stream & wash up. some girls went back to the tent! then had nightwalk! we went as a big group & i was standing behind roy. he is being retarded. talking about his mother slapping herself. yes, some of you do not understand. xD then left one ligh but we survived! :D & we were the first group. prepared our skit. then went for night snack & shower! then lights off! obviuosly we were not used to the hard hard floor & the limited space we have. but we slept in the end. xD day 02: guess we were a little late. had breakfast. then i cant remember already. took the bus to another campsite for our activities. since we were group one we had to do jungle survival first. it was okay at first but later it rained. obviously we didnt went back. so in the end we were freezing cold. went back to the shelter for a while. then left for jungle trekking which wasnt good. firstly we got bitten/sucked by leeches. was afraid at first but later i took it out myself. :D then i fell at the end. cause th floor is wet. & i was super dirtyyyyy.then next was lunch then went for river challenge. suddenly all of us were like shivering. of course we didnt want to go down into the water. xD but we did in the end. shermaine was damn cute. she was infront of me & she went omgomg,i cant feel the floor. then she went down like bounce in. LOL damn funny luh. so i was behind i did. omgomg i cant feel the floor, then i went down & said eh, i can feel it! they were like laughing at me. ): LOL. took a super long time to pass. xD then next was rafting! i sat on the second raft, also the unluckiest raft. cause we found a super big leech on it. then used the pedal thingy to like scoop it up. it was super near me! then after like for awhile a frog landed on my tyre again! damn, we tried to make it down also. then it came up again! arghhhhh, then we went off. then next was a super big spider on yasmine. then later went around ATTACKING each other -.- lol then went up to untie the raft. then went back to our campsite. showered but didnt change. then went for dinner. then prepare for entertainment nite. :D did stuffs, lazy to elaborate. xD then we changed & slept. was super tired. day 03: woke up at 7.15 prepared & chionged to the field.then had breakfast & area cleaning. that had some games again. played lots of stuffs & it was damn funny. LOL. i was forfeited. we were supposed to do th echicken dance & sing.. i dont wanna be a chicken, i dont wanna be a duck, so i shake my butt. *claps claps claps claps claps.* then had those observing games again. eeeeefan is damn slow. LOL.the bang bang who knows. LOL.the hint is super obvious. the bus was delayed. the bus came. slept. reached yong peng. bought stuffs. then couldnt sleep so was like talking & playing. damn funny lah! hor joyce!xD then at the custom was omggggg. damn long. then later talked to all the trainers. then we reached school. didnt win anything. but i think some of them dont deserve to win. like that whatever underwear. their cheer is like -.- & they can win. i expected either chinook,black foot or us. but it was deliwear -.- took pictures again. :D then we shouted we love william & jeremy! then we seperated. quite sad lah. 3D2N likedat then gone. ): pictures! ![]() 1st shot. with some random trainers. ![]() second shot. APACHE GIRLS! yasmine missing. :/ APACHE ROCKS! :DDDD those who didnt go for the camp because they didnt want to are foooools! you will regret like hell! cause our trainers are the best! i mean out of all th trainers. xD obviously we had fun. & i still cant get used to life now. xD i miss all the trainers & everyone which bring joys to the camp. :D yes alot of pictures not up. cause its with wei lin! arghhhhh! i cant contact him. -.- gonna get from jeremy. :D alrights! bye people! APACHE ROCKS MY SOCKS!:DDDD addicted to: i dont wanna be a chicken, i dont wanna be a duck, so i shake my butt *claps claps claps claps claps!* originated from the chicken song. :DDDD
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 @ 7:14 PM
TOMORROW IS THE CAMP!:D guess what? i havent started packing a shit. & i can still be sitting here blogging. XD the camp seems super scary. especially leeches! omgggggggg. i am gonna protect myself from leeches by spraying insect repellent. & that stupid cherilyn keep on saying about that mr terrorist guy. say what later he follow us there. blahblahblah on monday! then xp say imagine we come back then no more singapore. lols. i know its super ridiculous. who cares i will try to enjoy myself there. :D dont miss me when i am away okay! :D i know you will xD okay luh i need go start packing before its too late. :D bye people! :D *rushes off to pack the baggggggg* |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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