Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 1:38 PM
feeling better now. ALOT better. :D oh, i am here to tell you about my " beautiful" results. but, i cant freaking find my report book! wait wait. i go find. here goes! english: B4 chinese: C5 mathematics: can i not say? i failed badly. so did everyone. science (phy,chem): A1 combined humanities(ss,lit): C6 D&T: B3 POA: A1 (proud to say, i top for the CLASS) -.- L1R4: 15 L1R5: 24 anyways i dont plan to go to a JC. 15, not bad already luh. i aim for a 13- 18 for Os. :D i wanted to upload pictures. BUT the pictures are not with me. tonight tonight! serious. when i get the pictures from lijing,cherilyn. they are the ones with the most pictures. i dont know if i should get pictures from TTT,hesitating. see how things go. :D i hate the holidays. i think its even busier than normal school days. :/ i rather there isnt any holiday. give me free time please. i need to relax & go out one leh. okay anyways, i miss korea. :/ & i email-ed my buddy & she freaking replied! ^^ like =O i thought she wouldnt reply. & she replied in english! woah, happy to actually get a reply from her. forgot to ask for her blog. ask her when she replies. :D & to those guides who are still stuck with the toilet. takecare! & HUITING! i am your lovely angel. xD shermaine, GET WELL SOON! :D
Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 10:14 PM
back from all the camps. but now i am freaking down with a fever. yes, i am gonna continue blogging about the korea trip. BEWARE! long post ahead! day1: reached changi airport. say byebye to family. off we went to the planeee. slept for 2 hours only. reached incheon airport. put bags in the bus. off to our destination. paper museum. no pictures because nothing in there facinates me. we made paper. & off we went to the cultural village. abel & YI girl " got married" damn funny. while the rest were trying on the traditional clothes. we were busy taking pictures as a group. for sure, there were extras. -.- if i am not wrong, we left to suncheon soon after. so nothing much. day2: woke up, went for breakfast. then off to suncheon maesan middle school. met up with buddies. mine isnt there. :/ because she was 1 of the performers. then she came. asked for name & such. & off we went to .. different busses. we went to the kia motors. & i think the uncle didnt know the way. causing us to be in the bus for more than 90 minutes. plus, the bus is -.-. i almost puked. then i forgot where we went. the local market after that. saw cherilyn. walked with her & her buddy. since my buddy & her buddy from the same class. return to school followed my buddy home. :D small yet cosy. i rather it be small then i will be less afraid. day 3: woke up, freshen up. had breakfast. off to school with buddy. yes, we took a public bus which was crazy. squeeze my way through. i dont know why. because my buddy asked me to? i guess. i forgot what we did. ( i think i mixed day 2 & 3) nevermind. what i can remember was. the english lesson. the teacher's enbglish wasnt bad. but her pronounciation was reallly bad. probably its the accent. xD LOL. yes, we couldnt understand a thing. probably we did. but with difficulty. went over to one of the rooms to see pictures of their exchange programmes. our school was one of them. :D crazy girls were screaming away for alastair. tskkkk, noisy. xD i think all he has to do is just say 'hello" & all of them might just faint. xD we went to the steel factory? i think. yes, what i can say about it is that the factory damn hot. i felt like half of my face were chao ta. xD cant really remember. but nevermind. just leave it like this. return to school. followed my buddy to macdonalds. yes, there are macdonalds in korea. went there to meet her friends. then went to her friend house to take her clothes & off we went to jim jil bang. FYI, its a place where koreans have spas & suana. abel went on the first & second day with his buddy. xD LOL. wasnt that bad. its only the bathing part which really really.. ewww, i hate it. you'll never wanna know. xD suana & the ice place was damn fun. TTT always ask me to go with her to the suana. probably wanna lose fats. who knows. damn irrtating luh. dont know how to reject her also. she sweat damn fast. i sweat abit, she sweat alot. i sweat alot. she might just drown in her sweat. xD i left there at.. 11.30? then reached home. chaged & off to bed. was really tired. breakfast, didnt eat much. they gave me gifts. so i gave them gifts. :D its the thoughts that count. :D left house. took a cab down to school. put bags in bus. off to some mountain. super tiring. TTT almost died while walking up. xD couldnt see her around me as well. saw lijing & peeps. they were taking photos. didnt join them. so went off to the peak. took some pictures. i think. with lijing. left for some place i dont know where. walked around. time to leave our cute buddies. & yes, i cried. for a while. all their tears got me emotional. you cant blame me. left them & off to seoul. reach seoul. into hotel. bathe, sleep. day5: SHOPPING at shin sae gay. & dong dae mun. bought things for myself xD sorry luh. the socks are damn cute lah. xD then shop alittle, then continue shopping for stuffs. cant remember. whole day = shopping. xD went into hotel. pack stuffs. & everyone came over. i dont think there's a need to repeat. see below! :D day 6: woke up. the 3rd tunnel thingy. :D cool. but its a tragedy. all country has its own history. like singapore. the japanses occupation. theirs is the NORTH & SOUTH korea war. LOL. then went for lunch & last minute shopping & offf to incheon airport. bought stuffs there. :D & off to singapore. nothing much already. or probably. cant remember. guides camp is the worst camp ever. regretted going. father: you sure you wanna go camp. me: its compulsroy for all sec 3s. father: ohokay then, take care of yourself ah. & now i am back with a fever. i just pigged from 1 all the way through till 7. & i am still tired. the dotor says its might be because i am too tired. but i think its the heat. my hands all red now. ALMOST the whole guides company got food poisoning. all laosai-ing. yes, its the worst camp for me. but hey, its the last year i will be participating as a guides. sorry . pictures will be up tmr. i guess. i am too tired to start uploading pictures. i am so sorry. wait awhile more. pictures will be up soon! ciaos~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 9:30 PM
YOYOYO! I AM BACK! i guess you guys me me alot. xD yes, korea was great. so were the people that went. except ____. yes, make a guess. the guys were super duper retarded. i can say they are gentle-manly. first day was fun till lunch, because the food was.. -.-. i can say its not nice. it was rather okay, just that i wasnt used to it? & i cant take spicy, a bit is okay. but KIMCHI is a NONO. i dont know how in the world do koreans actually stand eating the same food for years of their lives. EVERY meal there will be KIMCHI,beansprouts,seaweed.. breakfast,lunch,dinner. all day long. its the same fooood. but if you ask me if i have the chance to go, would i go. my answer would be definetely a yes. but i hope the same bunch excluding TTT. yes, perfect. & more shopping time & bonding time. wah, thats the best man. i wont be going into the details for today. cause i am so damn tired. my buddy is great. i like her. Lee Yun-Wha. please call her sera! :D so cool. she has an english name. i shall just talk about some people. the SUBJECT OF THE TRIP. none other than.. TTT yes, she was the only one i could not stand. whinings, acting cute, being OVER friendly. i've got so much to rant. she was being sucha fool. doesnt she know that, over friendly = irritating. she doesnt have a sense of guitly after INDIRECTLY asking her host to pay for what she has bought. its human nature to feel guilty. FYI, my buddy only bought a clip & some accesories. which i guess didnt exceed 10 sing dollars. i am happy she didnt buy anymore. she actually bought so much things that it actually could exceed 50 sing dollars. okay, thats it. i am gonna keep the rest to myself. i dont wanna make things tooo obvious. even our dearest lijing couldnt stand her. jiale he was like so damn coool! he actually took UNGLAM pictures of TTT. & ject her without even thinking. & i like his smile. aha, i kept making fun of his eyes. but hey, its not that bad lah. & stop winning when playing snap. he is damn fast. abel LUCKY AH. is all i can remember about him. damn funny luh. he also ject TTT. but actually all the guys did ject her. i like his eyes. :D slow in snap also. but later me,he,yongen was the first few who finish first! yongen funny guy. damn cool. go to the toilet & eat lah! xD damn funny. he was slow in snap too. xD but hey we were the first few who finished during the last game! alastair singapore's beckam. yes, the korean girls were so in love with him. EVEN MY BUDDY. she say he resembles her boyfriend. yeah, the girls in korea were busy following him & taking picture of him. stella she is damn motherly lah! but its a good thing right? she can take care of us. xD but she hurt her toe. awwww. hui sze yes, lijing's SZEHUI. she kept getting her name wrongly, purposely. huisze didnt really talk to her much. but friendly. :D lijing joyce cherilyn shermaine. i guess you know them. bryan he was retarded during the first few days of the camp. but he got sick. & was super quiet. poor thing. if he wasnt sick the last day would be more fun. me,cherilyn: are you attracted to her MINI skirt? bryan: no, she look like a pornstar. LOL! damn funny lah. sharine likes to take picture but doesnt smile. xD lijing: sharine fool! me: huh? i thought fang? lijing: because she look like a fool! me: oh, SHARINE FOOL! jesmond he could speak korean lah. nothing much about him. nat chua damn retarded. sitting on the dustbin. nice skin. took unglam pictures of TTT too. xD benjamin jiale was seeing his camera. was bored so went over to see too. his camera is BORING. he took super random pictures. can see till sleep. although he took lots of picture. but.. only afew was with faces. xD matthew he look like a clown. his ghost stories are stuck in my mind. because its about kcpps. like i didnt even see that metal gate before! but yes, overall not that bad. quite retarded at times. vito like is this how you spell his name?! ahaha, i guess so. vey cute. played murderer, he keep shaking his body. lol. then they were like .. lol. cannot stand him. super retarded. the rest.. didnt really bond with them. yeah. so nothing much about them. didnt bond with the YI peeps. because we didnt really liked some of them. :D the last night in the hotel was fun-est. played snap. jiale became super pissed with us. because he ended early. but the game between me,abel,yongen just cant seem to end. got a sequence one. then stop in the end. that when we started playing murderer. super retarded.started saying ghost stories. damn scary luh. but after a few they stopped. cause everyone was terrified. thinking it was 2 am. we stop to check the time. wth! 12 already. i thought we played quite long?! its like only 2 hours passed?! so the girls became quite tired. so wanted the guys to stay cause we were scared. but matthew say the teachers would scream if they found out. so they went back. :/ should give us freedom. its not like we would do anything lah. -.- but overall. damn fun. if only we had another 4 days there. :/ this way i can skip guides camp. i hate guides camp. i dont know why. because dont have my good friends in there. then camp would not be as fun.:/ but i just packed my bagg. & its the lightest bag i ever carried for a camp. just hope to get it over & done with. then i will have more time at home to rest. today went for the air rifle course. i almost got a 10 points. i think i got a 9? STANDING UP okay! not bad for beginners. the first 3 tries while standing was. -.- none was in the black circle. but the 3rd card i like. but i dont have it with me. shooting is fun. because i am not in any competition unlike lijing. got pressure. laser quest seem fun too. but didnt have the chance to try. but mrs tang booked it already. :D in july -.- okay my eyes is closing. post again when i am back from my guides camp!see how busy i am. super tired. lijing! i want the emails of all the peeps that went to korea! thanks! give me when i am back. pictures up when i am back! bye peeps. i wanna go email my buddy. :D AWAY FROM THE 28th TO 30th. gone to guides camp! KEEP MY BLOG ALIVE! :D
Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
okay. just came back around an hour ago. watched made of honour. :D pretty nice. & its my first time sitting at the first row. then after the show. went to walk around. then we saw mr ___ & ms ___. yes fill in the blanks. its quite obvious. but i did that because she told us to SHHH. xD so i am not supposed to spread. so, i am not spreading right. you guys guessed it yourself! xD lol, then shopped for the korean gifts for a super duper long time then decided to go fareast. finally found the gift! :D then lijing headed to bishan because she's going home. while me & cherilyn went over to toa payoh for my FBTs. :D bought already bus-ed back to bishan. damn funny lah. but i wont say. xD reached bishan. went to find her mama's gift. then went to s-11 to eat. you must be thinking why s-11?! because while walking to the busstop at toapayoh we suddenly feel like eating s-11's ban mian. XD okay. LOL. ohya. we collected her shoe before that. i telly ou its damn freaking funny. because on saturday. i went to buy my track pants from converse. then they gave me the wrong size. so on sunday i went back to change. this converse guy damn goood. he just changed it without looking at the receipt & stuffs. if you go other place they will demand receipts & stuffs. but he did not. LOL. then same for cherilyn. she went to try her shoes. then dont have the size. HE DRIVE TO TAMPINESS TO TAKE FOR HER. like so good can? never see before. & he dont need deposit & number. LOL. & we were talking about CONVERSE STAFFS ARE SO GOOD. & its not converse staffs its only him. LOL. if you dont understand then too bad. :D okay i know you guys will miss me too much that you cant sleep. so, i will be missgoody & help you to sleep. :D TADA! ![]() you see i am just soo good. its the most recent one okay! because i just took it. LOL. i bet you have never seen sucha good person before. dont worry i will just be away for 1 week. :D will blog when i come back! :D & i'll miss you guys alot tooo! especially sandy! :D see lah never sign up! tsktsk. ciaos~ her chin looks like felicia chin's chin! joke of the day man. i laughed so damn hard lah. tskkkk.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
havent started packing yet. you might be calling me an auntie. but i seriously have no more time. tmr going out until dont know what time. tuesday go school comeback bathe check everything.. blahblahblah then have to leave for the airport. dont know when then can get back my report boook. :/ i realised cherilyn's luggage is damn small. its above her knee. lijing is below the hip above the knee. mine is below the butt. xD i realised its not at the hip.(its one of the smallest luggage i have.) LOL. i wanna see joyce's one. :D tmr then ask. going out with them after all. hmmmm, lets seee. cherilyn is a kanchiong spider. she went off to pack her lugagge already. actually is not kanchiong. its BEING PREPARED. xD anways, i still dont know what to pack. my mother is so prepared that she bought all kinds of medicine. like wow. cause i very weak. xD okay fine. gonna bring DS,book,ipod,camera,handphone. woah super stressed later lost one of them i can bang head & die. might not be bringing ipod. see how things go first. but most likely yes. alrights, gonna pack soon too. :D ciaos~ blog tmr!:D
Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 8:23 PM
today, we were shown our results OVERALL results. all passed except maths. F9, at least not a U grade. the whole class failed, highest was gracia D7. damn retarded. like how in the world did we did so badly. i thought i might get a BODERLINE pass. because we passed up all our graded assignments! but instead a F9. i dont wanna talk about it anymore. but looking at the brighter side, i got 2 A1s! :D lol, shall wait for my report book to come back before i can really post about my overall results. today's english period was so.. LOL. we were gossiping with ms ng, about teachers. yes, you never see wrongly its GOSSIPING. xD the first person she asked was MR HAW. obviously we will start ranting. then she say alot of people say reggie lim not good. then we started all the past, during sec 2. how we flunk maths & stuffs. & she said, the school thought mr reggie lim was doing well. like ?! its not his work. its his students smart. if he teaches us this year. ALL U GRADE! FYI, he got promoted. my suggestion was.. to push all the lousy teachers to the lower sec. we cant afford to get such teachers when our o levels is next year. no way man. hope we dont change form teacher next year. LOL. i know, joyce wanna change mrs rajan. xD holidays are coming. :D nah, not happy about it at all! look, 21st may - 26th may : korea trip. 27 may: air rifle experience. (guides) 28thmay-30thmay: guides camp in school cum enrolment ceremony. 2nd june: civil defence badge course. (guides) 3rd june: chemistry remedial! 5th,6th,10th,11,12 june: AEM ' electronic design & developement at SP. 13 th june: heritage trail challenge ( guides) 17th june: anti drug inhalant course (guides) 18th june: snow city with guides. 21st june GGS walkathon(GUIDES) thats all i know for now. want my life lah. wah lao. like half my HOLIDAYS are gone. really need to find a suitable day for sentosa. look at my schedule! i bet this time sentosa trip must be difficult to plan. :/ everyday GUIDES GUIDES GUIDES GUIDES. still trying to get my freaking bronze award. okay & i JUST got promoted to PL. & guides COLLAPSE into 1 coy. like so freaking sadddd can. ): lack of members. ALL NPCC FAULT, snatch everybody away. xD NO OFFENCE!xD sian. ciaos~ i need longer holidays please. :/
Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 9:10 PM
got back lit. as expected i failed :/ but wasnt as bad as i thought though. i expected to get a 10? but i got a 22 instead. its 22/50. 3 marks to pass. but i hope overall will pass. so i failed 2 & passed 7. NOT BAD ALREADY HOR. :D & for the overall. COMBINED SCIENCES: A1 POA: A1. the rest not sure. just hope i pass. see i got 2 A1s okay! xD better than sec 2. i only got 1 A2. today physics. every one has a different partner. :/ KOTARO! was my partner. like wth! he very.. quiet. not very. but aiyah, sit with him no fun one hardly talk to me. make me like loner. but term 3 will change again. hope doesnt change to some.. FLY. omgosh. i would rather kotaro. xD then went off for the briefing at 12.30? meet up with yusof ishak people. at first i thought it was a malay boys school. in the end there were chinese & girls. xD had ice breakers. could remember some names. then i choose 3 girls for the 4 people eating thing. they were related. therefore their names are like almost the same! got twins, & a cousin. i was like are you all sisters? then they twins cousin. LOL. i was like oh... :D no wonder. damn retarded. curtain up & curtain down was the funniest. i zhao gen. but no worries i got shorts inside. xD sorry luh. then in the end all of us went. haha. then had the actual briefing. we were told that 1 to 1 family. AHHHHH, omgosh. communication problem lah! xD then have to wear uniform when in their schoool. wth. & we are going to leave on the 20th may, not 21st may. dont miss me too much yeah? xD i know you humans will. ask for my photo if you think you will miss me toooooo much. xD okay that was soooo... nevermind. ciaos~ CHERILYN! iie lurrbbe euus tuus worzxzxzx. yes, an inside joke. not really inside anyways. :D
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 7:58 PM
okay, i am here to blog about my super ultra crappy results. ENGLISH: 22/35 CHINESE: 36.5/70 ( for the very first time) MATHS:14/60 like wtf. SC(PHY): 31/45 SC(CHEM): 34.5/45 Social Studies: 15/25 D&T : 31/50 (if i am not wrong) POA: 31/50 LIT (?) havent get back lit. i swear i will fail. unseen prose is wtf?! nevermind. as i said. i would fluck my maths paper. but i got better than i expected. i expected a single digit or 10. but its nowhere better. our class got 4 passes. 33/60 was the highest. pathetic huh. who cares. cheena is super disappointing. i used to get an A1/A2. now i have dropped to a C6. like wow alicia. i am not gonna fail my cheena. or i will kill myself. it used to be my best. :/ i like my science result. i swear its the nicest. xD for the combined i got an A1. 80 something. :D POA was like ?! i passed? actually i got a 27 one. then mr loo ask mrs tang to mark leniently. not for us. its for 3 faith. cause they did super badly. D&T was a miracle! i didnt expect to get such results. like :O. joyceee is the highest. but aiyah, she likes design what. & FOR ONCE! i passed SS. aha, i usually get a just fail by 1 mark stuff. or pass by 1 mark. SRILANKA HELPED ME. :D yeah, i would rather fail badly then failing by one mark. its like 1 marak only lah. so heart pain. but when you fail super badly its different. yo will feel sad. but you wont feel that its like 1 more mark to passsss! xD alrights, shall blog about yesterday. INTERCLASS! 3TRUTH CAME IN FIRST! for the guys. girls came in last. but you cant blame us. cause, the referee sucked. i need to rant. can i? YES I CAN. we were against 3faith first. they won we got nothing to say. then next match was with 3 joy. this stupid girl tripped on the BALL. & the referee says they saw our class girls tripping them. then, we thought we could all defend because.. thats what 3 faith did just now. but in the end they say all behind the balls. like fuck! & who's our goalkeeper? our little joyceee. its like so unfair! why we cannot they can. so they went to confront the referee. REFEREE'S words. & their reason was.. because that fucking girl who tripped on that fucking ball fall IN the penalty box. so we didnt continue argueing. the next thing we saw was. the match between 3 peace & joy. they made 3 peace people fall IN THE PENALTY BOX & THEY ALL GET TO DEFEND THE GOAL! like what the heck. so unfair lah. that ball didnt even came to our side once. & we could lose to them because of the trip. & we all heard some 3 joy girls saying. thanks to your fall we won. like.. yeah whatever. stupid clumsy girl. okay enough of rantings. back to the guys. when it was the last shot. we were so damn nervous. hanesh was the one who is kicking. *whistle blows* hanesh runs kicks & the ball went into the net! the girls started screaming like mad. :D good job guys!:D we shall do better the next interclass! & i felt the bond. between the girls & probably with some guys. i have got alot to write! but i am damn lazy to type more. yeah, i am super duper lazy to upload pictures. i shall upload it next time! :D for now. just read. today! took back physics. :D talked to ms ng during CME & i realised she did not see me every morning. omggg. she walked passed me. & she said some teacher said that cherilyn's pretty. cause that teacher saw viron. xD aha, then later went to locker. mr koh stop. mr koh: whats the capital of korea? me: err, err, seoul! mr koh: you very very sure. me: yeah. turns to ask cherilyn she gave the same answer. mr koh: what is korea's traitional clothes called? me & cherilyn stared at each other lah! mr koh: dont know still wanna go korea! tsk, cannot go. cherilyn: tmrtmr! tmr we tell you! :D mr koh: okay *walks off.* seriously, i almost said qipao. xD sorry lah. aha, tmr's the briefing for the korea trip. :D its in 7 days! tmr's also the day which we will be getting back our LIT papers. -.- noooooooo. please. shall blog when i get back my lit results tmr. i hope. :D okay, ciaos~
Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 9:07 PM
second time posting for the day :DDDD & i dont know what to post about. 10 more days to korea. :D but we dont know what time is our flight & stuffs. hope it wont be held up. i went to the natalia's video. she seemed to remove them. LOL. she's popular, in the baddd way. tsktsk. everyone's blogging about her being sucha bitch. if i were her, i woul rather NOT be popular. LOL. okay enough of her. gonna go back to watch my show. its buffering so slowly. ciaos~ HAPPY MAMA'S DAY TO ALL MAMAS!:D
@ 3:40 PM
i think polaroid camera is so damn cool. i want. :/ gonna see how first. most likely not buying. but i like. :D yeah, today's mama day. dont know what to give her. probably dinner? must see how first. tomorrow's monday. thank you cherilyn for reminding me that we are gonna take results tmr. BTW its a week 1. :D so we are like gonna get..D&T, E.MATHS & ENGLISH. damn, i am only not afraid of english. arghhhhh, hope tomorrow doesnt come that fast. yeah, heard from joyce that only 3 passes from our class. definetely not me. -.- wonder how i am gonna tell my mother my results. she's gonna kill me for sure. see how it goes. but even its a zero i will tell her. get it over & done with mah. xD i dont wanna get back lit,d&t,maths,poa. the rest i want. but sadly. d&t & maths comes first. hope i wont die of heart attack. -.- i should stop reminding myself of the results. :D ciaos~
Friday, May 09, 2008 @ 11:05 PM
woah, just came home an hour ago. came home first thing i did was... sit down & watch tevee. xD leg super "sour". pain. LOL then went to bathe & here i am blogging. summary of what i bought. a ring, bf shirt. LOL i think thats all? so i meetup with joyce first then cherilyn. headed towards cityhall. waited for lijing. she came after a thousand years. so when boredom strikes. people like us would start taking out our phones & click! take peeeektures. :D here goes! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() tsktsk, cherilyn got bad photography skills. xD ![]() ![]() stretches my short hands to take this peekture. xD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() omg, i like this peekture, now i think cherilyn's photography skills arent that bad. xD ![]() oppps, unglam! xD then after shopping at bugis. we headed to marina, to eat! SAKAE!:D we eat like pigs. xD & lijing found this! ![]() kaminabe xD not cheap okay! then paid & shopped alittle. & over to ochard! fareast!:D walked till legggg pain. ![]() then shopped till around 7+ i think? decided to take 54 back to jeight. & we saw weiting & valerie. LOL. so we took the bus together. we alighted first & went to buy bubbletea! lijing went home first. we didnt know until joyce told us. xD then we went to top of the 8 & sit. the only funny thing is tayoilin. then we chatted! :D garang guni man. xD inside joke. then decided to go see mother's day gift. but couldnt find any. so went home instead. xD LOL. okay. thats all. i wouldnt wanna bore you further. :D ciaos~ & i believe time would heal all wounds. i was just being random
@ 12:02 AM
its now 9th may i guess? cause its 12 midnight!xD super bored. got nothing to do. currently talking to joyce online. but not talking anymore. *yawns* i feel tired, but i dont feel like sleeping. aha, i feel so wierd. i feel that there's a hair on my leg, but there isnt any. i feel high, but i am not doing anything high. i feel hungry, but i am full. i feel like doing something, but i dont know what to do. LOL. seriously, i am feeling this way. cramps, i hate you. sorry for not considering for the guys seeing my blog/ reading. but i think its nothing. its just cramps. lol. seriously i knew it was gonna visit me today, because i had cramps like 4 hours before it came. like wow. xD anways, anyways,anyways i cant wait for tmr. like after sooo long. finally can go out. :D not going to buy much anways. just a few. :D cherilyns says she's gonna buy alot. shopping spreeee. xD okay i got nothing to say. ciaos~
Thursday, May 08, 2008 @ 5:05 PM
exams are finally over for now! :D* starts jumping around & screaming like maddd woman* seriously i can wave goodbye to so many papers lah! lets say out of 9 i know 4 most likely gonna fail. like wth! poa is seriously %^*&$(&$*^%! i couldnt balance the stupid trial balance! maths is like.. haha BYE. i left 3 blanks i guess? total up the marks of the ones i did not do. at least a 10 marks? lit is worser. i study the damn book in the end only 2 question came out. that part was okay. manageable(?) while UNSEEEEEN PROSE is a killer. i couldnt do the second question, actually first also. the whole section i dont know how to do! 12 marks & 5-8 lines -.- i only wrote 5-8 lines & it consist of 12 marks. -.- so,what do you think? likedat can pass is really soooo :O. D&T. no comments. seriously i could only do some question. & the rest leave blank or anyhow write. e.g name one eco-friendly product my answer: bottled drinks. LIKE?! it isnt even eco friend.-.- enough about exams. it makes me stress. so from now. NO PIMPLES ANYMORE. xD going out tmr. :DDDD like yay! okay gtg! CIAOS~ gooooodbyeeee! I FEEEEL SO HIGH!;D
Sunday, May 04, 2008 @ 9:59 PM
tmr's cheena paper. gonna use the kiasu auntie method. :D LOL. anways i studied maths,lit,chemistry for now. maths.. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. :D rely on haw SB, SURE FAIL. DIE DIE MUST PASSSSS. PLEASEEEE. * hopes & prays & wishes.* LIT... my gosh. i need to keep reading through & through. gonna start studying for POA tmr, & also more chemistry & look throught lit. :D gonna remember everything about maths. & thats it for tmr. :D mymy, please get this over & done with. i neeeed my holidays! if not i might just die someday. -.- i shall go to look through mocking bird again. :D cause i seriously cannot remember all. -.- can someone tell me,will there be unseen prose? okay. ciaos~ i cant believe my brother is still playing games. -.- & the next paper for him is SS. -.-
Friday, May 02, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
went to collect my damn passport today. pretty fast. i freaking wanna practice maths. i think haw SB is a failure. he teaches so much & yet no one understands. or maybe they dont bother listening. he teaches the complicated instead of the simple one. like -.-! he is a USELESS piece of junk. he should not be here, go back to your rubbish bin luh. stop messing everything up for us please. can we exchange him for tan jee yan OR patrick goh? btw, he doesnt have much experience luh. everytime do wrong only. -.- LOL. enough of rantings. gonna ask mt tution teacher to study with me. if not i seriously will flunk my emaths paper. * waves to the paper* i understand a little of indices. & matrices is my favourite. :D have problems with the rest. thinking about the linear inequality, similarity & congruency. *faints* physics should not be a problem. chem have to memorise. POA must remember the different ledgers. -.- & lit. OMGOSH! i shall start to analysis their character. xD okay i should seriously get going! ciaos~ *rushes off to study*
Thursday, May 01, 2008 @ 11:44 PM
there's no paper tmr! wohoo! *starts jumping around like nobody's business* anyways i feel so bored. :/ I WANNA GO FOR THE CLICK FIVE CONCERT! anyone willing to sponsor me?! xD lol. fine, take like i have never say anything. xD pimples are popping out. gonna get rid of them. :D gonna start practicing my maths paper tmr. & start understanding haha bird. :D i am sucha good girl, unlike sandy. tmr got paper now still using computer. & she said she forgotten everything! omgosh. tmr's her paper she now still can forget?! tskkkk, like joyce. LOLS. anyways, goood luck to those taking geog & history elective. :D i will give you guys moral support while i sleep. xD okay, ciaos~ THE CLICK FIVE! ): |
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