Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 11:54 PM
the fact quiz so anyways, i've been tagged to this fact thingy. so yes, i'm gonna do it. since it wont take up too much of my time. :D FACT #1 i've serious problems of STM. its has been deteriorating since i dont know when. FACT #2 i get irritated easily. FACT #3 i kick/slap/pinch/bash people when i sleep. ask my victims! cherilyn & joyce hor. xD FACT #4 i dont like to board/get down the bus, it feels like everyone's staring at you. FACT #5 i'm mentally less than 15 & physically older than 15. cause i get backaches & everything whenever i sit too long. FACT #6 i used to be very fat. i mean very very. i'm not saying that i'm not now, but i used to be fatter. like 2 times. FACT #7 i'm very straightforward sometimes. & i regret being too straightforward at times. FACT #8 people always thought i'm the elder sister. cause i look bigger than my brother. :/ FACT #9 i think i'm super aunty. but note: NOT KIASU OKAY. its just that i'm quite particular at somethings. FACT #10 i cant take jokes. LOL, not really luh. i cant take it when people keeps joking about it. ONCE IS ENOUGH. thanks. i'm not gonna tag anyone. just do it if you feel like it, bored. but i bet nobody will do it. but who cares. omg, i'm like telling you guys my flaws. shiat, wonder what will happen. people might not wanna share bed with me anymoreeee. hahaha, okay luh. thats it. in fact, i have more flaws. 10 facts is just too little. HAHAHA. if you wanna know what are my flaws just ask me lah, k. i'm super willing to tell you all. :D cause nobody's perfect. k, bye.
Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 11:23 PM
woooolala. a little advertisement before i start off with my post. yes, from the link you should know what it is about, WONDERGIRLS SOHEE! so yeah, just entertain her luh, & if you're actually a wondergirls fan just go there often lor. she'll be updating! :D alright, back to my normal posting. yup, so went on on 27th November 2008. Jing's BIG DAY! nope, she isnt getting married. its just a day where she's one step nearer to wrinkles! so as usual, all of us were late. so we settled for beverly hills chihuahua. ![]() i rate it 9/10 stars. Great storyline, & most importantly i didnt think of other things other than watching the show. cause i always think of stuffs in the middle of a movie. sandy left after the movie while the rest of us went to shop around in heeren. then went to far east to grab a bite. which only me & cherilyn ate. then jing had to go. mel followed. oh wells, DONT FORGET YOUR BEAR HUG! xD then the 3 of us shopped aimlessly. freaking tired. i didnt buy anything though. i didnt see anything nice. :/ so well, after shopping there for i dont know how long. we went over to wisma. then home. :D went to collect books today. hah, the boy beside me had so many books! while i only have afew. xD alrightalright, i used to be like that too. but not anymoreeee. :D k, like whats there to be happy over. next year is the most important year of your 4 years in kcp. & look at me. damned, super pressurized now. :/ i hope school holidays never end. or it would stop at the first month of school! cause i dont want Os to come so soon. then we'll soon be transferred over to a bigger place. like when we're in primary school, its like fishes in a pond. being protected. then we keep growing & need to have bigger space, so now we're being transferred to a lake! then after the Os, we ould be in a river. when everything is over, which means work. we would be swimming in an ocean. we have to support ourselves in order to survive. so many people fighting for a better "place" so they would have more food. right, i'm gettting out of point. so anwyays, its just that i dont want to leave this small yet heartwarming lake! noooooo~ alright, freak. it feels like i'm some sec 4 now. waiting for my results to be out. but actually i'm only sec 3. teeheee. :D thats all folks. enough for now. i tried to be as selfish as you were, but i cant bring myself to do it. which makes me wonder, why am i putting into something which doesnt benefit me? Why am i always the one?
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 12:04 PM
stupid interview was supposed to post this on the 26th, but since it gonna be 12 soon, i'll wish jingggg here! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIJING DARLINGGGG! went for that stupid job interview today. which practically wasted 2 hours of my precious life. the job is mainly using people's pity for us to earn money. they asked us to sell a freaking pen which i think only cost about $1 & sell it for $15. asked us to fake about our background. -.- the worst thing is approach stupid lao ah peks. so we've decided not to work for them. cheater. but their salary very tempting luh, 250/ week. k, so after that 2 hours of training us to cheat. we FINALLY left. went over to amk to meet cherilyn's blogshop owner. then over to town for joyce's jap food which she claims its good. okay, its not bad though, somemore its only 3.90. then walked around. over to heeren. shopped around. they were super poor thing. cause they saw things they liked but they dont have enough moneh. awwwwww. hahaha. so anyways, there's super lots of joke today. cherilyn called chinatown, LITTLE CHINA. so joyce said:" INDIATOWN!" we laughed like mad woman luh. then we started observing joyce in the train. cherilyn:" eh,( to joyce) your face looks damn oily luh! *touch* eh, its not lehhh!" alicia:" really? but it looks oily leh. * touch* ehhhh really leh. BUT why your face will shine?" joyce:" lol, cause i polish my faceeee!" okay its something likedat, but its super funnny. i know you dont think its funny. but whatever. so anyways, P-E-E-K-T-U-R-E-S. ( its actually from below to top) joyce just have to be my hands were shaking like hell. i told ya. HAHAHA, joyceeee. 2nd attempt. cherilyn: take picture! alicia: orh, ehhhh but there's a random person behindddd. alicia: *pause awhile* ohhhh, its joyceee! i think i look stupid. 2nd attempt!(without ugly reflections) she looks pretty normal huh. alicia; omggg, i cant see your eyessss!( laughs like mad.)
@ 10:26 AM
FIFTEEN yes, even though i wished you here in the previous post i still think i should dedicate a short post for you. :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIJING! dearest lijing, even though we keep laughing at you for your small little cute eyes, you must know that we still love you. you're finallllly 15! gonna get your isee soon. ;D then you wont get left out. hahaha. xD alright, you know what? my mind suddenly went blank. so i forgot what i wanted to say. anyways, SHALL HUG YOU LATER TO SHOW HOW MY LOVE FOR YOU! hahahaha. xD your dearest piggg, Alicia.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 12:11 PM
day out went out yesterday. :D cherilyn was being super retarded. she called river island. hai de dao. -.- direct translation for whatever shop that we pass by. & i could only give her the -.- face. she did many retarded stuffs, but i cant remember them. i just know we kept laughing. lol, right no pictures again. i know you're sad, cause you cant see my cute face. ;D omgosh, i cant stand myself. lol so i'm still desperately looking for a job. yes, i'm looking for it now. but at the same time i'm also at online shops. lol, i thinking of earning monehhh so i can spend them. xD alright, bye.
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 1:11 AM
damn right, there's something wrong with my computer. i cant open more than 1 window. how cool, not. i'm feeling so freaking frustrated, because of every single thing thats happening. i'm feeling ultra super pissed off, cause everything doesnt seem to go my way. right, its really time to get a diary. i'll get a name for my diary once i get it. then it wont sound so outdated. rants: please read, DO NOT. *startes typing, suddenly back spaced everything.* why? cause i know you'll still read.
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11:11 PM
more peektures alright, more peeektures.
@ 1:07 AM
lack of sleep the cause of me yawning the whole day. yes, there's some stupid construction around my area. & i woke up cause of them. they were freaking drilling right outside my room. & i could no longer go back to lala land. 9am in the morning please. i need my sleep you know. -.- so woke up used the computer. till after lunch. realised they stopped so went to visit lala. :D so how weird are they? drilling in the morning & stop drilling in the afternoon. anyway, i think its time for me to sleep ealier these days as well. firstly, because i would always get called up by their drillings in the morning & i need at least 8 hours of sleep. secondly, pimples are popping out due to lack of sleep/ sleep too late. :/ thirdly & most importantly, cause i'm a pig mah. right, so bought a new school bag todayyyy. * smiles widely* thanks mommy. :D decided on backpack again cause i guess next year is gonna be horrible. my cousin introduced me to a show again, We Got Married. so many episodes, rawrrrrrr. shall watch it when i've lots of time. :) alright, go watch some videos & off to bed. :D
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 11:41 PM
success so yes, gonna update about yesterday. one fun & successful outing. :) thanks to everyone that turned up, helped to cook, told jokes, start the fire even though you were skill-less huh louis. lols, but well thanks! as long as you turned up & cooperated. met up with bird day girl for lunch first. then in a blink it was already 2.20. lucky everyone was late. rushed to buy the stuffs. then went to meet the rest. missed the first bus, we were like pointing & trying to ask if everybody's here. & their reaction was like -.- so the bus left. waited for the next one. we kinda got lost, so we cabbed there. even with taxi, the guys still lost their way. -.- haha, so we met up with those that were there. found junkang with dye-ed hair. :O super shocked. but he looked okay lah. then slowly everyone came. wanted to cycle but nobody was bothering us. cause they were all looking at the present kp bought for lijing. so joyce, sandy & me went cycling. enjoying the air & sceneries. cycled till we almost died found the food village which was superrrr far. then cycled back. we kept disturbing sandy cause we were infront. in the end,i was like last. cause my butt was superrr numb & i felt super uncomfortable. lol, went back they started the fire started bbq-ing. blahblahblah. celebrated cherilyn's bithday. SUPER TOUCHED RIGHT. you must be. hahaha. then soon everyone left. leaving joyce,sandy,cherilyn,jing,kp,timo,geraint & me. walked all the way to eat carrot cake. then kp, timo & jing left. so went over to the smelly water to sit. sudden;y joyce took out her phone & started playing those retarded voice clips of geraint. laughed like nobody's business. " smelt like a fat pig, stink like a bee." suddenly, dont know what happen the phone was banged off my hand. *pong* in went for a swim. her phone super power when we took it up it could still work until joyce took everything out. then we couldnt start the phone anymore. super afraid that it might explode. hahaha. then daddy fetched all of us home. :) PEEEEKTURES! lol, super big 2 peace came from this person <3> finally a front view of him. why they dont to take peektures ah? that skill-less person, joking lah. at least you started the fire but with the help of jing. xD me: " eh, why you close your eyes?" jing:" no?! i never!" me: *shows people around me* joyce:" ya lah, why you close your eyes?" i know you cant see anything. cause its not meant for you to see. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to cherilyn happy birthday to you~ ;DDD its supposed to be a hah, that barney thing was started by junkang! gracia:" eh, ( i cant remember what she said, but i know it was something to do with the bunny.) junjang: huh? what bunny? that purple thingy? *silence* me: *started laughing* not BARNEY, but BUNNY. super jokeeee. hahaha. but thanks ah, for fan-ing meee! :D some of the peektures are still not with me. when joyce post it on her blog. anyways,on monday i went all the way to bugis by myself to get some gifts. :) waited so long for it k? ;D didnt know where to go, cause i was alone. then went to get papers for the card. shopped around went back to the shop. not ready continue walking. finally it was done. :) joyce's:
@ 1:30 AM
dead beat um, yesterday was pretty fun. i have so much to say, but i guess my mind's too occupied that i cant remember anything. the only thing i can remember is that joyce phone felt that the weather was too hot or something & jump into the smelly pond. & now, look what happened? it died. right, we tried to save it but i dont know. just couldnt save it. alright, more detailed updates tmr! as well as peektures. :D i'm like super broke now. ka-ching ka-ching. ): rawrrrrrrrr, stop spending lah alicia! okay thats it. i cant go on anymore. anyways, GRACIA & MELISSA.Z ENJOY YOUR COMBODIA TRIP K? DONT FORGET TO MISS ME! :) alright, not like she can see it. dont think i'll be able to call/text them later. shall do it now. *smiles super widely* hope they wont get disturbed by the message. :/ bye.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 1:01 AM
finally fifteeen HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY, DARLING! :D yes, its her birthday. since i cant be the first to wish her. i'll be the first to post a happy birthday wish on my blog! :D *looks at time* you're finally 15! yay, lets all leave lijing out. hahahaha. alright, i shall dedicate this post to you. :D how sweet of me hor. here goes: I LOVE YOU LIKE HOW I LOVE PIGS. :D your darling pig, Alicia. damn meaningful, i bet you're touched. cause you should know how much i adore pigs. :] alright update after the BBQ tmr.
Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 10:14 PM
yet again bored? nah, i'm just obsessed over my name. :D okay, i bet you know i'm super bored. the BBQ thing is making me go madddd. so well, my brain hasnt been functioning well these days. i cant think properly. maybe its just me, not concentrating. hah, so yeah. the UK people are back. fine, i'm slow. i dont regret not going though. :] i also dont regret going to korea. *inserts super big smiley* but i cant host. :/ nevermind though, i'll just go out with them. if they're going out alone. i mean without the school. actually i can host, if its not during the new year days.
@ 4:16 PM
Boredom kills. dang, i freaking bored. changed blogskin, cause the previous got screwed up. gosh, whatever. i think i'm getting boring. update again later!
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 1:37 AM
closing down? not. :D dont worry peeps. i'm not gonna close down this space. cause it contains memories. you know, memories leh. they're like priceless. :D i'm still gonna continue blogging. maybe personal stuffs, are going into that personal book of mine. i dont know, havent thought about it. but 100% gurantee + chop stamp. this site will be updated. :D right, so went out today again. yes, bugis & town. :D only to realise how freaking small singapore is. so despite the rain, we went ahead with our plans. shopping. bought stuffs. then walked around. starbucks. :DDDDDDDD blahblahblah. gossiped, laughed, talked do our normal stuffs. home sweet home. alrights, i'm damn lazy to elaborate. ohya, cherilyn called me a sua gu. because i didnt know that Novena got Cotton On. not my fault, k? ): & i realised when we go out without joyce, there will be no peektures! i want peeeekturessss. ): i wanna fly to taiwan. rawrrrrrrrrrr. :/ cant wait for the BBQ! sandy you better turn up uh, cause i want kitkats! xD okay, kidding about the kitkat part. sandy chua si hui, you better turn up. :DDDD
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 1:17 AM
neglected i dont know why, isit just me or what. am i thinking too much? or am i just afraid? i hope it wont happen. i hope it never happens. i'll try to prevent it from happening. short post before i go to bed. i have so much on my mind, but i dont wanna say anything about it. i'll just make my own decisions, & carry on with life. :D this online journal thing is getting useless. i think to myself "should i type it here?" & my decision will be no. i dont know, i just dont want people to comment on it or ask me question about things. maybe a diary might be a good idea? alright, its time i pop the pill & go to lala land. *sneezes* bye.
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 2:38 PM
not-so-well arghhh, i dont feel well. i'm afraid my brother would pass his sickness to me. damn, i dont wanna end up like him. visiting the toilet thousand times a day merlion-ing almost all that he had consumed. yes, even his medicine. i bet that feels terrible. havent been doing anything productive this few days. shopping online, but all blogshops are selling the freaking same stuffs. trying to think if activities for the upcoming BBQ. i'm feeling pressurize cause sandy said: "it better be a good one." cause she didnt want to come, but i forced her to. & she's giving me pressure! rawrrrr. doing some holiday assignments, guess what? i've yet to even complete anyone of those. my homeworks are snowballing, cause i still have tution homeworks. i've yet to pack my books, its piling up like no one's business right now, i cant even stuff a small little thing it. yes, its time to pack. shall wait till i collect my books! just ordered my books. 2 subjects, 4 books. plus, some optional stuffs blahblahblah. the reason why i'm blogging is because i'm waiting for my DS to charge to at least half. so that i could walk around with it, i dont like to stay at a particular place to play it. alright, cherilyn's online. so while waiting, i shall talk to her. bye peeps!
Sunday, November 09, 2008 @ 8:12 PM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, SHERMAINE & KRISTY! :D arghhhh, i forgot to wish them here yesterday. boohoo, update alittle more later!
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @ 9:47 PM
so yesterday met up with cherilyn,joyce & geraint. trained towards jurong east side for a change. sun plaza was super boring. spend like less than half an hour there. over to woodlands, causeway point. had lunched, & we laughed till we all almost died. xD walked around. joyce wanted to buy her archie comics. lol, must lend me ah. :D then walked & walked & walked, before heading towards our next destination. without joyce & geraint though. joyce went to do her WG stuff -.- while geraint wanted to go home. so me & cherilyn went over to chua chu kang. shopped around for an hour plus. then decided to go to the end. jurong east, imm. super cold, shopped. over to AMK hub afterwards. then bishan. alright, we've decided that marina bay side is soooo much better. hahaha, okay. everybody's sick. so i'm the active one left. okay bye. :D
Friday, November 07, 2008 @ 12:05 AM
nooooooooo~ they're like freaking going out tmr! & i cant gooooooo! cause i still have tution homwork not done & its due on sunday. i'm not free on saturday either. 70% not going. rawrrrrrrrrr, homeworks i hate you! you keep me at home. damn you. ass, grrrrrrrrrrrrr. okay guess what? instead of ranting, i'll go do something productive. COMPLETE MY FREAKING HOMEWORK! EDITED/CONTINUED! omgomg, i'm able to go out with them later. (cause i'm posting this on friday. :D) *jumps around screaming & shouting like mad.* i thought i will not be able to go out with them luh. so i shall post before i leave house to meet some of my girls as well as geraint & i dont know already. this thing is so freaking last minute, but luckily they even bothered to ask me or something. so i'm not too sure who going. lijing cant gooo. :( rawrrrrrrrr, conversation with sandy was *speecheless*. okay fine, super retarded. i was so damn bloody bored so sandy suggested that we'll quarrel. so we quarreled! haha, over kitkats? okay thats like super retarded. then talked about private stuffs. blahblah, then she went off cause she got shooting todayyyy. :D alrights, i better go & bathe & prepare already. update again tonight/tmr! :D bye!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 @ 11:25 PM
i want to watch HSM3. damn it, although i never watch 1 & 2 which seems boring. but i've been hearing lots of good comments about HSM3. i'm soooo gonna watch it. :D i also wanna go shopping. *hints to the girls* okay whatever. so well, had a conversation with lijing yesterday. which made me laugh the whole night. but she isnt laughing. because i'm too imaginative? we were competing for the bhb queen award. which i got it, but she won the bhb empress award. *claps claps* but well, i still think that i'm a cute chubby(-.-) innocent loveable pig. dont deny, cause thats lying. & dont teachers teach that we have to be honest. i dont want you guys to have a super long nose just because you denied the fact that i'm a cute chubby(-.-) innocent loveable pig. hah! & the reason why i keep laughing is because we were somehow talking about one of post in her blog. about that dumb questions one. yeah, so i asked her " how's your guitar?' which is one of the MOST retarded & dumb question ever! like why in the hell are you asking me how's my guitar?! its not like i'm able to talk to it or something. that suddenly the image of lijing asking the guitar question just pop out of nowhere. damn retarded. well, yoou have to imagine it then you'll get what i mean. * cant stop laughing* okay, i want a job or something productive to do. & i realised i haven complete my CIP hours yet. k bye. ps: joyce is totally mad over WG. *sighs* she's telling me her day today. how they stalked WG. HAH!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 @ 12:46 PM
sandy's back! :D which means i can start disturbing her in the afternoon cause i'm really really bored. well, i need a freaking haircut soon. but, sigh. i'm like using the super laggy & slow computer because my brother announced that his olevel can be said as over. although he still has 1 more paper. why am i telling you all this shit? because if his olevels are over, it means that i wont be able to use the faster & better computer. cause thats his. something likedat. which is totally sickening, cause this computer really gets on my nervessssssssss. rawrrrrrrr. alright, i'm reallly really bored. & i dont know what to blog about. what can someone blog about if she's at home almost the whole day, 24 hours leh! someone, anyone get me out of this house can? umm, not this week. next week! okay crap, i just realised that the june holidays are like busier than this holidays. almost half of the june holidays i was out on courses, cca or school. whatever it is. for once, i hate the holidays. cousin: how many percent already? me umm, 25? hah! the percentage of my decomposition. she keep asking me to work, but the problem is i'm only 15!:/ i want to work. :/
Sunday, November 02, 2008 @ 8:23 PM
tution resumed again today. after that short 2 weeks break. didnt felt like having tution today. survived that 2hours 15 minutes of math tution. she started all the way from indices again. how i wish i was 16 then i will be able to go work instead of wasting my time at home rotting. imagine if we had shopping as a lol. *wonders how it'll be like* i realised we have never ending amount of homeworks. math itself is already the killer. still got so many others. ah well, go off first before i start ranting. *disappears*
@ 12:24 AM
SENTOSA & NIGHT SAFARI! :D HAPPY HALLOWEEN! why cant singapore celebrate halloween?life would be so much funner! okay anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY VITO! sorry couldnt join the rest to celebrate your birthday with you. :( so well yesterdays class outing, which doesnt really feel like a class outing turned out fine. met up with the people then we headed to vivo for giant. giant is so giant, we cant even find the freaking drinks section. lol, bought out drinks & went over to sentosa. \ changed,went over to the water. too bad i cant get into the water, so dissapointing!:( chalet chalet! alright, then played all sort of games. blahblahblah. some of us got distracted by something.okay, nevermind. the only joke is when shermaine hit roy's head. hahahaha. :X then we left sentosa at around 6? not really sure about the time though. headed to vivo for their superdog. which i didnt eat. roy & chinteck left first. cause roy didnt have enough money, and chinteck followed him? cabbed down to night safari. went in, super crowded, noisy & creepy as said by joyce. collected the money for entrance fee, only then geraint realised that he lost his wallet with his IC in it. somehow, me & cherilyn remembered their cab's license plate. we continued with the trail. felt like camp. i got scare by that stupid bush man. lol. then everything else was fine. ohhh! & those bats. they scared us, we screamed end up the bats got scared by us instead. xD then walked & walked & walked. joyce who was hearing her mp3, was only looking for the entrance! but only the front part got people come out to scare us. then we finally got out. sweaty & smelly. we then decided to look for the vampires,zombies,mummy & bush man again. without joyce. saw that bah kai girl in red again. thats the only thing that i'm afraid. she is like so damn freaking scary! lijing got scare by the same vampire AGAIN. LOL! then we went out after that. so its kinda dissapointing lah, expected more. not really worth of our 22 bucks. bused to amk. then trained back to bishan & walking home with joyce. :D so peeektures! stop counting, 12 cards in total. eh? i forgot when we took this. :X reminds me of the ball that hit his head. xD GROUP SHOTTT! ;D tsk, cut lijing's head. poor photography skills, kidding. xD cherilyn's supposed to be inside. *stares at timo* hahaha, the other one looked scarier. i think they're okay leh! lol, looks pretty retarded what. xD bye! ps: about the wallet, the taxi driver drove it to geraint's house. great service! :DDDD |
![]() profile I'm known as Alicia, the awesome. I think i rock the most. Give me presents on the 9th August every year. i've a lovely bunch of i hate people who hates me, & loves people who loves me. &, i know you all love me. :D music Chatters archives
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