Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 12:25 PM

till now, there's no bad comments about the performance. :D
so well, it isnt that bad either.
many thought that the yoyo & jumpstyle performance is the best.
haha, yeah damn cool luh! :D
so anyways, went to grandma house yesterday.
best thing is that the 2 princes were there!
both my nephews. geez, feel so old. but anyways, had fun playing with them. :D
especially the older one. mainly because he could walk.
he learns things damn fast. he imitated his grandma, my aunt talking over the phone.
& he goes.. " wei, *starts talking his own language*."
all of us laughed like mad.
*sighs* see the advantage of being a child?
haha, damn cuteeee.

blur. :/ brother= photography skills = bad. HAHA!
see, mine's better at least it isnt blur. but he's falling down. haha.
the next time round, i 'll take a better shot! i swearrr.
cue cards. kop-ed from joyce blog.

this is what i have for now, the rest are with matthew or bjorn? LOL. i dont know.
& some realllly overdue-ed peekture!
taken on national day! :DDDDDD
till here,
bye peepos!

Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 11:21 PM


I'm so proud of myself! :D
as well as the rest. & also stella the ahma who was downstairs. :D
we all were nervous before the curtains were opened. lijing was shivering luh! LOL.
but later, everything was fine. :D
although we all had mistakes, like forgetting some steps or doing it wrongly.
overall its gooooood!
i'm so addicted into performing now,that i dont mind performing again. xD
with the initial nervous-ness, which faded away later.
so anyways, alicia was dumb that i almost had to say goodbye to my lovely phone.
i lost it, & found out like years after.
lucky it was a girl that picked it up or else, its reallly goodbye.
so here, i wanna thank natazsha from sec 4 truth! :D
although she cant see it, but still wanna thank her.
& also every single one who got concerned & asked.
thanks gracia/lijing/joyce/cherilyn/vito etc who helped me with the finding of my precious phone. of course, my brother who helped me call my phone. :D
didnt really celebrated with my class . :/
awwwww, so sad.
ohya, uma also lost her phone. :O
2 phones lost in a day.
but mine's back!
i wonder if she has found hers.
after school went to eat with wonder girls/boys. excluding cherilyn.
lol, then my chopsticks keep dropping. so on my table there's 5 chopsticks. then louis friends were like how many hands you have?! lol, its not my fault lah. the chopstick keep dropping mah.:X then went home & pigged for 3 hours before waking up for teveee. :D
when will be the next time we will ever perform again?
so now, i'll just post up the video. :D
peektures another day, cause most of the peektures are not with me.
-waiting for the video to be sent.-
its moving like an old grandma walking, probably a tortise.
arghhhhhhh, guess i wont be posting them up. its reallllly time consuming & my nose isnt letting me off either. i'm getting pissed off with my nose as well as the computer.
so just to end this post.
i've some overdued pictures. :D
all this are taken during the rehearsal while viewing the video. :D

VITOOOO! :D the small boy. xD

ma-ta-ew! the clown, his actions are hilarious! :D

taken by stella. CANDID.

LOL! slack somemore! hahahaha.

1peace06! :D

goodbye peepos! :D


Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 9:43 PM

i'm dead tired.
it seems like i can lie on my bed & sleep immediately.
my legs ache-ing like mad.
& my eyes can barely open.

it wasnt so tiring during the korea presentation.
i'm feeling more stress this time round. maybe because its a special occasion.
dont worry, i'll give you guys my best. i dont want 3 days of effort down the drain like this.
its for entertainment lah. LOL.
no fund walk tmr.
happy or sad? i dont know.
i swear its damn tiring. but i guess its the last time we'll be able to do this again. :/
eh? no, we could do it when the korean comes! :DDDDDD
haha, dont mind me i'm crazy yet at the same time tired.
stella is out of the dance i guess.
she's super duper uber busy. dont wanna tire her out anymore.
stella! rest well worrrrr! :D

& to all the rest,
i believe we can do it. lets give it our best shot.
sleep early, sleep tight, see you guys tmr :D

i think i better go to bed. before i just fall asleep infront of the computer.
bye peepos! :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @ 9:30 PM

finally broke the news to mum.
she nagged at me.
she nag as if i was being lazy & never study for the maths paper likedat.
being the me, i argued back.
me: its not like i never study right? you saw me studying as well. then not passing, was that my fault?
mum: *stares* * walks away*
you cant blame me, i've always been slower than others. to me its quite an achievement to be what i am today. she knows it, she knew i was always slower than everybody else.
i studied, i tried my best & i didnt give up half way through the paper.
i knew i couldnt do it, but i tried my best recalling every single thing that my tutor/mr haw taught. i told myself" never give up".
i left a few blanks only. i almost wanted to leave the whole damn paper blank. but i didnt.
passing my english by 1 mark was good for me. why? because the paper was damn damn difficult. & what she could say was all boderline passes only ah? comeone, put yourself into my shoes. imagine you were the one doing the paper. i bet you would feel the way i did.
you have never praised me for getting As before. & only scolded me for my Fs.
you didnt see my improvement for ss. i have been failing ss for all my class tests.
& for the freaking first time i passed. but, you think it wasnt enough. :/
you didnt give me freedom that i had always wanted.
everytime i go out, their standard phrase is..
dont come home too late.
before 10pm strikes, i do get calls from them.
how many times do i go out a year. maybe 3 hands could do the job. why cant you let me enjoy myself? i'm old enough to know whats right & whats wrong. i'm a kid no more. i hate smokers cause i think they stink. i wont take drugs, cause i hate medicines. i wont do something i wouldnt do, cause i think thats cheap. i'm your daughter, you guys should trust me.
i know you aren't bias, you dont side anyone.
maybe i should be grateful for having parents like you, unlike people like maybe sonja, maybe matthew?
but maybe i should be sad, why dont i have parents who knows that i tried?
sometimes, i seriously dont know..
but *sighs* typical parents.
i knew this was gonna happen before i told my mother about the results.
anyways, peektures as promised. :D


frisbee face=timo.


SEA~ -.-

random shot. lols.

TOILET = singapore song!

O.o GREEN & CLEAN with 3 rooms view. xD

WILSON! BESTIE! :D made me addicted to you..

geraint -.- LOL

no~ i'm so not out of the picture. half headed.

I DONT HAVE A TUMOUR! i just lost balance.


MUSCLE MAN! he never stopped doing that. xD

starbucks;lijing & geraint; twist=PEACE!

STARBUCKS = thumbs up! :D
lijing = good photographer SHE STONE! xD

goodbye humans. :D

i fake a smile so that you dont know that i'm sad.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 9:56 PM

i was supposed to be the first! :/
haha, joking luh.
anyways, a short post before i go to bed.
i'm really busy this few days. i know i promised about the peektures.
but i've been staying back everyday after school.
& the peektures are in the other computer.
so, i promise to fill this space with peektures as well as the 2peace07 class blog as soon as possible.
results all back, & i have yet to break the news to my mother.
i have to MUST tell my parents the news before the report book comes back.
looking on the bright side.
i only failed one subject! :D
on the dark side,
its all boderline passes. damn it. i hate Cs.
lol, whatever.
gooodbye humans!

Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 10:16 PM

heyho peepos!
just watched the closing ceremony of the beijing olympics. :/
its over. nooooo~
watched the match in the afternoon. the basketball match. :D
USA won! :D
they're damn pro luh!
so anyways,
back to the closing ceremony.
although i never watch the opening, i think its SOUNDS better.
yeah, & cherilyn just show me a video.
i'll post it up.
BUT if you're eating your lunch/dinner.
dont risk your food.
its pretty disgusting/scary.
more of a scary. so watch at your own risk.

its true, i really went omgomg after seeing it.
& joyce reaction was.. "i wanna vomit already luh".

to people that got my freaking attitude ytd, sorry! i didnt mean it.
the maths work was staring at me, & i got problems with it.
not only that, i got really pissed off with some people. that i feel like slapping them.
i didnt mean to be like pissed off with you.

anyways, pictures will be up soon. i promise.
it should be up anytime next week. so stay tuned. :D
please dont slap me if you puke or something. I DIDNT FORCE YOU TO WATCH. :D
gooooodbye humans


Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 8:54 PM

i was looking forward to the most interesting period for the whole week, PE!
then it just had to rain during that time. ):
so today got back another part of the results. :D
i still cant believe i pass social studies. :O
i didnt finish a 7 mark question you know?
but i pass by 0.5 mark only -.-
pass poa as well..
the rest are still in the process.
i couldnt bring myself to tell my parents/tution teacher my maths results.
they'll get the shock of their lives. its a freaking F9! for goodness sake.
i wanna break this history of failing the whole year. :/
*criesssss & whines*
i tried my best, but its still not a C6.
i couldnt even hit a E or D.
JUST GIVE ME A CALLL & YOUR ORDER will be! or maybe MSN also can.or sms? hahaha. whatever luh. just try means & ways to tell me. :DDDD
so goooooodbye people! :D

ohya, leekuang's ankle broke cause honseng landed on it so tell me how heavy is honseng? lol.
poooor leekuang. peace to ears. :D okay, i shouldnt so bad. xD awwwww, & he misses 3 truth. how touching. hahahahahaha, takecare! :D
HE FAKE ME! he never even break his leg. -.- he just got a swollen pig leg. CHEY! dont care him already. i thought really break luh!=.=

Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 9:34 PM
crappy results

i realised i've been blogging alittle too much.
but i dont care. cause i've nothing better to do. :)
so, what do we do?
wait! :D
i'm sorry people.
i'm too high today.
yet at the same time i am dead tired.
i almost didnt want to come to school today. but i drag myself out of bed, drag my feet & drag myself to school. but after school, i suddenly felt highhhh!
some results came back today.
which was totally crap.
alicia hates herself again.
maths as expected fail.
F9. i just hate function graphs.
chemistry A2, 2 more marks to A1. assss!
physics A2, 1 more mark to A1. shytface.
english C6, the paper is extremely difficult. :/
the reason why i think its crap because i found a thousand CARELESS mistakes in my paper.
MY A1~
lol nevermind, alicia wants to study harder for eoy.
so overall i'm still happy for the papers excluding maths.
sitting with gracia during maths is damn good okay?
somehow, i like it. :D
because she's better than me in maths actually everything.
so when you ask her question she always knows the answer & she explains herself better than haw do. :) THANKS GRACIA! :D
while POA, sitting with cherilyn's great. cause we'll discuss answer which is good. & we'll go MRS TANG~ together. :DDDD

so i totalllly agree with karpak. school's nothing without friends. :D
okay, gooooodbye people. :D
i still need to prepare tmr's full u. -.-
i dont feel like going guides tmr. :/
but i shall go. :D


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 10:44 PM

YAY! back from sentosa cum alittle shopping. :D
tan lines fading. *cheers* like finally. i hate tan lines. it makes you look wierd.
after today's trip i discovered that:
-seaweeds are fun to play. :D
-its fun to bury legs under the sand. :D
-i hate wet sands.
-sometimes, too sandy is irritating. xD
we forgot to take picture with the siloso word! :/
&&&&& some guys are like sisters. :D
okay, i'm dead tired.
gonna sleep so damn soundly tonight.
which is good.
shopping was fun yet sad. CAUSE ALMOST ALL OF US ARE BROKE!
i feel like buying so many things. :/
but i've got no cash. neither do i've card. -.-
i need cashhh!
i want to save 100 bucks which is impossible. but hey, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. i might be able to do it.
okay, shall end here. i need to sleeeep.
goooodbye & goooodnight people.


@ 10:30 AM

damn it. i'm still waiting for my father to wake up, so i can tell him i'm going out.
so i HAVE to wait till he's awake before i can leave the house.
its 5 more minutes! & i'll have to chiong my way down to MRT.
so,dont ask me why i'm still here typing my time away.
i haven pack a single thing.
fuck man, i'm gonna be late.
nevermind, i shall use my fastest speed to go all the way there. :D
so i shall type a short post first till daddy's awake.
today's dnt paper was no comments. all i knew that for the first time, i'm letting time pass me by. never one paper i could sit there & stone. lols.
& i got a birthday card from geraint.
THANKSSSS! i love it.
shall post when i come back. or maybe TMR. :D
gooodbye humans.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 2:36 PM

so i'm back from making my ic. :D
lucky i didnt hear geraint & go to the immigration place at like 8.30? lols.
i went at 11 +.
i didnt have to wait, immediately it was my turn.
then trained back to bishan saw huisim & yuteng.
didnt know who at first. xD
they're gonna watch money no enough 2 tmr. -.-
we watched already luh. lols, nevermind. :D
so, tmr's the end of our stressful lives. NOT REALLY. there's still so many exams/test coming up. :/
& i am damn damn lazy to study dnt. cause i think there isnt a need. but i'll still study.
cause i'm a good girl. :D

so anyways, this video reveals what joyce was doing in the video the other time. too bad if you didnt manage to see it. :D
i think its pretty retarded. but i'm starting to like it. xD
wait, i like yesung. BUT i'm not one of those crazy fans. *stares at joyce*
so goodbye humans. :D

Monday, August 18, 2008 @ 11:07 PM

today's chinese was okay, i guess.
1 more paper & we're done! :D
there's no school tmr, so i'm gonna make my ic.
thats about all, i've got no mood to blog either.
i dont know why.
goodbye humans.

i guess its time all this nonsense end.

Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 4:46 PM

alicia is blogging again. :D
& the reason is .. you.
hahahaha, okay thats stupid. xD
so the reason is simple, cause alicia is bored?
tution this morning & after that i've been hogging onto the computer all day long. :D
she finally taught me function graphs which is obviously too late. :/
but still i understand alittle.
maths definetly a SUREEEE fail. BUT i dont want it to bother me anymore.
so what've i been doing for the past few hours?
i've been blog hopping.
then i hopped onto this website
then i found something, something i find it hilarious. xD

i dont know why but i think its damn funny.
the owner is really seeking attention. xD

then yesterday, i hopped onto xiaxue's blog.
& i think one of her post damn true.
seriously applies to some people.
its about Plagiarism, so whats that? in short, its copying.
you take what people write as yours.
they just simply COPY PASTE every single thing.
tsk, so creative huh. NOTTTTT!
there's someone i know who does that sometimes.
you know its irritating.
at first i thought, wow___ engrish so powderful wor.
in the end,___ took it from i dont know where & just copied it down.
a blog is to write what you think, not how smart are you at copying.
the reason why i would talk about this is because
firstly, i think its damn true.
secondly, trying to tell them they suck.
thirdly, i hate _____.
end of comments.
okay, i dont count this as my second post for today. because to me i blogged (the previous post) yesterday. :D
okay, goodbye people.
mummy is random, she suddenly ask me about some leaving school certificate.
& made me think of where i put. & looking up & down for it. -.-
& guess what? there isnt one at allll! -.-

@ 1:19 AM

so today was nothing but grandma's house.
ohyes, i have taken the video on joyce away. because i know many of you wont understand. & also, joyce was like "!!!" me so yeah. :D

i'm back into EHB-ing again. :D
i havent finish watching the other time.
i have been saying EHB, but i think you guys doesnt seem to know whats that. its Exploration of the Human Body.
okay, to make things easier for me i'll post the first part of 1 chapter up here. :D

its episode 5, the episode which i laughed the hardest. LOL.
so if you like want to continue watching other parts just go to youtube & search for Super Junior E.H.B ep.5 part _/6 (eng sub).

so thats it i think?
i really dont know what to say, because i'm feeling damn sleepy.
aright, gooodnight peepos. :D

Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 9:55 PM
jamming with tnkkb.

i didnt have dinner & lunch at around 12? & my stomach's being such an asss.
*digs for fooood*
so i didnt come back yesterday.
sorry lah, i was too drained out then i headed to bed for a nap.
& woke up 2 hours later, forgetting that she hasnt done any revision.
& continue to watch her precious tevee. till evening. xD
started chiong-ing from seven, all the way to 11. for physics & lit.
pro? not really, cause lit is down the long gang(drain lah-.-).
physics? no comments.
so, are exams over?!
not really though. its not over, although it feels like exams are over. it isnt. :/
2 more papers & i'll go highhhh!:DDDDD
but not forgetting that end of years are afew months away. :/
so went jamming today, with tnkkb,cherilyn,joyce & timo.
roy sang till his voice become sexy.
no, he was screaming like a fool. screaming & shouting like nobody's business.
so, i've got peektures + videoooo!
so peeektures!



who is this retarded kid over here? LOL

joyce got realllllly "BIG" handssss


tnkkb, not really. i know its blur. cause my hands are being naughty. cant blame. over-exausted.



okay, i had to try out the self timer. nobody wanted to take with me wor. ):

then joyce came to the rescueee! sorry, i'm too lazy to rotate. TILT YOUR HEADS INSTEAD!
retarded videos ahead. watch at your own risk! :D

you may not wanna on your speakers too loudly. ;D

you may need to on it louder! cause i was outside when i took this.

(dont mind all that laughing!)

i declare that exams are over, although they're not really over. xD

thank me for uploading the videossss! xD

gooodbye humans. :D


Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 7:53 AM

i like using internet in the morning. seems like theres lesser people. lol. so the internet's faster!
we were supposed to go & eat breakfast, i said it ytd.
so i woke up earlier then they did, because i took a longer time.
i woke up at 7, forgot to check my phone cause cherilyn messaged me at 705
changed & everything. wanted to tie hair but went to check phone.
"dont go eat already, running nose wanna sleep longer"
*faints* i already changed. nevermind, i shall study & use the computer while they, stupid pigs, are still sleeping. :D
lol, my nose also abit problem. but i am fine now. :D
later poa paper, comeon wish me luck! xD
to those history & geog elective people.
they are taking their paper now. :D
i shall go tie my hair at 845.
lol, i shall blog later when i come back! :D
bye people. :D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 1:11 PM
exams please end quickly!

really love it. once again thanks! :D

so, today's paper was so _____. (insert your own words)
i've got no comments for ss.
oh wait, i've got one comment. it should have beeeen longer! 1 hour is just niceee! i couldnt complete the whole paper. probably because i didnt know how to phrase for my first question. & i practically stoned at it. :/ just hope that i'll pass. i've tried my best. :D
maths is *scolds vulgarities*
today, i felt that i was the unluckiest/stupid-est person on earth.
firstly, i could even do the first question!
first question should be the easiest right? but i couldnt do it.
secondly, its the worst thing. my stomach hurted like mad, & i had to go to the toilet.
then no damn teacher walked pass, made me wait. :/ in the end, went alone. -.-
i almost wanteed to give up & go to sleep. but, if i just gave up like this, i'll hate myself forever. so i continued doing. just anyhow crap in.
maths = sure fail. i just hope its some double digit. dont give me single digit please! imagine a single digit in your report book.
i just hope that my mother doesnt ask me about today's paper. *crys*
i should seriously put this behind me & move on.

so on the brighter side.
SS & maths are finalllly over! :D
tmr's poa, gonna study later.
hope everything would go smoothly. :D
breakfast with joyce & cherilyn tmr. since our paper starts at 945.

okay shall end here then.
gooodbye people. :D


Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 11:27 AM
two down seven to go!

yesterday's group study
so yesterday was such an unPRODUCTIVE day.
we did not study much. pretty much because there was miscommunication.
so nevermind. at least i studied at night.
they headed home while we went to school for our dnt textbooks.
then left with the two of us, so we went for a stroll.
not in the park. but at random places. & then i headed home. :D

today ended early. :D
super early.
you ask me, how was the paper.
easy, yet difficult.
MCQ preeeettty easy. especially the last question of it. xD
section B. okay lah, got some dont really know.
section c. kill me pleaseeee! i think i lost 5 marks for the whole of the last question.
firstly, my damn equation couldnt balance.
secondly, there wasnt enough time.
went around asking people whether they could balance the equation for the last question. almost everyone said yes, but their answers are all different. okay, thats wierd.
lol, whatever. gonna put that paper behind me & move on to the next.
tomorrow's subjects are "shit luh".
its Social Studies which i usually fail.
& Maths which i've never pass before for the whole of this year.
but still, i am gonna study. how could i give up when the war hasn't even started! :D
gonna try my best to answer all the questions tomorrow.
wish me luck people. :D
so it seems to me that exams are gonna be over soon. maybe because next week's paper are "nevermind one lah" because its cheena & dnt. :D
sometimes i really wish i had those brain that can ace all the exams without even studying. then i will not be sitting here using all my brain cells just to study for 2 subjects. :/
alrights alrights, i should seriously stop daydreaming.
leave it to tonight. :D
better go do something more practical, study.
goooodbye humanssss! :D

sometimes people should know their limits.

Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 12:13 AM

one post before i go to bed.
so everyone's talking about the beijing olympic 2008.
i swear its addictive! once i start i cant stop watching. & why must it fall during this period of time? when everyone's so busy with studies?
i support KOREA & JAP! :D
i curse & swear at china most of the time.
i make it small so that nobody feels hurt? yeah, hurt by it.
but still i dont particularly hate them, but yeah you know. :D
i know you dont know. but nevermind.
so our dearest joyce is also addicted by it. & she's watching the basketball match because she claims that her friend is playing for china. i bet you know who he is. YAOMING! yes, her total opposite friend. :D
okay, whatever. xD
so i watched it in the afternoon & i cant stop.
i watched the gymnastic part.
then they started talking about me.
ah yes, i learn gymnastic when i was primary school i guess?
no impression of any of the lessons. but i quit after 2 lessons. thats what they said,i dont know why too. :D
BUT i swear i cant do split.
i know you guys will be like :O or maybe *HAHAHAHAHA-ING*
the participants are like all damn flexible. it seems like they dont have a single bone in them.

then i was being dragged out of the house to visit my uncle who is living in tampiness.
the reason is because he's sick.
its really scary to see him in that state now. although i am not that close to him either but still he's my uncle.
the last time i saw him, during new year. he seems so normal. but today, he seemed weak & he is like damn skinny. :/
if i am not wrong, its cancer.
why do cancer people all so skinny?
my auntie also died of cancer, i was closer to her then.
she was also damn skinny.
to think she just left us likedat. but it's better for her because she seemed to be in so much pain.
only then, i realised that life's so fragile. you might not know what will happen to you tmr, next week, next month or even next year. so live life to the fullest.

okay, thats so depressing. :/
ah, i have been asking this question & its seems like nobody can answer me.
what are the symptoms of mad cow disease?
dont tell me you'll moo like a cow or act like a cow or something. xD
standard joyce answer lah. LOL.
so if you know the answer, can you like tell me. i am damn curious lahhhh! :D
okay better go to bed.
goooooodbye humansss! :D

Saturday, August 09, 2008 @ 11:21 PM
gooodbye fourteen.

some last minute thing, because its gonna end soooon. noooooo~
haha, okay. :D
so, today i practically did nothing. since i was at my grandma's house the whole day.
but its lucky that i didnt go out isnt it?
why? because today i wasnt feel that well. my stomach hurted like maddd. :/
but i am alright now, because i slept. xD
received lots of messages last night + today morning/afternoon. :D
thanks people.
it warms me to see so many messages & friendster comments coming in. whether if its advanced or not. & even people who came over to me to say happy birthday.
i feel so damn touched. i felt like crying. okay, i didnt cry. xD but still i feel touch. serious!
i even got a wake up call from my uncle this morning just because he wanted to say happy birthday.even though i was seeing him later in the afternoon. -.- lol, but yeah still glad. :D

again, i ought to tell myself.
alicia, please learn to grow up. :D
but sometimes i wonder, isnt it good this way? LOL.
thats why, i dont know if i should even tell myself to grow up. xD
okay nevermind about that.xD
alicia has to learn to be disciplined & independant. thats for sure.
i aim to get at least 3 As for my end of year.
i better do so. :D
i dont have any "15 year old resolution" or anything.
but just wish i can continue life sweet & simple. :D
my only resolution is to get As in my uglyyyy report book.
so well, thats it.
tmr will be normal day again :/
but nehmind! there's still next yearrr. :D
so i shall just spend the next half an our of my birthday happily.
gooodnight humans. :D

*blows kiss to everyone out there*
thanks alot people!
love you guys till there's no tmr. :D
but still, I ROCKKKK! :D
*looks at lijing*

Friday, August 08, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
National Day Celebration in school! :D

i was supposed to type this on the 8th august! but somehow time past so quickly. i was busy uploading the pictures then suddenly so many say happy birthday, only then i realised it was already NINETHAUGUST! :D
okay, so i am here to blog about national day celebration in schoool! :D
was rather boring this year. had some quizzes first.
then recess, when they started sing birthday song for meee!
thanks a billion people! :D
but i think the connect singapore thing was pretty alright. cause my class was standing under the shade. :D weeee rockkkk! the girls went high hours before the thing started. so well, yeah. we screamed at whoever teacher we knew & of course lijing & friends. lijing's group reaction was the funniest. they gave the (huh?) face.
mrs chin was the bestttt! she screamed with us luh. i think she's the best teacher i knew, probably the best teacher on earth! :D
then had the actual thing. which i think only we were reciting the pledge.
so the whole thing ended went over to the staff room there to take pictures with some of the teacherssss! :D it feels like teacher's day for us luh. xD
then went over to joyce house to eat carrot cake. BUTTTT the stall never open. :/
ate others instead. :D
then we went home to bathe & change before going out again.
went to watch money no enough 2! :D
tell you the show is damn nice.
but my stomach had to ache around the middle. i controlled until end of the show. :D
but its damn nice! damn touching lah!
all of us cried except joyce.
joyce: wah feel like slapping them.
the show lasted for about 2 hours.
i rate the show 9/10! :D
then joyce & sandy left. while me & cherilyn shopped awhile. :D
shopped all the way back to bishan.
ate takopachi. :DDDD
& bubbletea before heading home.
so the peeeektures!:D

mrchua; the mr same expression cher. xD


hello sandyyyyy! :D

heading back to bishan. i was darn cold. *shivers*

oh yeah, this stupid fly. flew right into my cup. retarded.

joyce just had to do some art. xD

she made it stuck there. *points to joyce*


apparently, i wasnt looking at joyce's phone.




yu tenggg! :D

okay, we didnt say that we wanted to wear the same socks. it was all coincidence!

gracia has SMALLLL water bottle. :D

group photoooo! :D

they were fighting for the "taller" place. xD



he was being retarded.

hahahhaa. yanyan & raintraint?

weiting! :D obviously my hair was screwed!




HAHAHAHAHA! *stares at bryan*
they were like using my phone to take pictures of themselves.

all white, 1 red. :D
so i am FIFTEEEEN! :D
yay or boo? i dont know. :D
so,i've been living in this stressful place for fifteen years already. :D
its now time to thank people!
anyways, for today's present.
a million & billion thanks to those invoved. :D
to joyce: thanks for like spending your time for me! i feel so touched. :D
to sandy; heard that you were sick but because you wanna bring those things to give joyce. you drag your feet to school. :/ sorry & thank you.
to every single one of you who wrote something for me.
i love you guys too!
& to those who actually remembered my birthday& wished me and those who wished me when 12 midnight strikes.
thanks & more THANKS S! :D
to those who sang birthday song for me. thanks! :D

oh, i think i'm the world luckiest girl. :D
why? you're asking me why?
the answer is short & sweet. :D
because i have friends who cares & friends who are always there by me. :D
they're always full of surprises.
yes, i knew they were making something. but i didnt know what they were making. :D
thanks to karpak for your $2! :D haha, first time i'm getting $2 from a friend.
thanks & i love you people! :D

okay, the end!
might be thanking more people tmr or something. LOL. i dont know. see how things go first.
i love mummmmmy! cause she's making foooood. xD hahahaha, okay fine whatever. i am a greeedy pig. xD yes, she's still up now making jellllllly for meeee! ah yes, JUST FOR ME! actually not really. its like for anyone but its made because of me. xD
hahahaha, okay goooodbye then! :D

ps: blog more tmrrr! :D


I'm known as Alicia, the awesome.
I think i rock the most.
Give me presents on the 9th August every year.
i've a lovely bunch of aliens humans, & i think they're abnormal. :D
i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D







you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down.
skin by: Jane