Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
i've edited the previous post. *backspace all that nonsense* so well, i'm fine! as happy as a pig should be. cause i've got friends who cares, thats the most important isnt it? & i trust every single one of you. & i wont walk away without my XOXO. & without you guys, i would have probably have joined the loner pte ltd. so.. i apologise for making all of you sad/dissapointed/worried/concerned etc. just know, i dont mean what i say yesterday. it might be because of somethings that happen. recently, may it be studies or family. just wanted to say. I'M FINE NOW! :D so for the chinese paper today. i almost slept while reading one of the passage. seriously DAMN BORING. dont even know what its talking about. hah, completed it in the end.* prays that i'll pass my chinese.* i should start studying for ss soon. :D & i still dont quite get coordinate geometry :/ alicia's a having exams in the hall isnt that scary actually. like orh, hall. *walks up* so yeah, i'm still impatiently waiting for 9 october to come. :D goooodbye! :D ps: girlfriends, ily. *huggggsss*
Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 4:08 PM
FIRSTLY, HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY STELLA AKA AHMA! i'm having mixed feelings. better not anger me, i might just scream at you. these few days, everyone's having sucky mood. ah fine, not everyone. it was the first time, & i wish i wasnt the one knowing it. i wasnt home, i didnt know anything. even if i do, there's nothing i could do to help. can i? bye.
Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 2:04 PM
tmr's the day. it feels like a normal school day though. gonna study later. after lunch, i'm hungry can? :/ lets talk alittle about friday. *rushrush* woah, i tell you. we were dilly dallying. until tang came in, which made the whole kitchen full of her voice. ordering people around. i'm totally pissed off with some of the guides. (inserts vulgarities) even non guides were helping, but the guides were missing. tang brought more food in to cook. -.- blah blah blah. went to change & stuffs then the ceremony began. & i was told that i was the emcee. blahblahblah, everything's over. peektures & off we went down. brought all the food, drinks & everything by ourselves. no one bothered coming up to help. (inserts vulgarities) except some of the sec3s & the sec 4s. brought everything down. then started eating. heard from, i forgot who. that tang said " later clear everything up." someone: ask the sec2s to do it. tang: the sec 2s want/need to go home. she bloooodeh pissed me off you know. like we dont need to go home likedat. we've been in the kitchen for the whole afternoon & now she's making us clear up. she should be honoured that NON guides are helping her, while she is being bias & defending her "cute" little sec 1s & 2s guides. MISS TEOOOO! come back soon. she'll be back on the 13th october. *jumps around happily* but we had like uber fun in the kitchen. damn joke seh. then took group picture before we went separate ways. :D went to eat & off we went home. :D ohya, my video couldnt work. woah, damn sad can? :/ so now, thanks giving ceremony. muhahahahaha. firstly, thanking all the sec 4Ns. thanks for starting off first. telling us what to do & etc. :D thanks for helping to clear up tooo! sec3s: thanks for helping to clear up,cook & yeah. everything. :D thanks all the non guides. cherilyn,joyce,berlinda. even though you guys were not involved in this. you guys helped us. THANKSSSS! graduating guides: thanks for waiting & coming. :D still got alot lah. :D all of you are greatly appreciated! :D even liangyu! :D excluding some though. okay, i wanna go eat already. :D GOOOODLUCK EVERYONE FOR YOUR EOYS TMR! :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 7:58 PM
decided to post before i go off to study. yes, study. you didnt see it wrongly. i typed S-T-U-D-Y. i'm deciding whether i should do a video for friday's guides graduation ceremony. tmr's a rush man. gosh. tmr shall leave some time for cca stuffs. i wanted to go on hiatus. but somehow, the computer's irritatingly tempting. i dont know if there's such a word. but i'll still use it. :D cherilyn came over today to do dnt. then disturbed people awhile & off she went. today's remedial was postponed to tmr. great, now i have to buy all the guides stuff within 1 hour. crazeee. souveniers+ foooooood+ everything necessary.hope everything will be done by then. *sighs* chemistry remedial. where's my maths remedial? -.- okay. i should get going. :D bye.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 8:55 PM
heyhoooo! :D i'm supposed to study. yes, note the word. SUPPOSED. finally started on my physics. :D coordinate geometry is still a stranger to me. i've yet to complete my d&t elearning. tmr perhaps. there's remedial tmr. *runs around* i love remedials. :D cause its able to help me. yes, i'm a nerd. wait, going remedials doesnt make you a nerd! stupid fool. *slaps myself* this few days, every part of my body isnt behaving normally. okay guess what? i'm going off. bye. :D *mugging in progress*
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 4:16 PM
MUGGING today's tution was super productive. *jumps around* totally agree with geraint with the more you study the less stress you'll be. not so stress, but still stress. gosh, i've just started on maths, my weakest subject. revised on standard form, indices quadractic equation. blah blah blah. i still can do coordinate geometry as well as function graphs. inequality is pretty easy. :D used to think it was difficult. get what i mean. i DID study. but today, my nose isnt letting me off during tution. & now my stomach's giving me problems. hope i dont fall sick. :/ please dont ever ask me out for group study. not that i'm anti-social or anything, but group study = unproductive & i swear i cannot waste anymore time. studying alone is better for me. :D school tmr, my weekends are ending. :/ 1 more weeeek to eoys & everything will be over. look at how time flies. alright, off i go. bye peepos! :D ps: mummy's a joke. xD
Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 11:10 PM
back from grandma's place all this sums ah what i did. i love playing with my cousin's soft toys. particularly, that banana! its damn nice to play with lah. even my nephew likes to play with it. & he calls it "nana" because he cannot say it in full. so fish he just pronounce it as "sh". hahaha, damn cute. :D so anyways, i wanna post some pictures from friday. :D this siao char bo, she's trying to take picture of an ant. -.- reason: got nothing to post about. damn retarded. she even squad just to take picture of it. & then later she complain: woah damn tired. -.- smile somemore! lol. :D interclass: *kicks* hahahahaha. xD he didnt know we taking this because he thought uma taking with him. but we zoom into his face. friendship first. :D gracia! come to think of it. its the first time taking picture with her. i mean alone. :D :D the girls. count, we only have 9 girls. so, 2 reserves. proud of you girls! we're the calss with the highest point. *claps* even 3 peace has only 6. :D the "cheer-ers" why are there 3 of us? cause the third one is lijing! if i'm not wrong. :D cherilyn:lets take that guy.*takes camera* snap! here goes. :D LIJING! :D hello char! :D hahaha, gracia's retarded! LOL. hi clara! uncle. -.- he's finally smiling for the camera. rare shot. xD first match refreee, desmond. hi kotaro! he say" i cant see any pictures of me during the soccer interclass." so here goes. one for you alone somemore k! be honoured. xD see i told you its hard to see him smile for the camera. WE ROCK BIG TIME! :D we only have nine girls & we won second for the frisbee interclass. small yet strong. dont give less as an excuse, its irritating. cause we just proved you wrong. unlike you, we dont care what we got, even if didnt get anything. we may be disappointed. but not for long. cause whats inportant is that we bonded & its the process thats important. we've all known each other better. i'm just as happy without playing, & is able to join my class girls with that battle on the field. we play together, we sweat together. :D goood job girls. but how could i leave the guys out? they've passed on many strategy to us, cheered for us. & i'm glad i've known every single one of you. :D 3 truth rocks. :D so does 2 peace! i wont forget you guys. :D okay i need to call ms ng now. goooodbye! :D
Friday, September 19, 2008 @ 9:06 PM
decided to post before going over to grandma's place. its a weekly routine you see. *sighs* i feel like staying at home to study. nevermind, i shall just bring my work over to study. ): so anyways, i was forced to go to the wedding dinner which falls on october 2. & next day, i'm having my paper, social studies. they said i HAVE TO go because one of my close relative's getting married. & firstly, i dont know whether its a guy or girl. secondly, i dont know who the heck is he/her. thirdly, i need to study. damn, of all days october 2nd. -.- so anyways, i shall post some peektures. overdue-ed peektures: :D
@ 9:06 PM
finalllleh, this stupid hectic week is over. but i still have work left undone. gonna finish them all during the weekends, before i start mugging. :D gosh, 1 week & 1 day to eoys. can eoys come & go please? then, can o levels come & go as well? all this work is like one word, never ending. so what if we're done with studies? we'll all still have to start working. all this would only stop after we retire. let me estimate, we'll only be free in about 50-60 years time. goodluck man. i dont know how many more sickening days we'll have to continue living. so anyways, pe was being interupted by that stupid rain again! i think this whole year, we have at least skipped pe 15 times?! while the others only skipped it like less than 5 times. damn it lah! if we had pe, we might be stronger during the frisbee interclass leh. lol, whatever. xD gosh, i realllllllly feel like asking her to freaking shutup. she's pulling the whole group down, but she's acting like wihout her her group would not get that place. DAMNNNNNN. gosh, HATE HER MAN! i feel like tagging JUST SHUTUP LAH, BITCH!everyone hates you lah, so stop thinking everyone likes you. wtheck, pisssssed. ah, nevermind. her face itself already shows it all. bitch. anyways, i dont have peektures now. sorry. gooooodbye. :D i've so much to say. i dont know where to start. but i was left with no choice because the only thing i could say was goodbye.
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 8:53 PM
firstly, GOOOOODJOB 3TRUTH GIRLS & GUYS FOR THE 2 SILVERS FOR OUR CLASSS! its okay that we didnt get the gold. whats important is that we've bonded! to all those who came & cheer, & played. WELLLDONE! love you all! :D to the rest of the class NO HARD FEELINGS K!:D but some people really irritated meeee. she's from other class. finally the so many test days are over. *phew* hahahaha, i feeeeeel gooood today! gooood for you, cause there wont be RANTINGS IN TODAY'S POST! so pictures & off i go for my precious teveee! the twin. xD ah, we were hungry you see. DAMN NICE! I LIKE! leekuang, please? hahaha,joking lah :D the finals! GO 3TRUTH! hi joyce & gracia! almost all the team members! some left first. the girls! :D fyi, left side: guys. first: 3praise. second 3TRUTH!third:3love. right side: girls. first:3 peace. second 3 TRUTH! third: 3 faith. two seconds okay! good job peeps! goooooodbyeee! :D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 10:48 PM
48 hours please school's insane, teacher's are mad causing us students to be crazeeee. i'm really really tired. just studied 3 subjects cause there's 3 tests tmr. & their all so "memory subjects". *sighs* everyone's rushing. i've yet to study for eoys. the tests are keeping me super duper uber busy. 48 hours please. thanks. interclass tmr, jiayou people! :D no pictures meanwhile, bear with it yeah? ohya, i have some. :D moral of this picture. me: got nothing to take leh. cherilyn; take the children. :DDD me: orh. so here goes. :D off to bed! goooooooodbye people!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 9:10 PM
hectic week;bad mood. i'm having a bad attitude now. thinking about the whole week's event. tests, remedials, study. & obviously other personal thing to be worried of. damned. oral today was kinda screwed. he laughed. -.- i think its linked okay! okay whatever. i've hated oral since i dont know when. since primary school i guess. everyone's getting the post oral depression before our turn. its either " shit, i feel like peeing." or " woah, i feel like shitting, like got worms inside the stomach likedat." & i realised english oral got picture. alicia just died. picture is the worst. please dont bother me with other things, other things can wait. after eoys perhaps. i thought cca's have stopped. until eoys? i hope so. studies first. :D okay till here. goooodbye. :D
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 3:52 PM
CAN I? -can i not face reality? -can i just slack my way through days,weeks,months, years and exams. -can i just not give a damn about my future. -can i do everything i want. -can i not do what people tell me to -can i just slap you & ask you to shutup? can i can i can i? i dont feel like bothering about anything. dont wanna know/think whats gonna happen to me in future. in fact, i just dont wanna admit the fact that there's still along way to go. everybody's pushing responsibility. they thought they thought they thought. you thought, i think then who do? a carefree life? who's going through a carefree life, nobody. can anybody be carefree? no. in fact its just so impossible. almost everyone i know is going through all that stupid stress & i guess the world has only about 0.0000000000000000000001% of humans going through a carefree life. if the world's really coming to an end when i'm 22. then i can say goodbye to studies. but too bad, i cant predict the future. but i just cant imagine the scene where everybody just faints & dies. i dont wanna just end things likedat, there's still plenty of things i've yet to try & just waiting for time to come. dont read if you dont want, i'm not pointing a knife at you. just shutup & admit you're dying to be one, stop acting innocent cause everybody knows what you're thinking. no particular person i'm directing this at. & lastly nobody's perfect. stop boasting about things you can do while i cant. everybody's made different. we've different parents, different genes. if i can do what you can do, then whats the point of living in this world where everybody can do anything? then everybody will be perfect. everyone will look the same, dress the same, do things the same. i know i'm not as talented as all of you are, do you think i want it? if we can change our talents before being brought out to this ridiculous world, who wouldnt? everybody wants to be perfect, & i'm not different from anyone with 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears & 1 mouth. so what if you're the richest person on earth? so what if you're drop dead sexy? so what if you're the world's prettiest/handsome person? money cant buy happiness, looks cant bring joy. dont judge a person by its cover, whats important is the inside. a fresh looking apple maybe rotten in the inside. while a most rotten apple you've ever seen is one of the freshest apple of all. maybe before judging people, you might want to do some soul searching. think about it, you might be worser than the other person. bye. ps: i'm not having moodswings. just wanna voice them out.
@ 12:01 AM
went to school early in the morning for the "making choice" seminar by singapore poly. they were obviously promoting their poly only. but this talk made me realised if i failed maths i'm nothing but a failure. cause failing maths = cannot even get into poly. :/ so i aim to at least pass please. :/ so after the talk headed to cherilyn's house to take the choclate. then over to jeight. met up with wilfred at 1 instead. he came, we started. :D i tell you his stories are *thumbs up*. last time KCP even worser than now. lots of ahbengs. i mean REAL ahbengs. told us grandfather stories about how they used to fight. one word, scary. he keep saying derrick lee last time not likedat. :O he's friendly after all. he rides a motorcycle which make loud noises. reason: "i've to go to malaysia for some competition. But dont worry its legal." its like cooler than normal motorcycle. but i wont ever wanna try that. i've known people who have motorcycle crashes before. didnt take a picture with him, cause he dont want? i guess. he have a total of about 4 ccas & he's a PEL. let me try to recall. shooting,NPCC, track & field & soccer. he used to get lots of yellow form,offence form when he's sec 2. NT in kcp, straight As in ITE, given a place in NYP. great motivation. he's the perfect person to be a part time counseller lah. then we headed home. :D i bet we're the first to start. might consider interviewing russell. i dont know. anyways, peektures!:D friday's: from the day we gave joyce a surprise. SURPRISE!xD eeyore has mohawk. :D carrot cake cake in progress. xD the involvers!xD from the day we went to buy kp's birthday: the retarded from i forgot when: me to joyce: she got buck tooth hor? *laughs* how can they choose a model with buck tooth? xD hi sandyyyy! :D icant see your eyes. xD ohya, this stupid lizard. damn disgusting i tell you. sufang stepped on it & we can see its flesh. so done with it. gooooodbye people. :D |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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