Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 9:32 PM
hi peeeeps! today was tiring. school was ridiculously boring. -.- & for once, i actually learnt something in math class. like finalllly! its quite simple, if you actually bother to listen to him. but he's okay with some topic. but really terrible in some others. dance practise was tiring but funnny. cause of matthew, he was damn retarded. hahahaha. the guys were -.-. they pang seh the girls to dance. pangsai lah they. xD i admit its embarassing. you all want your face, we dont want meh? if it was a choice we wouldnt do it either. but it wasnt a choice,for us. but, we are doing perfectly fine without them. :D actually you cant blame them also. even i as a girl feels thats its embrassing dancing that. so many shake butt actions. xD i know i am contradicting myself.its views from different perspective. :D hahahahahaha, mr koh luh! tsk, one to dance ownself dance luh. make us go there & make a fool out of ourselves. :/ people who are seeing this. if you see us on wed/thurs. doing that ridiculous dance. please dont laugh. its suppose to look nice, but when we dance. it looks wierd. xD okay, i shall end this crappy thing. gooooodbye humans. :D the video of the dance that we are gonna dance.. its the slowed down version. the song's tell me. :D
Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 3:55 PM
hi peeps. :D got the news last night at 2 plus. that we'll be wondergirls & dance the tell me dance during the presentation on wednesday/thrusdays. which seriously, i feel so.. arghhh., just remember how i screwed the dance up during sec 1. my hands just hates my legs. they cant seemed to coordinate. joyce is doing it for wg. i am doing it for stella. xD so sweet of me. haha, a quotation from joyce. " since we all cant dance, just go up & die together." haha. for that, i feel much better. since the whole group only cheryl's from flame dancer. imagine the guys dance the tell me dance. omg, so gay. HAHAHAHA. but they must do it. if not, not fair to us. :D seriously, i cannot imagine dancing infront of the upper secs. gahhhh, take it as a chance to build up confidence. :D i'm okay with the lower sec. since i dont know them. just some. just hope that we wont screw it up. wondergirls just rock. i like lies by big bang as well as last farewell. i like super junior's EHB. YESUNG! DBSK's, HUG. JAEJOONG!:D haha, you cant blame me. in school, joyce influenced me. at home, my cousin influenced me. & so coincidentally they both always like the same band together. DBSK first, then super junior. LOL. EHB was told to me first by my cousin first. then like few thousand years later. joyce told me about it. xD hahaha. & i am only watching it after a hundred thousand years. :D alrights, i am mad. the weather's killing. :/ goooodbye humans. :D
@ 12:22 AM
hi peeps. i thought it was still saturday. but its 12.25 now. so, its a sunday. *sighs* so fast. why cant one day have 48 hours? wont that be great? IF, school hours doesnt extend. :D oh whatever, i know i am thinking too much. i wonder what will happen to people staying on the earth in 20 years time? i think, everyone will get heatstroke eventually. global warming is killing. just sitting down eating for 30 minutes makes you sweat too. if only, the whole earth has an airconed-weather. wont that be just so great? LOL. especially singapore. since its so damn warm. i miss korea, especially the weather. imagine you go jogging in the morning, & you will just sweat alittle. while in singapore, just WALKING. will make you sweat alot. my friend still visited me on friday night. which caused me to really get irritated. but actually, gald that it came. since she was late by afew days. :D she should come in the beginning of the month, not now. at least, she came. :D i am running out of things to blog about. wait till school reopen or something. ohya! you people should really catch, EHB. go to youtube & type. exploration of human body (english subbed). it has around 13-14 episodes. but every episode doesnt fail to make you laugh. i am just toooo busy to watch it. i started before i went to korea, and i am still not finished with it yet. but i swear, you guys will laugh till you stomach hurts like mad. but since its in korean, you have to read the subs yourself. :D but its worth watching lah. off for EHB now! goooodbye humans :D
Friday, June 27, 2008 @ 10:00 PM
ho, hi peeeeeps! i left my pencil box in the POA class. & i only realised after recesss. omg, i feel so dumb. xD i haven take it back yet. whose fault? mrs tang, although i am partly to blame. she says it wont get stolen since no one will be using the rooom. & so i still didnt ask her for the damn keys to go up to take. -.- cause i was super bloody hot & tired. xD gonna get them back on monday. pe was alright. damn funny luh. xD guides was tiring, i can say. i got to experience being a leader. leading the whole company. which wasnt easy, tiring. now i finally know what the CLs has been going through. they told me some of their own experience after being a leader. " being a leader, has its sacrifices." thats what i learnt today. we have to sacrifice our precious time for CCA, we have to sacrifice some friendship. but, i know my girlfriends wont treat me that way. :D since they are not in guides. what i lack was confidence. :/ i wasnt loud enough. but i'll try. :D then payed captains ball which was damn funny. my group, team 1. got first. played with team 2. 16-5. played with team 3. 13-2. dont we just rock? hahahaha. then had gadgets making. mini kitchen dresser. we didnt take pictures! how could we. tsktsk. i got twine burns while doing it. ohyes! i've got pictures! ![]() the "formal" picture ![]() WE ARE DRUGGGGG FREEEEEE! :D it was taken during d&t. a picture to remember our retardedness.haha, mr chua took it for us. :D a pity, the rest of the girls were not there. :/ but still we rock. :D goooodbye humans :D
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 8:29 PM
i realised that there is a chemistry online homework. but it seriously looked like geog. EVERYONE thought it was geog, but actually there's such a topic. -.- but i am so damn freaking lazy to do it. because i hate geog. xD LOL, what an excuse. BUT its true. :D mr haw didnt come again which sucked. am i supposed to be happy? i dont think so. why? because if he comes back he will go like a choochoo train which i wont understand. & we are lacking behind 3 faith? i guess. the least the school could do is, give us a relief teacher that teaches maths! oh, they did it. they gave us mr reggie lim which is no where better. -.- he relief mr haw today. & he randomly gave us a test. -.- like for the past half year we dont seemed to learn ANYTHING. giving us test is a hell for us. :D but i can say, i dont know some of them only. we were all practically discussing the answers. xD i realised shermaine send me this picture. its from korea. its for you to have a gooood laugh, & i know you will laugh. xD haha, look at that. retarded. *sighs* I MISSSS KOREA!:/ yes, i wont get over it so fast. prepare to see me saying this for a thousand times. xD goooooodbye humans.:D
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 8:40 PM
GAHHHHHHH! apparently, i am bored. :/ i know every single one of you knows it. :D arghhhhhh, i've just completed 2 of my homeworks. & guess what? before i am able to finish all the homeworks. new one are coming in everyday. like free likedat, okay fineeee. its free, but still can relax one right? no ones online to talk to me. sometimes, tooo many people online. i have to open like 5 windows. now? not even one, i mean have lah its just that i hardly talk to them. there's one small little joyce online, haha thats better. :D i am like asking her to take pictures from TTT. then send it to me. :) cause i dont wanna take from her. & i realised i didnt delete this picture. i swear its black. cherilyn took this picture because i asked her to. :D she say got white hair popping out mah. then in the end, this type of colour. BUT I SWEAR I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO MY HAIR. its natural colour, i guess. since yound. :D mrs tang is -.-. i msged her so long ago. she now havent reply me. i guess, have to wait till tmr. i asked her if i could actually back out from the national camp now anot. hope she say yes. *sighs* goooooodbye humans. :DDDDDDDDDD
@ 2:54 PM
say i am a good girl. i came home right after school. :D to use the computer. hahaha, but at least i am at home. flooded with homeworks. & the heat outside is killing me. i mean seriously. i was sweating my way home. save the earth, stop global warming! :D i cant stand the heat. &&&& i know lijing will say. ya la, already got four holes on the ozone layer already. at first, i thought threeee only. hahaha, lijing i can read you inside out.say yay! :) not only that, i am worried about every single thing that will be happening to me. Exams, homeworks, the damn heat & NATIONAL CAMP. its 10-14 august. i dont feel like going. i feel like telling tang i wanna back out. why? because i cant afford to lose out anymore lessons. i would rather give up my CCA. i dont care for the rank, just wanna get As in my report book. :/ i've been deproving compared to last year. look at my results. there's a freaking F9 which is really really ugly. contaminate my report book only. * sighs* its a 70% i will be backing out, now the only problem is whether can anot. cherilyn has a pig legggg! xD hahahahahahaha. i forgot to take picture of it. LOL. talking to cherilyn online. & i remember the " her chin looks like felicia chin's chin. " i think its not that nice. so i re-edited it. "CHIN pei CHIN'S CHIN looks like CHIN teck's CHIN which looks like felicia CHIN'S CHIN!" hahahahahahahahahaha, okay thats so chin-y. okay, gooooodbye humans. :D & i STILl freaking miss korea. :/
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 9:31 PM
homeworks are seriously flooding me. so many damn homeworks. & thats not the point, the point is i actually dont know how to do most of them. & a lazy bum like me is just lazy to even start thinking. must wait till the holiday mood go away first. :D i am so not supposed to be sitting her typing my time away. but *sighs* who cares. i got do a little bit before i start typing away. so its a good start right? tell me it is. xD school was oh so usual today. e.maths, mr haw say boon never come. so i started reading mocking bird. :D Mother Tongue, to hall & back to class for compo. free period, mocking bird flys out again. admit it, i am such a guai kia.:D humanities, there was no test. * rejoices* & time pass super fast. Physics, changing of places AGAIN. this time, i wasnt that lucky. whose fault? IRFAN. he sabo-ed me, & i was asked to sit beside dominic which sucked. luckily joyce is infront of me, if not i might just die. :D then follow-ed lijing to buy her lunch, then walked home with GRACIA! :D such boring life. :/ offf i go. goooodbye humans. :D
Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 9:27 PM
today's the day, the day we all had to carry our bags & drag our feet to school. *sighs* now that school reopen, my holiday mood is still stuck with me. got ALLL my holidays assignments today. -chemistry -physics -POA -POA project physics is damn difficult, for me. since we didnt attend the lessons when we were happily in korea. didnt bother to see the rest. damn, i forgot about mocking bird. arghhhhh, the consequences of being a lazy bum. hope tmr got no test. if have, i can prepare to flunk it. reflections done, like finalllly! i used all my brain juice to think of things to crap in. i am starting to become a professional crap-per. LOLS. compo also crap, reflections also crap, survery also crap. hahaha. I'm not those that needs inspirations to write on a piece of paper. LOL. yes, dont hammer me if you see this. oh whatever. gooooodbye humans.
Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 11:29 PM
back from shopping. :D woke up 6.30 in the morning. for the guides walkaton which was pretty dumb. walked from guides house to bishan park, walk one round, back to guides house GO HOME. my stomach wasnt behaving today. -.- \ goood news was that our gadget for camp galore was one of the winning ones. we got 2nd. luckily never get 1st, if not must go for that stupid camp. camp home slept awhile, bathe went to meet cherilyn. what can i say about her? she looks like a grumpy old hippo. HAHAHA. nah, joking. her face is red. but not that bad actually. she told me grandmother's story about OBS. which seems fun. i bet if i went i might find it fun too. BUT hey, OBS-ing is so not my type. i dont know luh. I'm afraid of the heights. which will actually lead into the dragging back of teh whole team. so OBS is so not my type. :D but i like sec 3 camp leh. LOL. whatever lah. NOW, i am freaking left alone to do my NYAA. -.- dont think i will do it. *sighs* whatever luh, I've got no leadership. i better get to bed. I've got tution tmr morning. which i thought i didnt have. gooodbye & gooodnight humans. :D i havent do my blooodeh reflections. -.-
Friday, June 20, 2008 @ 10:30 PM
YAY! they are back. LIKE FINALLLLLY! yes, every single one of them. no ones missing. :D just came back from airport like 2 hours ago. & guess what? the terminal that i'll be meeting my cousin is at terminal 1. when i go korea also terminal 1. &&&&&& somemore, she arrived in the same gate, same belt. exactly the same. she took the luggage from the same place. damn qiao can?! i wanteed to take picture but i might look like some siao char bo that have never ever seen changi airport before. LOL. before that we went to terminal 3 which was super dupe big. but i dont see the point of making it so big, when there isnt much thing. i show you what i mean. seeeeseeeseee see what i mean. LOL. waste space. tsktsk. hahaha. okay luh. i better go to bed soon. got to wake up early in the morning for the guides walkaton thing goooodbye humans. :D i think i might make my blog private. :D since my mother actually wanted to see my blog. xD
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 11:27 PM
another day of rotting. & guess what? i havent open a single book. LOL. thats me, always postponing homeworks. i wanted to that chemistry homework online yesterday. & i realised there wasnt any. so i didnt bother to do the rest. school's reopening. & i am actually quite happy about it. i would rather go to school then to stay at home all day thinking of what to do. & tmr's the day. :D the day that all my girlfriends are coming back from OBS, & my cousin is coming back from cheena land. might be going to the airport to fetch her. well, thats poly life. since its her last year in poly, her attachment is to go to cheena land for i dont know what.she left when i was in korea. but i bet it'll be fun, since its friends she is going with. haha. yeah, if the holiday keeps going on. i might just die out of boredom. & i freaking wanna go haji lane, but i dont know where it is. *sighs* gooooodbye humans.:D TOMORROW!:D
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @ 10:46 PM
just realised that there wasnt any chem holiday homework. cherilyn luh, tell me have. tskkkk. haha. practically rotted today. nothing much anyways. dont see the point of posting too. since no one is viewing. LOLS. so, i am gonna freaking end this post. gooobye humans. :D 2 more daysssssss & they'll be back. :D i know its ridiculous just posting this few sentence. but, its my blog. my blog, my choice. :D
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 10:04 PM
same old thing, I AM BORED. OBS IS SUCHA GIRLFRIEND SNATCHER. :/ but they will be back in.. 3days time. :D 3days = 72 hours. i shall wait. when they come back. i bet,they would start bragging about how great OBS is. ohwells, what to do? i will just sit & listen. i cant stand camps more than four days. i will practically die there. & somemore its a training camp. ha, not my type. yes, about today. bus-ed all the way sengkang interchange. i tell you, the bus was freaking cold. reached there. 0830 am. brenda's stuck in a traffic jam. while the rest have not reached. waited till 0850. saw shermaine they all. followed them to SANA. :D since i dont know how to go. sorry brenda, i didnt mean to ps you. well, i saw shuying & knew she would wait for you. & yes, she did. haha. went there. register-ed. went in. LECTURES, omgomg lecturessss. i almost slept in there. but being sucha a good girl, of course i didnt. its about anti-drug. so, there were pictures of buttocks. yes, buttocks. which have been caned until, it didnt looked like a buttock. grosssss. haha. then had another lecture, which was about the same thing, roughly. lol. then had lunch, went over to comapss point. lol,there was this wierd girl who followed us. then she suddnly asked if she could follow us. being such good people they agreed. :D what can i say about her? oh, she's one wierd thing. & i mean veryvery wierd. she suddenly asked what food i like. i was like.. ? i couldnt hear her luh. she's way tooooo soft. & she a NA. no, not that i am despising her or something. but i thought she was from the express stream. she looked so " i am a good girl, my favourite hobby is to read books." type of girl. fyi, she sits beside shermaine. back to SANA. then we had some role playing thing. which my group can say was very slack. we had one guy, & he's very shy. maybe because he was the only guy in the group? who knows. done with role play. then had some crappy stuffs. & then home. LOL. kids nowadays are way toooo noisy. they filled the whole bus with their screams & shouts & laughters. damn irritating. ohya, i saw familiar faces there. one was my niece, from my father's side. well, she's the same age as me. didnt really talk to her since she cant even recognise me. second, my primary one classmate who stills remember my name. oh, i remember hers too,xiao en. haha. her friend's in my group. so coincidence. she went oh! alicia!. haha. i was like *wavesssss* :D she's the prince charming for those who went. what can i say? singapore is sucha a small place. ^^ right, enough for today. gooooodbye humans!:D 3 more days.
Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 7:55 PM
*sighs* awaiting friday to come. & waiting for tmr to end. cause the girls are coming back from obs on friday. i bet they are like having fun there. & there's a anti-drug course tmr. which i seriously dont feel like going. its from 9-5. like the other time at the civil defence course. its damn tiring luh. like normal school days, no i mean even longer? gonna charge up my DS. so that i can play it on the way there. or maybe there. nah, just joking. i will play it on the way there. sengkang. pretty far huh. i know 156 can bring me there. butbut, i dont know if its the interchange. people who knows tell me okay? xD right, as you can see. i am blogging for the sake of blogging. & i've got nothing to say. goodbye humans.
Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 8:31 PM
shall do some blogging before i go off to watch my shows. i am bored, very very bored, super duper bored. so watching shows kills time doesnt it? i still have a long long list of shows to watch. dont need to be afraid that i'll be bored to death or something. i've no life, i know. LOLS. And kids central's shows arent that interesting anymore. *sighs* from tmr onwards i am seriously gonna start finish all my holiday homeworks. :D i hope i can even start taking out my books & start doing. haha. okay, whatever. i dont know what to blog about anymore. goodbye humans. :D
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 10:49 PM
friday the 13 seems like a normal day. i dont know what might happen next. but i dont believe it is a bad day. because today is sucha good day! its the last day in sp. but a freaking tired one. i admit, we did learn lotsa things there. but you can never expect a student to listen to the boring lectures given by the lecturer. want my life ah? xD our project was a success. our project was a blindman's stick, with LEDs on it. & also a BEEPER/BUZZER. the reason for this stick is because joyce always get hit-ted by blindman's stick.xD we took a thousand years to get the wires in our second hole. we try all sorts of ways. & only after like so long the freaking wire went in. then afterwards we just needed like 20 minutes? to the remaining 8 holes. in the midst of doing the stick, almost everyone of us went crazy. LOL. i shall show you how the stick looks in the pictures later on. i dont know how much we got. hope we passed. :D enough of crapping. same thing, i will end the posts with pictures. ![]() ![]() i dont think its clear, bear with it yeah? ^^
Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
i am glad that tmr's the last day. no more waking up so early in the morning. no more long train rides no more boring lectures no more macdonalds for tea break. LOL. there's still a freaking final project tmr. got everything ready just now. just waiting for tmr to arrive. :D but next week is coming. girlfriends are ALL going to OBS. except sandy. what to do? have to rot infront of the computer to watch EHB!xD havent watch finish yet. they are going for a freaking 5 days. & that 5 days are the free-est moments i have for the whole holiday. anyways, take care darlings. i dont wanna see you guys half dead when you come back.:D & have fun. cause you know, i will be super hyper. HAHA. but i will occupy myself with homeworks when they are in OBS. yeah, anyways, i am here to blog the pictures in SP. so i will end this post with pictures. :D
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 10:22 PM
sp courses are getting boring. due to our change of teacher. yes, i dont like him. afew things i realised about lecturers in poly is that they cant pronounce words properly,like the L & R. parent becomes paLent. xD they try to be funny, but they arent. as joyce said no sense of humour. lol. they cant pronounce my name.-.- i still remember when we were looking at their board, its a board that shows all the teachers of that school. so we saw afew funny ones. like.. one that wears a cowboy hat, one that looks like maid. haha. i cant get my eyes open anymore. the reason is because i slept at 2 last night & woke up at 6. its about a 4 hours sleep. so people, i got to go & make up my sleep. xD i realised i dont have much things to blog about. *sighs* there seems to be a problem with the font. dont mind!
@ 10:22 PM
sp courses are getting boring. due to our change of teacher. yes, i dont like him. afew things i realised about lecturers in poly is that they cant pronounce words properly,like the L & R. parent becomes paLent. xD they try to be funny, but they arent. as joyce said no sense of humour. lol. they cant pronounce my name.-.- i still remember when we were looking at their board, its a board that shows all the teachers of that school. so we saw afew funny ones. like.. one that wears a cowboy hat, one that looks like maid. haha. i cant get my eyes open anymore. the reason is because i slept at 2 last night & woke up at 6. its about a 4 hours sleep. so people, i got to go & make up my sleep. xD i realised i dont have much things to blog about. *sighs* there seems to be a problem with the font. dont mind!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
i dont know why, but i am starting to dislike blogger. kungfu panda was GREAT. because the panda looked like chin teck. wait, i am not trying to be mean lah. think it on the BRIGHTER side. the panda is the main lead leh. xD but its a show worth watching. :D LOL. i am super duper lazy to talk about today. therefore, summarising it will be a good idea. leg damn tired. LOL. its the best phrase to describe today. dinner was like eating grass. me: we like eating grass leh. cherilyn: omg, yeah! me: are we cows or something? LOL. seriously you should see the amount of veggie they gave. tmr have to wake up early again. for the stupid SP course. -.- i wanted to blog ytd, but i guess blogger just jates me or something.its refused to be publish. so too bad. & yes, thats the reason why i am hating blogger now. i shall end this post with a video by wondergirls. what can i say? ADDICTIVE! :D i got addicted to this song. all thanks to * stares at joyce* haha. actually not lah. its a super popular song in korea. thats the reason why. :D
Sunday, June 08, 2008 @ 9:26 PM
wah, i seriously need longer holidays. 3/4 of my holidays are goneeee. fuck. i havent gone out for shopping/movies etc. since the holidays started. & now holidays are ending like in.. 2 weeks time? wth.. & the worst thing is that my homeworks are not even touched. chinese still got a freaking book review. wah, i seriously hate holidays. ecluding the end of year ones. because i have more time & lesser work. :D but next years gonna be alot tougher. *sigh* i hope holidays could be longer. my holidays now are.. wake up at 6, prepare to go to meet people at MRT. take a super long time to reach SP. then lessons begin. & end at only 5+? come home, bathe, eat, watch tevee & its already 10. use the com alttle while. need to go to bed, cause gonna wake up super early the next morning. holidays should be.. wake up super late, watch tevee,use com, do alittle homework, go out,SHOPPING,come back,bathe,use com till super late. THATS WHAT I CALL HOLIDAYS. now i have to make a trip to school just to give the teacher something. it wastes 1 hour of my precious holiday. or maybe more than that! i need to take a break, have a kit kat! xD okay whatever. seriously, i hate the freaking holidays. :/
Friday, June 06, 2008 @ 11:36 PM
i have been tagged by 3 people. but just decided to do one of them. so sorry people :D 1. When was the last time you felt grateful with what you have? everyday :D 2. What disappoints you the most? when i have failed to do something that i could have done ALOT better. 3. What's your favorite thing to do? SHOPPING :D plus, eat sleep & play. 4. Do you think money can buy happiness? yes, but for a minute only. 5. If you can have one dream to come true what would it be? world peace, & disease free country. 6. Do you prefer a kiss or hug? hug 07. What are you afraid to lose the most? loved ones :D actually, i am afraid of losing everything except fats. :D 08. If you win $1 million, what would you do? wait till i have a million dollar first. :D but the very first thing i will do is.. to fly to korea, & see my buddy. dont worry, i will bring those who want to see their buddy with me :D 09. What do you dream of doing in the future? be superwoman & save the world :D 10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? 3 person, so i shall list the 3 of them? Gracia: friendly,kind, fun! louis: fun, nice, friendly! LIJING: haha, err, hmmmm, LOL. err, she is.. pletty(i know she will be like :D) xD, fun, never gets angry! :D 11. What makes you happy? when i see As in my report book. :D 12. What type of person do you hate the most? people like.. TTT & old changkee. those are the people i hate the most. for people who dont know them i shall tell you their character. act cute yet not cute. TWIT irritating action mamas try to be like super glue just to get benefits. 13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? HERE? i guess? 14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? magical hands that treats all sickness. :D 15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? EVERYTHING!:D 16. Any childhood memories you’ll like to re-live? sad to say, i have little memories of my childhood. so, i would wanna re-live all of them :D 17. If you have a chance to change your life now, what would you want to change? my brains. 18. Are you happy with your friends now? DUH! cause they are MY friends. :D 19.Do you think you're pretty/handsome? NO. you think lj's eyes are small? (if u say yes i'll kill u..) i dont think its small. its just needs magnifying glass to see it. i mean microscope. xD Instructions : Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. actually,anyone, that, has, not,done, it,yet. yes, the eight of you! you better do it ah. tsktsk. doing quizzes does not kill you, it kills time! :D done! :D went to SP for course. have to wake up super early. like 6.15? take a train for 45 minutes around there. i swear, i will not go into singapore poly UNLESS the course that i really really like is in there & no other poly offers it. JCs is a NONO. ITE is a MUST NOT/ CANNOT. LOL. i think my mother will just kill me if i ever get into ite. alright back to SP. reach there, at 7.52. xD mr chua & some people havent come yet. so sat there & rot till they come. which is like 45 minutes. -.- went into the poly. scared that we might get lost or something. joyce started taking video. LOL. yes, we never got lost yet. :D then went to the first class room. woah super lucky that we are not in that class. dont know what happen we were supposed to go into another classroom. lucky we in this class not the other teacher's class. xD started lesson. after 1 hour. BREAK. we had macdonalds. 2-3 hours later, lunch. went over to foodcourt 3 to eat. :D then off to class. less than 2 hours BREAK again. fries & nuggets. i say SP feed us like pigs. Had some YEC show by that angmo teacher. quite cool lah. :D then back to class for soldering. i tell you, ITS DAMNDAMNDAMN fun. then went to their open house. LOL. then train-ed home. on the train damn funny luh. we say the shawn the i not stupid that guy. then we didnt notice. later i was looking at cherilyn. then happen to notice behind that guy look like someone. then i was like OH its shawn. they started huh-ing. then ORH-ING. zena was like. SHAWN AH? super loudly. LOL. charolette couldnt get her eyes off him. tsktsk. lol. then zena alighted at angmokio, the rest alighted at bishan. walked home with joyce. saw a GREEN lizard. & its dead. LOL. with a pose. xDLOL day2: met up at 7.10. then trained to raffles city change to dover. there were actually people earlier than us :O. LOL. so we decided to go to foodcourt 5's 7 eleven. which was FAR. LOL. all of us bought things then we went to take lift. the guys are -.- they actually went to press from 1-7. so it had to go one level by one level down. same thing today. tea break, then he continue teaching. then we went to the Dream Home thing.DAMN COOL! i will want my house to have the remote controlled door & lights. & that massage chair. but definetly not that 3 computer. waste of money. tsktsk. then waited for the 2nd group to be okay. then.. went to the library which we slacked. -.- talked to mdm Jean Tan. conversations are PRIVATE. :D then went for lunch at foodcourt 5. :D KFC-ED dont wanna talk about it. then went to sit down at some random bench. -.-then we saw FATS. xD okay nevermind. then back to class. & did the bread board thing & strip board thing. then we were released. we were the earliest group luh! LOL. good for us. xD then went to OLDCHANGKEE to buy food to eat. then HOMESWEETHOME!:D enough for today's post. quite lengthy huh. if you managed to read till here. good for you! if you didnt, too bad. try again some other days! xD ciaos~
Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 10:16 PM
my stomach starts to hurt again. huiting, the washing machine is on. xD i realised i havent blog about the guides camp since i was back like 3 days ago. day 1: the fun-est game was the candle game. everyone has to protect 1 candle & we cannot break the circle. not easy okay. they just directly spray onto your candle. plus, theres wind. day2: outdoor cooking was the bitch. LOL. cause me be tanner & cause me to be sick. :/ then had some games. fun but dirty. there were 3 statins. we went fot the 2nd one first. its the grape covered in flour. have to get it out with only your mouth. & my freaking head was pushed into the flour. lol. nah, but overall fun.& we won. just that i wasnt really well by then. ): next station was the curtains up curtains down. we have food names on our head. then we have to shout the opponents food name. the faster ones get to splash water on the loser. :D we won. next station was the scissors paper stone thing. then loser have to drink a cup of "juice" made up of.. carrot,tomato, milo/lime. the winner get to choose what they want for their drink milo/lime. but hey, we lose. BUT the drink taste okay. it isnt that bad? taste like cereal. :D then off to shower & lights out. thats when everybody started visiting the toilet. finding the facililators & stuffs. heard that mrs tang actually drove them to the doctor. O.o should have find her too. xD day3: area cleaning. our team was like the easiest. actually they say alot of things, in the end we just have to bring some poles up. then got nothing else already. -.- haha, good for us. :D while we sit at the spiral staircase & see the others screaming & shouting away because there were cockroaches in the toilet. haha. our encounter the day before. poor shermaine. she killed 5 cockroaches in 2 days. & of course my pooor slipper haha. then suppose to break camp at 10 cause everyone was sick & tired. then that stupid culprit who choked the drain with her stupid panty liner just doesnt wanna admit. if i know who, i sure slap her one. she caused me to sleep on the table. i sleep until hand numb. tskkkkkk. they should let those who bathe in the boys toilet off first! LOL. although everybody was sick on the second night. but we still have to thank the seniors for organising this camp & making its a enjoyable one! :D today went for the civil defence course. i tell you ah, i almost didnt want to go. 5 modules leh. the paper wrote 9am-5pm. its 8 hours. go school also not so long luh. in the end, we were released at 3.40? ahaha, they knew were starting to get restless.learnt quite alot of things. CPR, first aid, all the fire safety? yeah alot lah. EXTINGUISHERS ARE HEAVY. LOL. ciaos~
Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 1:27 PM
MORE PICTURES UP! :D ![]() ![]() with our tour guide. :D ![]() sharine SMILE LEH! ![]() yes, did i metion we were being retarded in the hotel? ahaha. ![]() their commercial break, somehow cherilyn manage to took this. we laugh till our stomach almost burst. ![]() ![]() favourite! the picture seems wierd here. ![]() ![]() extra heads. xD but its still one of my favourites! ![]() GROUP SHOT! <3 thats all for now. cause still got some with joyce, JOYCE.. lijing ask me take from you. :D ciaos~
@ 12:37 AM
PEEKTURES! THIS POST WILL BE FILLED WITH PICTURES gonna post pictures up as said in the last post. take all you want. :D took super long to upload all okay. must appreciate . xD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() abel looks as if he was posing for the camera. xD ![]() ![]() she looks familiar, somehow. ![]() joyce's extra hand. but you can still see my buddy. & she's crying. ): ![]() ![]() its made up of pots & pans. damn cool lah. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() miss(?) mosquito. xD ![]() with felix. ![]() right-est, thats my buddy :D ![]() i dont know why i am not in there. am i the photographer or something? ![]() hi mr low! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() at incheon airport. ![]() ![]() ![]() xD GUIDES CAMP! ![]() ![]() ![]() AIR RIFLE EXPERIENCE! ![]() sit down & shoot. not bad right? for beginners lah. ![]() LOL. standing up. not even in the black circle. third one not with me. :D i guess i will stop here. upload until damn tired. ciaos~ |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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